+ new girl. 13

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thassa hot bayb


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This wasn't happening.

Michael couldn't be here,he just couldn't. This was supposed to be a night of fun with my best friends and a good time with the new people I'd met tonight. This boy had crashed every single plan that had always been going fine.

"What,wordless at my presence?",Michael smirked,his lip ring shining as he shamelessly stared at me from head to toe.

Bile rumbled in my stomach.

I narrowed my eyes,"Just wondering how jobless you can be to pop up everywhere I go,"

It was crazy how we were standing in the middle of the room where music was making everything else inaudible,the drunk bodies dancing so close to us, yet I could hear every word of his and mine.

He took a step closer with an amused grin,"You make it impossible not to,"

The bile was now in my throat.

I took a disgusted step back as I almost crashed into someone,mumbling an unheard apology before looking back at the boy with serpent eyes.

"Fuck off,Michael. Bother someone else.",I said with gritted teeth.

The alchohol running in my veins wasn't enough to get me drunk but was just fine to give me a little bit of bravery and confidence. The fact that I raised my middle finger at Michael and wasted no time in turning around and walking away told me that.

There was too much noise,the pounding in my head was increasing and I needed to find a quiet corner.

I let out a sigh of relief when I exited the living room and leaned against the wall.

"So I was right. There is trouble in paradise."

My head snapped to my left where I saw Michael leaning his shoulders against the wall with his arms crossed,a dirty grin on his lips,his brow with a slit cocked up as he stood a few feet away from me in the hallway that was now deserted.

"Go away.",I warned.

He let out a sick laugh,"You know what confirmed it? The fact that you're at this party without that bastard who,a week ago,did everything in his power to make sure you were stuck to his side."

My chest tugged at Johnny's mention.

"He's not my pet to follow me around everywhere,",I spat.

Michael shook his head,"Pet? Maybe not. But let's admit it,he was more like your bodyguard,always making sure you were alright. Guess he didn't think you'd be wandering off all alone at a party that has a few Xaviers around,"

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