79 Pointe Du Hoc

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Longer combat chapter...
Warning: Violence and Gore!

Neutral Demension
Soldiers Field - Arcadia
February 3rd
1200 PM

[POV of Mad Jack]
[Fortunate Son by Creedence Clearwater Revival plays on radio in hangers]

We walked by the hangers, the smell of grease and hot metal filled the air. We then lined up and signed onto the Hyperion Network, from what Skull told me, these machines would allow a virtual copy of ourselves to be respawned. The original body never enters combat, these games are designed in an "Ultra-realistic" virtual reality... this allows us to fight our enemies and keep our numbers up for the real deal, which was quickly approaching. Hyperion tech could be found in the Neutral Dimension, but often came with a hefty price... but if you had the tech, you (upon death) could respawn! Without the possibility of reproduction... but we have the Tiadidamoma mini, this was an advancement upon that in the resurrection field. I grabbed my Martini Henry and jumped onto the reconstructed deck of the USS NEVADA. We then set our stations, soldiers both green and veteran did their preparations. I took the .455W cartridges out of my Webley MKVI, then pulled the bullets out of the cartridges and turned them backwards and shoved them back into the cartridge. Sergeant Sullivan got onto the top deck.

SGT. Sullivan: get ready for hell men! Kick those Nazis in the Ass!
LT. DOE: 3.... 2.... 1.....

A red hue flew over us, the ground shook below our feet as the mist from the sea struck our faces.

Dimension: DDA 083799383839 R
Normandy, France (coast line)
Outside UTAH landing sight.
JUNE 6th 1944
6:30 AM
Cool sea breeze, with dampness from heavy rains.

I looked forward to see my worst fear, Normandy rock walls... their view even from miles away sent shivers down my spine... I never thought I was going to fight on D-Day!
The Colonel ordered us to go towards the rope latter which would help us get down to the landing crafts. In line I saw a soldier, he looked over at Jason and smiled real wide.

Corporal: Lieutenant Barnes! I thought you died in Sicily, why dear friend why didn't you write me?
Jason: Sorry, corporal but I think you've made a mistake in Identity... What is your name?
Corporal: sorry soldier, my name James Higgin. Hope I see you after the war...
Jason: *jokingly* Just say where!
Corporal: at my dad's antique shop in Ellis De Stella.
Jason: OK!

Jason smiled then stopped smiling and in Confusion looked back at the corporal a couple of times before getting on the massive rope latter. I then crawled down the long rope latter and got onto the landing craft. The LCVP Higgin Landing craft was a war time Nightmare... the door opened and let bullets of the enemy come in, tried to crawl over the side and you got shot to shit, get onto the beach and get shot to shit. The soldiers stood in lines on the small craft, difference from actual D-Day is that these guys looked like Rambo wannabes and others looked like gritty veterans. The guys who looked experienced cut the cord on their field packs and tossed them into the Atlantic. I took some non-essential gear off and put it in the back corner of the craft. The craft approached the beach, the smell of salty sea air filled my nostrils as the sound of engines and seagulls filled the air.

Corporal Hart: OK, listen up men, we have a ten second window where the enemy on the hill doesn't know what to do! We are gonna throw a ram rod down their throats, snipers get to the rocks and give fire support, Light Machine gunners give that bank hell and don't let up. Rifleman, get the grapples on your rifle barrels and get ready at the rocks, Submachine gunners and shotgunners, get your shit to that wall... you are useless down here. Those are your orders, we will Rendezvous once we have cleared the battlefield of Nazi's... these Nazi's are Radian's forces... we beat them we win the first war game!

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