+ guns

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Stefie and my dear readers, this imagine will slightly be off track and confusing, yall may even dislike it.

But I'd like to let you all know that this imagine has been used by me as a glimpse of something new I want to work on. And for that, I need suggestions and opinions.

The idea of writing a story, a proper book,based on Johnny being a gang leader and the reader being the main character has fantasised me.

By writing this, I've given you all a hint of what the book will be like.

If you guys think I should publish a book about the story mentioned above, comment yes, if no, comment no.

Thank you💕


Stefania's POV

"Are you outta your mind, man?",commented Nora, my friend.

I looked around at all my friends and giggled.

Caleb,one of my friends,wanted to go to a club this Friday. Why, you ask? Just for fun.

"We're seventeen, dumbass. We won't be allowed.", said Anna.

"Oh, Anna darling!", Caleb said as he leaned down so that he was equal in height with her since she was sitting on the couch.

"Who'll ask us, huh?", he said with a wink.

I just rolled my eyes.

"Everyone, you fool, everyone.", answered Grayson.

"That's if we don't have ids.", he replied while standing up straight with his hands in the pocket of his hoodie.

"Who's giving us one?", I questioned.

"Don't worry, Stefie.", he said. "Fake ids are a thing."

I huffed.

"Dude, how are we going to get one?", asked Matt. "What am I here for? My cousin makes those. He can make us some too. Like real fake ids.", he answered.

I giggled at the mention of 'real fake ids.'

Whatta dumbass.

"Aight shoehead, do it."

My gaze turned to look at Aiden. Why was he supporting Caleb's stupidity?

"Are you guys sure we won't get into trouble?", asked Nora. "We won't. And if we do, Caleb drugged us into this.", answered Matt.

Johnny Orlando ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now