19 the Inter-Demensional (I)

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I was tired after a long day of combat and suggested we get hotel rooms and take a shower or bathe. We walked up the stairs on the right side, at the top of the stairs there was a lobby. The gas lamp gave a dim light over the Monticello yellow walls, and hard wood floors. The walls had old style panneling in the bottom and were a hickory like color, the front desk had ornamental brass infront of the clerk, and the front desk was made like an old bar. There was 2 comfy looking chairs with an elderly man with a top hat and 1800s looking suit with white bowtie, he also had a lit pipe and was reading a news paper, and beyond the old man was an old caged elevator. The clerk was writing in a ledger and was wearing a red vest and tie, and was also wearing an old Soviet Union hat visor hat.

Me (Jason): we need 7 rooms.
Soviet Clerk: Khorosho, ahh Amerikans... da, you will need seven rooms...
Me (Jason): yeah, you ok?
Soviet Clerk: Blyad, I served in Stalingrad and was shot 17 times... treklyatyy GERMANS....
Me (Jason): Yeah we aren't fans of the krouts either.
Soviet Clerk: khmm, I like you... stal'nyye yaytsa... balls of steel...
[Pours vodka in high baller and downs it] ahhhhh..... let me take you to rooms.
Me (Jason): Spasibo [thanks]
Soviet Clerks: pozhaluysta [you are welcome].

The Soviet Clerk stammered down the halls singing Katyusha by Alexandrow-Ensemble. He then stopped at a a door...

Soviet Clerk: chelovek v maske [man in mask] and man in capitalist uniform in here... the two p'yanitsy [drunks] in here... sumasshedshiye volosy [crazy hair] and guy in nice coat in there... and man with stal'nyye shariki [steel balls], you are in the suite.
Skull: that's only 4....
Soviet Clerk: zakroy kapitalisticheskuyu sobaku! [Shut it capitalist dog!]
Me (Jason): have this [I pulled a bottle of Absolut Vodka] and the spasibo.
Soviet Clerk: You... are... now... commerade.

The Soviet Clerk then stammered back down the hall.

Me (Jason): get cleaned up and dress in something nice... you have 2 hours and it will be 20:00. I opened the door and was suprised by how big this room was, it was decorated with vitorian furnishings and wooden carvings of nude women. The fire place was huge and gave off some serious heat, as there was little to no AC in this building, it also had a statue of.... Me. It depicted me in a tenchcoat with my hair flowing and a .44 Russian break action revolver in my hand. There was a full wet bar with alcahol that hasn't existed since pre-prohibition, a coat rack with jackets that I kinda liked, a tall humadore full of cigars, mid-red wallpapers, an open galley style kitchen with all the stuff in it, a shelf full of shoes and boots, a queen sized bed with highly adorned gaurd rails that consumed the bed, a 40" HD TV above the fire place, and above the TV was a painting of her....
I stumbled back and landed on the couch, and just stared into her entrancing blue eyes. Did I deserve you? Are you mad at me? Will you ever believe me if I tell you I'm sorry? I loved you, nothing will change that. I slowly got up and walked towards the painting, kissed my finger and put it to her lips. I then went into the bathroom that had a big Victorian metal tub, and a toilet with the flushing mechihnism on a chain. I took a bath and soaked... Maybe this isn't everything that has been cut out for me... maybe I could do something useful with this machine.


I dressed in a nice dinner jacket with black slacks, and a red and white striped tie. When I got into the hallway Mad Jack caught up to me, his hair was slicked back and he was wearing a blue blaser and slacks.

Mad Jack: So why are we supposed to be dressed so nice?
Me (Jason): It is better to overdress when you don't know your audience.

When we got to the table to meet up with everyone, all exept Brax and Nako wore suits. Brax wore a nicer leathet jacket and white collared shirt, and Nako wore a Paisley button up shirt with the sleves rolled up on his forearms. There were only 2 or 3 other tables and they dressed nicer so it was a good call, and the dining area looked like a scene from Downton Abbey... it was filled with wooden furnishings, dinner linins, small lamps for lighting, tall ceilings with the decorative metal tiles, wine glasses, etc. We all were seated and wondered where the waiter was, then out of nowhere a petite woman appeared.

Waitress: [french accent] How may I hhhelp you?
Skull: could we get some bread?
Waitress: [french accent] as you wish... any wine?
Me (Jason): Chateau Margaux 1787 (Jokingly).
Waitress: [french accent] as you wish...
Me (Jason): *caugh... caugh..* I was joking, that was knocked over by a waiter and broken, and it's a 500,000 dollar bottle of wine.
Waitress: [French Accent] Misour, here... everything exists... and it's on the house.
Me (Jason): ok [my heart was pounding].
Mad Jack: Steak med...
French Waitress: we already know how you like it... potatoes is what you were going to say after that... and I'll meet you in your room later.
French Waitress : your food will be out after a while, let me bring you your wine.
Mad Jack: I fuckin' love this place, and Skull my friend... your gonna have to bunk with Jason.
Skull: Lucky bastard.
RHB: How are you guys enjoying your stay?
Brax: this place is epic...
RHB: well I fuckin' hope so.
Jay: Do you get laid here often...
RHB: well that's out of the blue... and occasionally by travelers, you never know who's gonna pass through here. Never thought I'd give the Tracer anal... but I did. Anyways... I gotta go.

We talked amongst ourselves and enjoyed possibly the best dinner we ever had.

Nako: I would love to stay here everyday. But now that we have these, we can have alot more fun.
Mad Jack: How about the Great War!
Me (Jason): I'll do some research and at breakfeast we can do some final drafts of our plan and have a vote.
Mad Jack: sounds... fun!

[50 minutes later]

It was kinda hard to do research with the thumping on the walls and the "Oui oui oui!" And "plus fort, plus fort, oui oui oui!", and 'à la mode de 1940' by Raymond Legrand & Son Orchestre, coming from the other room. But World War 1 was easy for me to put together as it was one of the studies I kept learning about it... and has been a constant interest of mine.

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