77 pro parare bellum

3 0 0

Neutral Dimension
February 1st
0900 AM

[POV of Jason]

Yesterday was Bart Hale's funeral, he was put in an above ground tomb. I barely knew the guy... but he saved my life, and for that I owe him. RHB gave me Bart's racing jacket, I wore it not only with pride... but because it had a badass apeal to it.
I drove down the roads of Rocksville, I was calming down when I noticed RHB's war preparations.
On the streets sit Jeeps, Tanks, and armoured vehicles. On the corners of the side walks were either armoured vehicles with dual 50cal "bug-eyes" or 20MM anti-air turrets. Soldiers marched joyfully down the streets as they hadn't had leave in a while.

[30 minutes later]
[Sundial by Wolfmother plays on 50s Rock-ola juke box]

NM and RHB talked, their discussions were muffled. I attempted to sneak out but was unsuccessful.

RHB: alas, Jason, the man of the hour... come over here me boy!
Me (Jason): yes sir...
RHB: Have you met NM?
NM: I do believe we have, you are damn good at E&E (escape and evade).
Me (Jason): about that...
NM: Oh, I'm not mad, infact, you have made me take extra security measures.
RHB: anyways, 'ol Sport, we have to make battle plans. Why don't you prepare.
NM: Jason, you and your regiment must sign in with Hyperion's New-U software...
[Lighting Crases by LIVE plays on rock-ola jukebox]
NM:... and on that note, I'll take my leave.

I pulled the locket from my pant pocket and opened it. Seeing Anna's face so happy had emptied me and left me with self hatred.

RHB: What's wrong soldier?
Me (Jason): ... this was her favorite song...
RHB:... oh... you loved her... didn't you?
Me (Jason): ....
RHB: I too know what this loss is like... come let us drink to the lost loved ones!

[POV of Mad Jack]
[Urgent by foreigner played on car radio]
Amélie and I lay on the blanket, the temperature was about 57° and the wind was calm. We talked about things and cuddled under a blanket, I then looked over the grassy nole to see something in the distance. It was a Willies MB Jeep, they then turned a circle by us. The soldier in his dress uniform got out, handed me a letter, and got into the Jeep and left. The letter was a draft notice...

[POV of Buddy]
[El Paso by Marty Robins plays in the saloon]
We had gotten praises from John and Clint, the others hoisted their beers and whiskeys into the air for a salute. We drank in celebration, one that would be short lived, a soldier in an WW2 Airborne uniform came to our table and pulled three letters from his satchel and layed them on the table. Skull had just gotten patched up, and Jay barely had time to celebrate his win in the race, but I guess service needs ya when it needs ya.

[POV of Nako]
[Voodoo by Godsmack plays on the boom box]
We had done a session of weed and hard liquor, we didn't feel like doing anything hard... infact, this was one of the few times we wanted to mellow down. I finished my glass of Cognac and walked towards the heavily used house bar. A man then walked into the door, we always left the door unlocked, the guy just layed three letters on the bar and left... I didn't even have time to offer the dude some drugs... but by the look of his garb he had other things going on. I picked up the letter and turned it over.... Fuck... it's a goddamn draft letter... they could have given kolten, Brax, and I some booze or something. But hey, we live for this kind of shit... It is time to pull out the candy and call in the strippers, because it party time!

[POV of RHB]
[Locomotive breath by Jethro Tull played on the cassette deck]
I set in my 1973 Dodge Dart, I drank from the 30 ounce Coors can. I thought about how I was pushing 'what will happen' forward... I knew the future events, other are still uncertain of it... but I have seen behind all the doors, there is no good ending. Elizabeth knows what happens behind the doors... yet she negates to give our story a second look... and I'm glad. Speaking of which, here she comes, maybe our dinner tonight will change my perspective and attitude.

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