39 The Testing

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Neutral Demension
[0900 AM]

[POV of Jason]

Mad Jack had brought Bad Bax into our midsts at the Inter-Demensional, a couple of days later Bad Bax had brought his wife. It seemed to be going fine and the two additionals adopted well, yet they didn't want to have anything to do with the whole travel thing. A week went by and Bad Bax had moved into a Mediocre sized house in Rocksville and bought a 1928 Chevrolet National AB, he used it as a cab and made his living during the day. Mad Jack bought a 1929 Ford Model A station wagon, and was making his living during the night as a cab driver. The two were making lots of money and were happy with what they were doing.

It was weeks after Mad Jack's incident that RHB approached us again, he apologized for what happened. I then asked him if there was any more tests available.

RHB: If you are willing, Yes, there are a lot of tests you guys could do.
Me (Jason): That's great, when can we start?
RHB: tomarrow my friend, tomarrow. And if you want help on you mansion I can help.
Me (Jason): I could use payments for repairs...
RHB: I'll pay you $5,000 in US for every test you take.
Me (Jason): then I better get crackin'.

RHB nodded at us and walked away at a sturdy pace. Our conversation at the shop gave me another perspective on what I should be doing and occupying myself with. The next day we did written tests over basic math, history, Geography, pop-culture, and other interesting book subjects. We did the written tests for a week, then we moved to some physical stuff. The next week we learned survival and how to blend in like you never existed. The week after that we learned tactical driving maneuvers and self aid. Then on the fourth week we tested weapons that we never saw, or could have imagined, existed. We took a break for Thanksgiving, we all went back to Ellis and had a feast at the Mansion, then the next day we were back in the Inter-Demensional and ready for more. Jason then taught us about gadgets, how to steal a car, how to talk to any person, how to speak nearly every language (partially), and the rules.

[POV of Mad Jack]

RHB's House
[0800 AM]
[Jingle Jangle Jingle by Gene Autry played on the radio of the Studebaker]

I walked towards RHB who was washing his 1925 Studebaker big six. RHB was wearing a white collared shirt, denim vest, tan slacks, worn oxfords, and a mid brimmed black fadora. His 5 shot Iver Johnson was pushed into his pant pocket.

Me (Mad Jack): How's it going?
RHB: Not half bad, and yourself?
Me (Mad Jack): good.
RHB: Good to hear that, listen, I have to tell ya somethin'.
Me (Mad Jack): shoot...
RHB: Do you love Amélie?
Me (Mad Jack): More than anything in the world, wh...
RHB: Look kid, I've been as nice to you as I have been to anybody in this neighborhood.... That being said, and this is going to be harsh and one sided, you cannot keep runnin' with Jason.
Me (Mad Jack): why sir?
RHB: you know how Jessie James was shot in the back by his best friend?
Me (Mad Jack): Jason would neve...
RHB: Look goddamn it... *throws towel into bucket* ...I know you better than you may think kid. I care about you, or I would just let you run off get killed.
Me (Mad Jack): how would he get me killed?
RHB: In my clairvoyance nature, I have seen you die in many ways, none are pleasant. But all have one common factor, Jason.
Me (Mad Jack): then what am I supposed to do?
RHB: I need a new TV show for the theatre, you can go out and test every weapon, car, and item in my museum and show the people of Rocksville how it works.
Me (Mad Jack): I'll keep that in mind.
RHB: Look, if you go on another mission with Jason, I fear you will get hurt.
Me (Mad Jack): Ok...

I knew there was something ailing RHB, but today the guy was strait up nuts. A week went by and Amélie wanted to have a place of our own, I looked in Rocksville and found just the place. When she seen the two story house with gothic and Art Deco tones she fell in love with it, we walked through the door with a crescent as a window and into the warm spaces. The house had a chimney and a boiler system, wood was refilled weekly during the winter. We had modern plumming and appliances (For the 20's) and had three bedrooms. The price for the house was $8000 dollars, I paid $6500 upfront and took a loan from the bank to pay off the rest. I finally had a place to call my own, and I could share it with my love and our dog. That night a sheet of snow covered the ground, Amélie and I cuddled up under the warm woolen blankets and slept calmly in our own bed. The week after we bought our house, Mike moved into our neighborhood. Bad Bax, Mike, and I were settling down... somewhat. Mike then got a Job as radio operator at the Inter-Demensional, he bought a 1926 Dodge Truck, he bought a vehicle with pride.

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