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Extra Long Chapter... Sorry...

Neutral Dimension
January 7th
0923 AM

[POV of Skull]

After freezing our asses off in the snow we went into the diner. Racers covered their cars in tarps and went to buildings to keep warm and drink hooched up coffee. I was tired of waiting for the damn race, it seemed to take forever for the Navigators to look over maps and decide the layout. My frustration was visible, but so was it on the greasers and gearheads too. I took notice in what the greasers did, they always had a way of doing bad shit, while looking cool, and getting away with it. I drank a High baller of Captian's Cannonball along with whiskey and Schnapps. Buddy was drinking some Hickory Crown Royal out of a high baller as well as some Monster Java. Jay was drinking hot tea with mead. Bart Hale walked over to our table with four bottles of Jägermeister and a pot of coffee with a cup hanging off his pinkie. He set the bottles and pot on the table and gave off his King like vibes.

Bart Hale: he-Hey Buddy, would ya be a dear and hand me a straw.
Buddy: oh heh yeah, here...
*Buddy hands Hale a straw*
Bart Hale: Thank ya very much!

Bart then twisted the cap off of his first Jägermeister and stuck the straw in, he then bent the straw and downed the first bottle, he the did the same to the next two bottles. By this time he knew everyone in the diner was focused on his display, he then without hesitation twisted the cap off the fourth and yelled "Hale to the King baby!" And downed the last bottle before slamming it on the table. A waitress then walked to the table.

Waitress: would you like something sir?
Bart: yeah, I'll take a peanut butter and banana cheeseburger and your phone number babe...
*waitress blushes*
Waitress: anything else?
Me (Skull): yeah 2 cheesburgers and fries.
Jay: A grilled cheese and fries...
Buddy: I'll have a Philly cheesesteak...
Waitress: coming right up dolls.

The waitress walked away while shaking her ass a little extra.

Jay: so Bart, why do you act like Elvis?
Bart Hale: because I'm the king Baby, and noone was a cool as the King!
Buddy: your real answer...?
Bart Hale: I was this poor kid from the Bronx, I beat the shit out of punks, and one day... I watched a film about Elvis. And on that day I took my dad's beat to shit leather jacket and boots and became cool, my style became me. I read on Elvis Impersonation and made it my own... I then changed my name from Bailor Hesten to Bart Hale. And Boom, I the coolest cat that ever lived... even by RHB's standards.

[POV of Mike]

Kolten and I walked into RHB's garage, the place smelled of oil and fuckin' sweat. The gal that started the races was wearing some checkered shirt and dress, the cigarette hued out her face and left only her blue eyes showing. She tried to seduce my ass but that shit doesn't work on me, I am a stone cold motherfucker when it comes to that shit. That... and I had a girl. Kolten on the other hand was practically drolling on his damn self. I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him into RHB's office.

RHB: Glad you're here, I've got your assignment in hand...
Me (Mike): how in the sam hell did you know that...
RHB: Clairvoyance comes with age dear Michael.
Me (Mike): Right, wh...
Kolten: chheee-wha...what's out ass-ass-assignment.
RHB: Is he OK?
Me (Mike): No, he is pickled up.
RHB: well, sober him up and get moving on this, the racers are getting restless. That and I want this shit to move a little faster.
Me (Mike): Yes Sir...

January 2nd
0345 AM

[White Rabbit by Jefferson Starship plays on car radio]
I drove 1964 BMW 3200 CS around Berlin to get a feel for it. The icy and snowey conditions would make this place a potential death trap in certain areas. I passed through checkpoint charlie and prayed that our Passports would work... which somehow they did. We then found a semi Abandoned radio building, I parked the car beside the building as Kolten busted the basement door open, we then hotwired our signal into the antenna. We were live goddamnit and we had the tunes that were going to fuel one hellacious race.

[POV of Mad Jack]

We spawned in Berlin, our cars seemed to fit the scene.
[Radioaktiv (Crumatics RMX) by Heldsmaschine plays on radio]
The cars revved as their exausts sent steam into the air. The scents of alcahol and racing fuel filled the air. The old German and Soviet cars lined the colorless street, people walked by without paying much attention to us. The girl got out of RHB's car and stood with flags in hand. The girl looked like the one RHB had brought to my studio on that day. Just then my nose started to bleed a little.
[Königin by Völkerball started playing on the radio]
The checkered flags went down and I slammed the accelerator. My car ran past the trucks and rat rods with ease, I had to use more aggressive tactics on the ricers and tuners. I started to notice the ice and how it was affecting my tires. We went into a hard turn, several cars had slid onto the next street and caused a pile up, I turned my wheel hard toward the turn and slammed the accelerator. The ice caused me to drift but the acceleration pushed me into my turn at a 45° angle. I then spun out a 1993 Civic which wrecked into a 1957 Buick. I then saw Hale push a lifted truck into a building which caused an explosion. The Red Ferrari then started slamming into me which caused me to slam into a 1980 Lamborghini Diablo which in turn wrecked into a 1960s Lada parked on the street. The side mirror of the Lamborghini lay in my passenger seat, I then rolled down my window and bashed her windshield with the mirror and sped away from her. I then flicked the boost and went into the middle of the street where there was a slick stream of Ice which caused me to make a slip stream. I passed the cars until the only one racing me was Jay and Jason. Jay's car was still pristine and Jason's car had some heavy dents to the side panels. We then saw a traffic cirlce teaming with cars, we all drifted as Jason slamed a car causing a collision. Skulls truck ramped off a car and smashed ontop of another car which only gave him traction.
[Du Hast by Ramstein played on the radio]
We drove through the streets until we saw the Berlin Wall, there was no way around it.

*radio is interrupted*
Voice on Radio: Here we come Boys!

A 1950s GMC Duce-and-a-Half rammed trough a building, it had some sort of ramming equipment on the front. The truck then Drove hard and fast at the wall without an ounce of hesitation. A man then ripped the tarp off of the top to reveal a turret with a 20mmn Flack cannon. The truck rammed the wall which jerked the front into the air, I followed close behind and felt a hard hit on the bottom of my car. The car wasn't running like it should have either, I must have broke something. The rest followed, the gaurd towers had a hard time firing at us as the flack cannon on the truck ripped them appart.
[Eigentlich by Megaherz starts on radio]
I was driving fast enough that the land mines were going off behind me. The truck then wrecked through Checkpoint Charlie and went hard through the wall. I followed, The truck then veered off course.

Radio: see ya next year boys!

[Music by flamenvorfor plays on radio]
I then slid down the streets past the colorful array of Easten Germany's buildings. The muscle cars started to catch onto my trail, the sports cars got ever closer. Ahead of me I could see the finsh line, I then slammed the accelerator down. My speeds reached 210 MPH, then steam barreled in from my engine. The engine fireballed and shot me past the finish line... I had won... but at the cost of an engine...  and Frame...  and tires...  but I won non the less!

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