89 Uncontrolled Chaos: [1] Build up (I)

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Neutral Dimension
Feb 28th
1000 AM
"The Saloon"

[POV of Mike]

I sat at the small round table, Clint put the coffee cup on my table.

Me (Mike): can I have some sugar?
Clint Eastwood: We ain't got any sugar...

I took a drink, the coffee tasted like burnt grease but I wasn't about to complain. I drank the coffee, even against good judgment, as I needed to keep some caffeine in my system to keep concious. The stepside 1949 Ford pickup stopped outside, out of the truck came Buddy and Kolten. Kolten looked like he just woke up from a long night of headbanging, his leather jacket, disheveled hair, and Judas Priest shirt were dead give aways. Buddy looked like a soldier that just came home from 'nam, his OD green uniform with beaten M65 Jacket and HBT cap to go with the Colt Python 357 mag sticking out of its' canvas holster. They set at the table and ordered coffee, Buddy took a cigar from his breast pocket and lit it as the cups landed on the table. Kolten took the flask from his pocket and poured the alcoholic drink into his coffee and stirred it with his finger.

Buddy: what is the mission?
Me (Mike): R didn't tell...
Kolten: ever notice the regs leave shit open ended, they only give information when it is convenient...
CI: if we only give you information when it was convenient... I wouldn't have traveled here from my comfy roost... but I'm here looking at the peachiest bunch of mismatches I have ever seen.
Buddy: If I wanted to fuck around I would have myself a beer in hand and be infront of the TV in time for the Indy 500... but I'm here to kick ass... soo, lets see the mission details.
CI: a true soldier, I like him... anyways, the mission details are simple. Check on a couple of people, set up some beacons on a couple of towers, and keep your weapons holstered. If it goes FUBAR, then just shoot the shit out of some stuff and destroy the towers... if it goes FUBAR, Get rid of these names... For Godsakes if the faces and names of our spies get to Radian, we will have lost this damn war. And for seconds, I want the tech guy to hack into Radian's systems. The spies should tell you how to get there... the Pass phrase is "Should Arnold Schwarzenegger have been Rambo?" It sounds like blasphemy because it is... get rollin'.
Kolten: thanks for the laundry list!
CI: You can thank me for keeping it so simple that a stupid person as yourself could do it...
Kolten: Hey Fucker!
Buddy: Kolten, we got a mission to do.
CI: oh, and before I forget... MD wants to see you at his place in Hammer Lock, the Russian part.
Kolten: will do fuck face...
Me (Mike): we better get there, lets take my car.

We got into my car and drove down the streets of Rocksville, the place cities are large but very different. "Замок молоток" or Hammer Lock was for Russians, Turks, and certain Asian communities. Hammer had a large concrete fence around it... it was like a simplified Berlin wall... except it served no purpose other than the communists of Hammer could feel safe from the other capitalist parts. They let you in easily enough, with the flash of a passport or license, for Godsakes though... do not stay past dark, the damn Gopnik Revolution goes on all night there... mostly people squatting and drinking Vodka but they don't seem to like English speaking people that much. Now, on the other hand, MD was an excellent hacker in which I've had the pleasure of seeing several times. MD looks like your typical scrawny nerd except he wears running sneakers and a zip up hoodie, that and a PPSH-43 slung on his side... he speaks fluent Russian due to his online learning experiences and has the gusto of the American that he is. I pulled my Plymouth into an alley and stopped, we then emerged from the car.

Buddy: that car on the street over there has followed us the whole time we've been in Hammer Lock...
Kolten: I'm gonna kick his ass...
Me (Mike): for heaven's sake, those are just paranoid communists, they follow everybody who comes from Rocksville... it's like a tradition... and it's a Lada, the damn thing would break down before it could chase us anywhere...
Buddy: hmm, weird culture...

We went down the stairs and entered the basement, the room had a bunch of shitty looking furniture inside it. I walked around the piles of furniture until I found the blue dresser on the wall. I reached behind the dresser until I found a latch, alas, I pulled the latch and opened the door that was connected to the small dresser. We then crawled through the hole into a room filled with the blue light from dozens of monitors. There were control boards with wires leading to God knows where, a couple of expensive looking keyboards, an expensive gaming chair, AM/FM broadband collectors, signal jammers, line scramblers, A Washington to Moscow hotline machine, a red phone on the wall, movie and game posters, shelves full of gaming consoles with the games and controllers, and small figurines lining every small crevasse.

Kolten: I see why they call the guy the keeper of the screen, look at these digs...
Buddy: this guy could do any tech related thing from this room.
Me (Mike): yeah, and the guy made it seem like he was dooing all of this from a Gen 1 apple computer.
MD: Why are you guys here?
Me (Mike): sorry, didn't know you were here...
MD: I mean... I was taking a shit... and unbenounced to me... my silent alarm goes off. CI was right, I need a toilet Glock...
Buddy: Speaking of him, he said you had something that could help with out uh... mission.
Kolten: Please... tell me it is a fucking Rail Gun...
MD: No... I have one... but you can't have that... but, you can take these.

MD tossed me some keys on a small key ring, the fob on it had "HURST" on it. He then motioned for us to follow him. We followed him through his pad, there were rooms with people in them and others with half naked people on beds. The place kind of seemed like a gamers den, and smelled like it too. He then opened the door to a garage, the light shined on a DMC Delorean.

Kolten: Holy shit! Do we get to go back to the future?
MD: No... I gave you the Keys to the AMC Eagle over there. She has the thrusters you will need to travel there, she also has several upgrades including a supercharged 225 slant six engine. She is a touchy one, that accelerator sticks sometimes... when that happens pump the brake twice... I don't know what it does but it fixes the problem. Look, I know the thing looks like s bomb... but try to bring it back in one piece... R, C, and I have spent alot of drunk hours on that bomb.
Buddy: we will take good care of the car.
MD: Oh, and there is a bag full of pennies in there... you may find them useful... I just throw them at things.

This jalopy of a car and crazy crew were gonna be the death of me. I got behind the steering wheel and took a few breaths... this is not going to end well.

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