Backstories 15 (I)

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<<WARNING:>> This chapter contains some troubling topics and distasteful mental scenery... viewer discretion is advised...

The Unwritten True Story of RHB, Recorded in RHB's personal Memoirs... NOT INTENDED FOR PUBLIC USE.


[POV of RHB]

I admit that there are decades that I didn't write about, it seemed unnecessary. But... to keep my own head on strait and my mind free of lies, Yes, like any other person gifted with an immeasurable amount of time, wealth, and freedom I did things. Yes, I did have intercourse with characters from movies and games and the occasional I didn't realize I was that drunk. Yes, I did blow out my kidney from alcahol and drug abuse. Yes, I did test cause and effect with Dimensions and saw raw destructive power. Yes, I did test EVERY type of weapon on just about every different thing... now I have simulations for that... thank God... BTW, do not use the BFG:FATMAN EDITION. Yes, I did live the life of the Party. Yes, I did fight in every war in every history book, even the fantasy ones... (Random Fact: GE Mini-gun solves 99.98% of issues given by any 99.999% of enemies). Yes, I did kill Hitler (it is not as fun as it seems). Yes, I did kill both Alien and Predator (Do Not Attempt this EVER AGAIN). Yes, I did... see what Mutually Assured Destruction looked like (Not Worth It). And the caviar kiddies, I learned every guitar Riff. That is when I was in my late twenties and way before I met my wife or had even finished the jewel of the Neutral Dimension, the Inter-Dimensional. With this data I had collected, I realized that... doing this alone was driving me nuts, and not doing things that made me truely happy were just substitutions for what had to be done. I armed myself with the M1-carbine that I had gotten on my birthday and beat my feet to the sound of glorious intentions. I killed Rapists, Necrophiliacs, and Slavers by the hoards and strung their bodies from the closest trees. I saved people from evil and served their evil doers lead. I knew then I was on some sort of track. I started what was the town of Division, it was filled with people that had seen bad things and wanted a second chance. Division became Rocksville, and Rocksville spread into other sectors... I filled these places with historically significant people to draw the attention away from the people I was saving... and it worked. I then, as the story is told by everyone, started Inter-dimensional travel and export, began the regulators, the rest... history... All it took was my Senile grandmother to tell me "Get them, before they get you" I know she was talking about some cowboy show whe had been watching... but the words... they stuck like glue.

Memoirs Of Elizabeth Comstock
[POV of Elizabeth (primary)]
[Close my Eyes Forever by Lita Ford/Ozzy Osborne plays on RHB'S car's radio]

I set in RHB's Car, he drove down the back roads. I was the first of the two Elizabeth's he saved on that night long ago, the only one to stay close to him. The others treat him as father, but distantly... he is the only friend I've had since Booker. RHB... is misunderstood so much of the time, his motives are only driven his thoughts. I got other Elizabeths to take over his "FREEDOM OPERATION" or recovering people in need of help. Now, ofcourse we can't help everyone... but we can help those in need of a special kind of help that only we can accommodate.
[You've Got Another Thing Coming by Judas Priest comes on the Radio]
RHB lit a Cigar and rolled his window down.

Elizabeth: can we talk for a moment.
RHB: Yes Ma'am

In a simultaneous motion he put his cigar in his mouth with his left hand before placing in on the steering wheel and turning the radio with his right hand, he then reversed these motions.

He then looked at me with a grin, and looked at me with those hazel eyes. I have never told him, but I loved him... but not like a father. I know it was wrong of me but I couldn't help it.

Me (Elizabeth): where are we going?
RHB: Nowhere, just cruising... did you have to be somewhere?
Me (Elizabeth): No, you just... seemed like you had something in mind.
RHB: Nah, I was just thinking of the horrific things I have seen...
Me (Elizabeth): Do you want to talk about it?
RHB: NO... it is better that I suffer in silence than exposed you to the horror of my travels.
Me (Elizabeth): Tell me... or I'll find out...
RHB: You see what you did there... You twist my gut until I tell you what you want.... So here it is, hope you brought a brown paper bag to vomit into. I was thinking of a girl that looked like you, her internals hanging out... her skull cracked open like an egg. Some... half dead freak commiting a gross act of Necrophilia while going cannibal on her exposed brain... her eyes rolling around her head from the nerve damage being caused. I blew the head off the creature with several shots from my side arm. I knelt next to the girl... sadly, she had not died completely. I got her in my arms, her blood running onto my sleeve and chest. I pulled her face into my chest, she garbled as she tried to speak. I took my side arm from its holster put it against her head and shot her... I set in a pool of blood holding some girl who suffered a fate worse than death... I gave her mercy... I wept over her body... and I brought her to this Dimension to bury her. That, Elizabeth, Is why I suffer in Silence... That is why I don't tell you what is on my mind. Are you happy now?
Me (Elizabeth): I... I'm sorry I asked, I... Shouldn't have asked...
RHB: Sorry to be so snappy at you, but don't test me... You will only find darkness where you want to find light. I have done things I am not proud of, that is why I make up for it every day. You are my salvation, the only person in my life that I have little regrets with. I just want you to stay safe...
Me (Elizabeth): I know, and I will always appreciate it... as will the others.

RHB looked out the window of his car as tears ran down his face... the stories he had bottled up killed him soo slowly. I feel that he cannot handle much more stress, there is only so much a person can handle. I was not sorry that I pried though, in a way... I feel that I helped him release a little.

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