+ sunrise

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I sighed as my car broke down.

There's no way I'll be getting there in time. I shouldn't have told Amy to get me a guy.

I did not realise that when I told her about the kind of guy I wanted, which was a badass gentleman, she grinned.

And yesterday is when she told me that she'd got me a date.

With one of the school's bad boys.

I mentally thanked my best friend, Amy who turned out to be knowing him, for putting his number in my cell.

I hesitated before dialling it.

I was already ten minutes late. He must be thinking that he got himself into a drowning pit.

I totally wasted his time.

I slid the icon and watched as it rang.

He picked up two rings later and I crossed my fingers hoping to not hear  'this was a mistake' instead of a hello.

"Hello?", said the voice from the other side. He sounded so good despite of it being on call.

Will this even be succesful? Will I actually be able to pull this off?

My thoughts were interrupted by another 'hello' being said.

"Hey.", I said politely.

"Y/n?", he spoke.

I smiled at how my name sounded after being said by him. His voice was sweet, yet it gave him the 'bad boy' personality.

"Y-yeah.",I managed to say.

"Where are you?", he asked in his melodious voice. "Um..my car broke down ten minutes away from the place.", I answered, mentally slapping myself.

I heard him chuckle. For some seconds, he did not say anything.

"Can you come halfway through?", he asked. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion even though he couldn't see me.


"Yeah, I'm coming towards you. Just walk half the way and you'll see me. I'm almost there.",he chuckled again.


I kept on walking ahead with my right hand holding the phone upto my ear and my left one pushing through the crowd before apologising .

"Is there free food or something?", I said. "I've never seen such a crowd here before."

I smiled as his laughter hit my ears.

"Okay, I'm almost there.", I spoke again. It was impossible to spot him in such a large crowd.

"What are you wearing?", I asked.

"A black v-neck.", he answered. I stopped in my tracks.

There he stood, with the phone still in his hands. Wearing a v-neck, my biggest turn on, with a pair of jeans and sneakers.

Johnny Orlando ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now