11 New leaf

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I awoke from my drunken state to the sound of a loud rumble in the alley. My head quickly sobered up and I could think clearly, I looked down at the machine that started typing. It said "Wake up Mr. Garand, wake up and smell the ashes." I thought that this reference was odd... but for some reason suitable to what was going on out side. I opened the door and drew my gun, The head lights on the car in the alley went to bright. This blinded me for a second, then what came into view could only be described as terrifying. There was a 6' man with mask, the mask had neon stitched shut mouth and neon x marked eyes. the red neon shine was was consumed by darkness and haloed by bright headlights. He wore a black hoodie that was covered with a black swat style tac-vest, and in his his hand, slung low, was some sort of submachine gun. He glared at me with what seemed to be anger [I couldn't tell due to the mask].

Me (Jason): What the fuck do you want?
Figure: I want you to meet me at the Pig Pen tomarrow night... There we will discuss some... plans...
Me (Jason): O...k.... and....
Figure: Be there...

The figure pointed at me and got back into the vehicle and drove off, this all confused the shit outta me. The TiaDiDiMoMa blinked. "New objective: round up weapons and transport" Said the persistent machine, this was odd being as that was exactly what I was thinking... it was as if the TiaDiDiMoMa was reading my mind somehow. The radio turned on [Kashmir by Led Zepplin came on], with this machine I can alter things... maybe I can change them. This machine would however not do certain things or take me to certain times that would let me change.... never mind. It was time for me to go underground again. As I walked towards a more public enterence things were racing through my mind. I entered the 'Classic-Cars and Hotrods' dealership owned by Baxter 'Bad Bax' Dukem. I walked through the showroom which contained A 50's pink Cadillac, a redone General Lee ('69 Dodge Charger) and Smokey and the Bandit's Trans Am.

Bad Bax: Well I'll be God damned, Jason?
Me (Jason): hey Bax... Hows it goin'.

Baxter Dukem was built like Billy Bob (varsity blues), and wore A big cowboy hat and a leather jacket with his football number on it. He wore heavily adorned cowboy boots and Dark blue Jeans, and his Colt Piecemaker hung out from the front of his pants.

Bad Bax: Well this shit is sellin' like a Mexican crossin' the border, fast and without an ounce ah remorse. Hell I'm doin' so well that the brothel is minting coins just for me.
Me (Jason): sounds good...
Bad Bax: How in the hell ya doin'?
Me (Jason): Good, Just back from overseas... Annnnd been doing.... stuff...
Bad Bax: Sounds like you lookin' for somethin', what 'ould that be?
Me (Jason): Combat ready vehicle with capacity for storage and people.
Bad Bax: So your goin' down stairs?
Me (Jason): That's the plan...
Bad Bax: Ya remember Jack Redmun..?
Me (Jason): Ya mean Mad Jack?
Bad Bax: One in the same...
Me (Jason): Where is he?
Bad Bax: Follow me...

Baxter and I walked into the garage, he used the hydrolic lift to hoist the broken down '80s Yugo into the air. What lay under was a bunch of stairs that led to a 5" thick Steel door. Bax proceeded to open it and expose me to the Bizare towhich we made our way through towards the old underground motorpool area. Sparks flew from welds, registers rang, launguages were spoken, and sound of '70s rock came through the crummy speakers. We made our way towards a massive cave opening that spanned 100 feet tall and over 40 feet wide, The metal door below looked minuscule to the gaping hole above. We opened the gate to see a bunch of greasy mechanics with half lit cigarettes glare at us, they then seen Bad Bax and went back to what they were doing. As we walked by I could see a card game (with 6 bottles of whiskey and 6 shot glasses on the table) in between two '50s semi trucks, under a tarp a man with ARTIE on his back was working on Red '58 Plymouth Fury, and men were doing general work on old military stuff from foreign countries.

There at the end, with considerable distance from other stuff, all by itself was a group of 6 German Panzer and Tiger varient tanks and 4 US Sherman varient tanks holding up a small shack against the cave wall. There were sand bags and tables with tools on them around the area as well as a reloading bench for large caliber weapons. I looked up from this interesting scene to an even more interesting one, how in the hell.... The freaking Gustav Cannon's barrel is leaning against the Cave wall like it has always been there. We knocked on the shack door and were met with a militarily shaped man, he had a grease gun in his hands, and he cracked the door.

Mad Jack: Who is it?
Bad Bax: Your rapist...
Mad Jack: In that case come on in Bax...

We entered the cozy shack. There were guns leaning on old gun racks, several tank rounds, a table and four chairs, an old submarine style fold down bed connected to the cave wall, and the main thing... A trurret with its barrel pointed up, it was used as a stove and the barrel was a chimney, inside was pots and kettles over fire. This was going to be an interesting conersation.

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