Backstories 22 (2×I)

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100 years Ago
Neutral Dimension
Inter-dimensional files store
August 20th
0200 AM

[POV of CI]

I decided I would look into some files that hadn't showed up on my reports... a supposed extra section. The secrets I already had, they held my brain from processing things at times. My file, it is all bullshit, or should I say... exaggerated... fucking lingo stuff. Real story: I was the first person that R brought over here, that was about 820 years ago... and that is without the bullshit time reconfiguration that R pulled. That fuck would reset the clock to make himself feel better, but we both knew he was scared of the sands in the figurative hour glass.... We traveled all around that wasteland on the other side, we seen some scary shit and shot some weird people. It was the tech we were after... it was genious, huh... I was the first to test R's plan... it worked. I was frozen for all of 400 years in a cryo pod. Now getting frozen has a process, that of which we didn't know. I puked my guts up for days, the food in my stomach had gotten freezer burnt... almost killed me. I  had to take weeks worth of heat and cooling therapy to adapt my body back to taking on elements. I was on thirteen different pills to just keep me alive, and they all made my made me feel drowsy. After a year of therapy and another year of physically reconditioning my body, I was back at a super soldier level... and unlike that idiot RHB, I decided that I would not age after that... so I'm still sitting at 31.

[Sympathy for the devil by the Rolling Stones plays on the radio]

I sorted through the documents, I knew there had to be other people subjected to the cryo-freeze process. But what I found... was so much more. RHB had cryo-frozen...
And he had frozen a bunch of them, he could formulate an army. *chuckle* Of course he would call it "Operation New Order" now... noone but me and RHB would ever know about this. I lit the bottom corner of the file with a match, I watched as it ignited... I then threw the folder into the metal bin and watched it burn to ash.
Now, people are gonna hate me for destroying information, but... even as much as he made me mad... he's been my friend since Elementary School, and he knew I had his back. Here is a question to ask yourself: is there a person you are willing to lie, kill, steal, and die for? And if there is... would you not burn information that both incriminated and exposed him? That is the question you have to live with, that is the way I have to live... I ignite the flame, the flame that ends incrimination. I knew that there would be a day when people wondered why information was indeed limited... and I was ready for whatever I got. I was THE G-MAN, THE SHADOW, THE FEAR, THE GRIM-GODDAMN-REAPER... I was the one that the men in black could not keep a track on, the one that hid in plain sight... yet could never be seen. There is a chance I have all the information on YOU now, every moment that you hate to remember, every moment you've exposed yourself, everything you've ever cleared your browser history of, I KNOW YOU... I know everyone... is it Paranoia? No... It's making sure that any person who wants to burn me gets a taste of their own medicine. This may seem like a rant, but I can't take chances. Everything you've read, has been redacted... not for my benefit, but for yours. This seems... creepy that I am talking to you, the reader, directly... but it needs to be done. You are safe, you can read your ass off and no cloaked figure will come for ya... because I made it so... I let you know the story of significant people that have impacted my story.
So, what I'm saying is... you may get discouraged by what you don't know, but don't be. I am making it to where any government will cringe, but won't have a reason to kill you.
*lights cigarette*
So... enjoy the read.

[3rd Person]

Older agent: This guy, he knows what information we need.
Younger agent: and that is?
Older agent: how the fall of Ellis De Stella happened.
Younger Agent: it's fucking 2 in the morning!
Older Agent: look, we are almost done with the first section... and that CI guy left the first direct to reader iformation.
Youger Agent: NSA ain't gonna be happy about that!
Older Agent: for fucks sake, those saps think the Neutral Dimension is a myth. And this info proves it is real.
Younger Agent: I'm not so sure the Information is real myself.
Older Agent: Alright, tomorrow I will take you to Ellis De Stella.
Younger Agent: you're on!
Older Agent: then get the next tape playing so we can get home by 5.
Younger Agent: words after my own heart.
Older Agent: I'll fix another pot of coffee.

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