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Neutral Dimension
Soldiers Field...
June 5th, I think
After lunch

[POV of Brax]

Nako and I have had a lot of Fuckin' fun since Jason came back... it seems like forever ago now. Nako and I had done drugs with some of history's most cool people, we've redefined combat (I mean you gotta be a badass in your favorite metal band T-Shirt while killing hoards of enemies who hate you and the people you care about), we've had our wardrobes fitted to our level of Badassery, we learned how to be the best musicians from the Music Gods themselves (Ronnie James Dio, Jimi Hendrix, Bon Scott, Lemmy Motorhead, etc.), we have drove in some sweet rides, we have no debt, we can do what we want when we want to do it, we always have a hot chick who wants to fuck our brains out, we got gourmet shit every night for dinner, and we do all of the above with friends and for a cause we can agree with. The Neutral Dimension, as much as it gets tiring, is the best thing that could happen to anybody... It's like getting the gold lottery ticket and riding your new chopper into the sunset... there ain't nothing more exhilarating and awesome than being truely free.

We put on our gear... I liked the tac vests and all that, but it messed with our style. Nako and I wore out favorite Band shirts, Black Sabbath for me and Five Finger Death Punch for Nako, and Worn Leather Jackets over the basic SOG gear... we dropped any unnecessary pouches, such as medical kits, and gave them to soldiers that would need them. Nako opened the 1960's looking tactical plastic case which revealed a Model D Tiadidamoma, he then opened up his small black back pack and started pulling stuff out of it.

Me (Brax): What the hell ya doing?
Nako: I've read up on these machines, their tech is similar to a Fallout Pip-boy... except they have the ability to move time and place. There is and adaptation, fine print that we don't know about.
Me (Brax): Enlighten me...
Nako: You see, inside every Dimension there are multipe layering Dimensions...
Me (Brax): Hope one of them don't involve color... or the need for both eyes.
Nako: look fucker, do you want me to tell you more... or are you gonna be a wise ass?
Me (Brax): *sigh* fine... go on.
Nako: these layers... we only know of four, Jason let the whole fourth dimension thing slip when he was drunk.
Me (Brax): that would be like going through the Matrix...
Nako: I want to see if there is a fifth...
Me (Brax): don't get us killed...
Nako: You don't have to...
Me (Brax): hey, if you die... you die... I just wanna see it happen.
Nako: well then, let's do this you prick.

He plugged his Tiadidamoma into a machine, he then got onto a small Ipad thing which had coding scrolling down it, he tapped on letters and numbers which seemed random. The machine surged, bolts of electricity slung from the Device. Ultra-violet rays emerged from the machine as the everything around us became fuzzy. An awful ring pierced our ears as my heart beat in unsual rhythms. Soldiers got up and pointed at us, but they didn't dare come close. Then, with the flash of White light... everything went black.

Area, place, time, date: ?
Dimension: 5th

I awoke on the cold stone ground, an unsual Tinley feeling surrounded me... a brisk yet soothing breeze was constant in the warm place, a feeling of calm Nirvana surrounded me. Nako was beside me, he was no longer wearing his SOG look, but a pair of Jeans and Black long sleeve shirt, I looked at myself to see I was wearing my old torn jeans, white T-shirt, and my old Leather Jacket... except... it was brand New, my cloathes, it was like I was in High School again. I looked over at Nako and seen that the Eye Patch was gone and he had reverted to 18 years old. I looked at my hands to see the stains from smoking were gone as I felt... truely Sober. I got up, it looked like Nako would be out for a while. The place was shaped like a dome, yet it was as bright as the sky itself. Inside this dome were Trees with leaves of red, orange, and yellow, The grass softly crunched under my old sneakers. Between the trees were book cases, the books were both old and New... like having an ancient Hebrew Bible next to a Modern Clive Cussler book... it was odd. Large old brick computers like the ones you'd find in an under funded Library set under other trees... I looked around to see a massive field of fall colored trees with all sorts of information collection on them. Pinned on other larger trees were paintings, both old and new... yet the paint was soo fresh that you could smear it by touching it. A large old greasy shelf had books about every car made, the books we packed tightly and weeved inbetween old car parts. It seemed that every tree had something under it, a theme, a riddle... it seemed as if this place was the beginnings of creation... human's creation. Nako soon awoke to this Mysterious place, he found it as odd as I had found it, and why we were young again also alluded our comprehension... it was pretty fuckin' eerie. We the seen a massive greek looking columns, inside these columns was a gate... it had some latin on it "Donum Dei coeli" is what is said. I reached into my pocket, a had a note pad and pencil from my High School days, I put them to use and wrote the phrase into the notebook. Nako and I felt sense of Apeirophobia, or feeling small in this place of Infinite power... beacause knowledge is power... and this place could help one achieve it.

Nako: We did it...
Me (Brax): what?
Nako: uhh, we are knocking on heavens door.
Me (Brax): what the fuc...
Nako: Not that language... not here. Typically I'd say go ahead, but here... this isn't our place.
Me (Brax): then that means... That's...
Nako: Heaven's gate...
Me (Brax): why isn't it opening?
Nako: it isn't our time, or... well, we definitely don't deserve to be here.
Me (Brax): Do you know a way out of here?
Nako: I don't know, but... I have the feeling that we have already overstayed our welcome here... do you hear that... take cover.

We both hid behind some shelves. A young man in some old timey garb walked by the sections as we did... he looked like he was from the twenties, he then walked up to a table we hadn't seen before. He put a book and some keys on the table, the gate then opened. Yellow light surrounded him, he breathed hard then looked back as if to say good bye. He then went into the gate, the gate then slowly closed behind him. Nako and I then exited our cover and looked at the contents on the table... it was some old catalog, and the keys were some sort of old Skeleton keys with EDS stamped into them. We then walked towards the edge of the dome, there we found a door... It had something written on the Upper Glass part... it was too blurry to tell though. We both looked at eachother, Nako then turned the door handle... and boom. We were in the hallway of what appeared to be a hotel. We looked at back at the door which said Inter-Dimensional Top Level Storage. We opened the door to see the massive open dome, except that it was really dark and was piled high with dusty forgotten relics... it seemed as if this place had a direct tie with the fifth Dimension.
We made it back to Arcadia about 2 hours later, we missed the first wave. We would be sent in after the first section was taken.

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