102 coming to a close (I×5)

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Leben Ende Stadt, the out of place Medieval German town.
June 11th
06:56 AM

[POV of Jason]

Kolten: Alright boys, WE WON THIS DAMN WAR! Under the guidance of General Mad Jack the Big Bravo team has taken Radian's sector of the city and has restored order. As we speak Radian is being brought to the Regulators, that fucker ain't gonna have it good. Oh, and for the rest of you shitters... if you are the enemy, lay down your weapons and go home... YOU LOST FUCKER! And for the people of Triosonic... You have been Liberated. Now, some music.
[Already Gone by Godsmack plays on Tiadidamoma]

I rode my bike into the town, it looked abandoned... but only within the last ten years. It looked like a scene right out of the Second World War, German Tiger tanks and VW Kübelwagens lined the streets, bullet holes and minor rubble make up the exterior of the seemingly untouched buildings. I looked to the middle of the street to see a large fountain, around the fountain were large machines. A slew of bullets hit all around me and caused me to fall off of my Harley, The Bike was useless now as both the gastank and front tire had been penetrated. I pulled the HK G36 out of the front holster, I looked to my hip to see that in the place of the FN 5×7 was my old Colt 1911A1. My Tiadidamoma showed only one phrase on the screen... "you are now smelling the ashes"... I tapped the machine against my gun, but nothing changed. I then proceeded towards the blue bolts of electricity, they were coming from what was inside the fountain. I walked around the labyrinth of machines to see the Die Glocke (the Bell), plants around the machine were going through cycles... they froze, thawed, and ignited in rapid succession... something paranormal surrounds this machine. The chemically burned and frozen scientists lay around it... ashes fell from the sky as the sky turned a deep red, the contrast of blue lighting filled it. The putrid yet fragrant smell burnt my nose as my eyes started to water.

Ricky: Congratulations, you won...

Ricky came out from hiding behind Die Glocke, he was wearing gray pants, a red cardigan (with collar up), and pair of white Air Jordan 1's. He had an Platinum AK-47, what a douchey looking gun.

Me (Jason): Why, of all people, did you have to interrupt my life... again.
Ricky: to make you suffer.
Me (Jason): I have suffered soo much already, what could you possibly do to make me suffer anymore.
Ricky: by fucking with your head.

Some guy walked behind me with a gun.

Me (Jason): You're such a fucking coward, you couldn't have even mono-E-Monoed me...
Ricky: I know you're better... I ain't taking that chance. Besides, ol' Jessup is kind of pissed that your friends have Radian in custody and needs to blow off some steam.


Jessup's head blew its pulp all over the machines behind me.

Me (Jason): Now it's just you and me.

I dropped my G36 and walked towards Ricky, he pointed his gun at me, but realized he never chambered it. I grabbed the barrel of the rifle and smacked him with the buttstock. I then threw the gun over the machines, and watched the fear bleed into Ricky's eyes. I picked up Ricky by the collar, slammed him against the machine, And started throwing hard fast punches into his face. With blood running from his mouth and nose he laughed, I looked over to see he pushed a button of the console next to the Die Glocke. The ground shook and rumbled, the sky turned night as the world edges to the ground warped into a twisted piece of art. Buildings were at a 90 degree angles, a twirling ball of green light descended from the sky. My Tiadidamoma started to glitch uncontrollably, I felt electric pulses run through me... I unconsciously squeezed Ricky's neck harder causing him to choke. The ground started to open holes as a dimensional tear was being formed, Ricky and I were sucked into this portal to an unknown place and time.

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