85 Prepping for OK corral

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Neutral Dimension
Soldiers Field - Arcadia
February 22nd
0944 AM

[Pov of Buddy]
[Electric Eye by Judas Priest plays on radio]

Skull, Jay, and I walked the streets of the field towards the special assignment division. We entered the building, it looked as if it were some sort of gift shop in a former day. The first room was open and gloomy, the windows were broken as the tattered curtains wave in and out of them. There were toys of tin soldiers and kids toys from a long time ago, the place boasted of a place called Columbia. We went in the employee section to see that a Heinkel He 177 bomber had wrecked in the walls and formed a passage. We entered through the busted rear turret, walked through, and exited through the front. We entered a large opened vault door to see a bunch of men with pressed white shirts and ties with papers in hand. There were maps, manila folders with code names, exposed water pipes against the concrete, shoulder holsters, tattoos on their arms, and heavy facial hair on each man. They seemed to ignore us as they drank their dark coffee and listened to their pumped up metal music in the background.

Skull: Dragula by Rob Zombie... Nice...

We walked through the labyrinth of desks and filing cabinets. We saw a guy that looked just like Jay, he had 2 lip rings along with a beard and long hair, the tattoos lined his arms as his ripped arms wouldn't fit into a long sleeve. His shirt was shiney white with red and black striped tie. He then looked up at us.

Jay look alike: What do you fuckers want?
Me (Buddy): heh - we were looking for the head guy...
Jay Look alike: what's wrong with me motherfucker... look butter cakes I don't have time to deal with BULLSHIT like this! So tell we what the fuck you're here for.
Jay: Look muscle milk, I kick your ass through the wall if you don't take us to the head Bitch incharge!
Jay look alike: heh... I like it... big fuckin' glass at the end.

We walked to the glass door amazed at what Jay had done. The door said "WG's Blood for Bills Inc., you say their name... and they're history!" We enered the office to see torture weapons and incendiary devices on the walls. A man stood in the middle of the room, His hair was formed into a sarge cut as his mutton stache shaped his head. He was wearing a Nazi looking leather trenchcoat, a deep red shirt, worn jeans, dusty western steel toed boots, and a CSA belt buckle. He pulled an Ithica 37 deerslayer from under his coat and aimed it at us, he then lowered it.

WG: well... you fuckers are late.
Me (Buddy): you wanted us?
WG: yeah, take that note on the table and get lost.

A couple of women walked out a side room with latex BDSM body suits, they were practically crawling on him.
[Crucified by Ghost plays in background]
It became apparent that the only lights were candles, pictures of ancient battles line the walls, ancient war weapons appeared on shelves. The man was a master of pain and death... his lusts for only... pain and agony. We left quickly before we could take in the full scene. Once topside we read the letter... us three along with Jason and Mad Jack were to take the OK Corral back from Radian's forces. Top bids on this mission were RHB and NM, they were paying us for carnage... Nako and Brax would have been better suited for the mission... but we were assigned no less.

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