+ new girl. 10

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this is gonna be your year ;)

love you all,thankful for such supportive readers <3

P L E A S E   R E A D

for everyone who thinks that the police should've been informed of the reader's 'kidnap',here's a few things :

1. the reader,or anyone else for the matter,hasn't seen the face of the person who locked her in the car trunk.

2. no one caught the vehicle registration plate,they were too busy focusing on the reader who had just toppled out.

3. they cannot report Michael,he was on the field at the game where the rest of the school was.

4. this is a fictional story,some illogical stuff is allowed,isn't it? if we want the story to move on?



reader :)

Monday came in the trickle of a tear drop,my phone's alarm reminding me of another week that lay ahead,challenging my survival skills. Any other Monday,I would've been somewhere near elated,the reason being a dirty blonde with hypnotizing green eyes.

But today was just a sick reminder that I'd be seeing Johnny without an attempt to converse from either of us.

And it stung.

After he dropped me off on Saturday,I spent some time crying and fell asleep in the process. When I woke up it was nearly six in the evening,but the sting and hurt that I'd slept with was still present. So I did the only thing that could help me.

I texted my girls.

Sleepily,I opened the group chat that did not have the guys — who I hadn't seen over the weekend after Friday night.

My conversation with Lauren and Kenzie went like this :

me - sos :(

lauren - on my way,be there in 15!

kenzie - ^who do i need to kill?

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