103 Bitter 'til the End

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Kolten: My God, *sigh* today... to... *clears throat*... today is a bad day gentlemen. Last night we lost a hero and a friend, Mr. Jason M. Garand passed away while pursuing an enemy of the state. THE FUCKER WHO KILLED HIM IS RICKY GARAND, THE FIRST MOTHERFUCKER TO PUT HIM IN THE GROUND GETS A GODDAMN FORTUNE FROM ME PERSONALLY. RICKY, IF YOU'RE HEARING THIS, WE WILL FIND YOU... AND WE WON'T HESITATE TO FUCKING KILL YOU. On top of all of that, somehow we fucking lost that Radian son-of-a-bitch. We will not stop until that bastard is dead, you have my word Jason... our city of Rocksville may have burnt, but we will rebuild... and we will get better. This song, In memory of Jason!
[Perfect Strangers by Deep Purple plays on every radio in Triosonic]

Triosonic -
On the Ocean outside Triosonic.
June 11th
06:45 AM

[3rd Person POV]

The yacht rocked against the waves, the sun shining and orange light amongst the dark skies. On the yacht, the remaining enemies of the Neutral Dimension... a last resort and hope of escape with their beloved leader Radian. With a blur of Submachine gun fire this would come to a close, Radian scrounged his office in fear... If only he had a gun. Radian sweat bullets as the door to his large cabin came open, a shadow of a man in trenchcoat coat and fadora blocked out the light. Radian turned on a light to reveal RHB's face, Radian was both calmed and ashamed at what he caused. His city was rubble and his streets still ablaze. RHB stood there with a Thompson in hand, Its barrel red hot as smoke continued to exit the barrel. RHB put his gun on a couch and set down, he motioned for Radian to do the same.

Radian: I have some fireball cinnamon whiskey.
RHB: sounds perfect.

Radian grabbed the bottle and brought a couple of shot glasses, he set it on the table between them and poured the whiskey into the shot glasses. RHB sniffed the alcahol and down it in a single gulp, almost im a simultaneous fashion. He poured another shot for himself as Radian drank his.

Radian: How did you know I didn't poison it.
RHB: I not only know the taste of this particular drink, I also know how aged it is by taste... I have drank alot of Fireball in my day.
Radian: You seem...
RHB: angry, always am... hints why I know everything about this drink... you see, My life has been a big damn mess... since way before the situation with the Neutral Dimension.
Radian: hmm... were the rumors true?
RHB: which one?
Radian: was Bahlthalla my father?
RHB: yes, even though NM and I helped raise you... sadly, you were just as stubborn as your father. I never got why you became so infatuated with the 1980s.
Radian: I just remember these 80's movies soo well, it's odd.
RHB: ah, damn, that was during my 80's cult movie fad...
Radian: what was?
RHB: Just before we brainwashed you to forget us, amazing what imprints on a washed brain. You are handling this well.
Radian: we both have our sources of Intelligence.
RHB: you could have always just asked.
Radian: No... I think it's better this way.
RHB: you do realize what I have to do right.
Radian: yeah...
RHB: any questions?
Radian: how did it feel to be loved?
RHB: *chuckle* like your heart is going to melt, your brain is high, and your hands get clammy. I miss my wife...
Radian: Yeh, that's all the questions.
RHB: Right... Just know, I didn't want to do this.
Radian: I did all of it realizing that I would finally get your attention.
RHB: I know, and you did good...
Radian: Bye...
RHB: yeah.

RHB pointed the Thompson at Radian and spent every round on him, he then checked his pulse and put a piece of glass over his mouth and nose... Radian was dead as of then. RHB walked past the corpses of his dead foes before getting onto a small aluminum torpedo boat. RHB stopped before he got to the city and activated the C4 which caused the Yacht to explode and release a massive fire ball... by then the sky was blue, the air crisp and warm.

Neutral Dimension -
RHB's Office
Same Day
05:30 AM

[POV of Buddy]

The air was brisk, everything felt cold... all warmth was lost. They were preparing Jason's body, he would be buried at Ellis... his body was too busted up to have an open casket. Brax and Nako drove their '57 Chevy Hotrod infront of us, they seemes to be driving slower than usual... and the fact they were completely sober. Behind us was Mike and Mad Jack, they were in Mike's Plymouth, And in my '59 Edsel was Skull, Jay, and I.
[I don't want to set the World on Fire by the Ink Spots plays on Radio]
Brax and Nako's '57 Chevy pulled over infront of RHB's shop, I pulled behind them and parked. We all emerged from our cars, dressed in our casual wear, and walked inside the shop. Bad Bax was busy building an automotive empire between here and Triosonic, and Kolten was slowly taking most of the DJ positions there were in Trio. Inside the shop were stacks of weapons, crates, and lots of Antiquities. It was a maze to get through all of it, we looked into the Garage area to see Jason's 1964 Plymouth Barracuda and behind it a Red 1958 Plymouth Fury. We walked up the spiral starcase to the second floor where we saw RHB sitting in a lounge chair and smoking a cigar. A Thompson 1928 set on the bench close by, the trenchcoat lay over the back of the chair. RHB's tie had been loosened as he had also unbuttoned the top to buttons of his shirt, His tan jacket wrinkled against the back of the plush leather chair, his hat set tilted on his head.
[Moving the Stereo by the Cars plays at low volume on the phonograph]
RHB looked up at us, his face deeply saddened, his hand slightly trembling, streaks on his face where the tears had been... but no more.

RHB:*low tone* What do you guys want?
Brax: anwsers?
RHB: ...
Nako: what the FUCK are you hiding from us?

RHB got up took the record off the Graphaphone and smashed it against the floor, he then sat back down.

Me (Buddy): we all heard that shit before, we aren't afraid of nobody...
Mad Jack: not even a Regulator!
RHB: *chuckles* you have no idea... do you? I ain't the leader no more, this ain't my kingdom. I have lost everything, multiple times... I lost two sons in one day... not, by birth, but by how they were raised. I don't expect you to care about what I say.
Jay: We all lost something... to some degree. But Jason was the only one keeping us going.
Brax: Fuck that, why was Jason so hell bent on getting his brother!
RHB: the Prophecy, it was...
Nako: Bullshit... there is no such thing as fate!
Skull: fuck...
Mad Jack: what does this prophecy state?
RHB: More war, the last one for a great while. More pain and misery... death to a few. What you can do is this... Get off the drugs, Grow the fuck up, own up to things, and earn respect!
Me (Buddy): and how are we supposed to do that?
RHB: Help rebuild this city, fight off the enemies behind the scenes, keep tabs on Ricky, and be mindful.

There was more conversation, it lasted like a lecture. We were told some of the secrets about this place, our anger turned towards the enemies. A hard rain began to fall, it washed away the ashes and revealed the possibility of what could be... what is now rubble... could be the Jewel of Dimensional Travel. We all walked outside, RHB stopped infront of us in his Red Plymouth Fury, there he said what could be the most powerful words ever spoken.

RHB: Jason's life was like the speed of light, it was bright, heavy, and undaunted. But like the instant he was there... he was gone. He was a Quicklight.

[6 gun quota by seether in Background]

RHB drove away, we were left in the rain. In the distance the light shined out of the clouds, it exposed the true beauty of this place... its existence. We all went to the saloon and drank to Jason's memory... and to what epic people we would become.

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