84 Pompeii

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This chapter my involve drug or alcohol refrences, it may be vulgar too.

Dimension PMI 3682904652...
79 AD
0630 AM

[POV of Brax]

Nako was released from the Hospital, he has a big scar on the right side of his head. He has to wear an eye patch now, but it makes him seem more badass now... yet zen at the same time. He was ready to fight and leave ruins in his wake. We walked on the stone pavers in the street, water flowed down around them. Nako and I were wearing our typical Rocker leather jacket look. He was armed with an M14 SBR and I was armed with a AKM-U and sawed off shotgun. We were sober, and it was a different perspective of the world than we usually had. We saw a strips of small buildings, I saw one that had " Ἐλευσίνια Μυστήρια (Eleusinian Mysteries)" on it.

Nako: Hmm, I know that isn't Italian, I remember seeing that somewhere...
Me (Brax): You fuckin' know what that means...
Nako: Hell Yeah, lets go...
Mad Jack: where you guys going?
Nako: Over there...
Mad Jack: we're supposed to stay in formation...
Me (Brax): you know we aren't damned soldier boys, go on, we'll meet up with you.

We walked into the building, there was some trippy looking crap on the walls... almost culty. We then saw smoking sticks emerging from scented spice pots, clay drinking vessels and other clay shit. We saw this black liquid in a pouring pot, I smelled it and poured some into a cup. I then proceeded to taste it... it seemed familiar.

Me (Brax): Hey Nako, taste this shit!

Nako then walked over and poured some into a vessel and drank it.

Nako: wheeew, shit, that is heavily laced with opiets.
Me (Brax): Damn, That's what I thought... Drink up!
Nako: Eye-eye...
Me (Brax): heh heh, you're missing one...
Nako: hey, Fuck off man...

We drank the odd tasting shit, we started seeing weird things. Nako then pulled some coke from his boot and poured the baggy into the black liquid and stirred it with some ritual bone or some shit. We then finished the the drink and left the tent. We heard gunfire from up the way, we looked at eachother.

Both of us: LETS FUCK SHIT UP!!

We ran at the speed of light towards crazy gun fire, we jumped over the cover and blasted the enemies. The other guys didn't have time for cover as we advanced hard. We saw that they ran into the Coliseum, I saw a dead gladiator and picked up his dope looking sword. Nako picked up a mace and started nodding his head with intentions of destruction. He then looked over at me, I made a duck face and rocked my head hard so that my long hair flew around. We then ran at the Coliseum, we busted through the doors with our side arms and mele weapons. I blasted the head off of some motherfucker with my shotgun as I impaled another fool with my sword. Nako bashed a guy in the head with the mace and pulled his Desert Eagle and blasting the upcoming goons. I then pulled the sword from the bitches chest and sliced my way through the dog-faced mild drinkers on the stairs. Nako used his M14 to blast the assholes who tried to snipe our asses. We then drank wine from bottles as we killed more fools with a machine gun that was poorly mounted. We then took the Coliseum, and left the place in a bullet ridden heap. Mad Jack was in a fire fight with a building, we crawled next to him. Nako then tapped Mad Jack on the shoulder and handed him a LAW protable granade launcher, which Jackie used immediately. The building then exploded as its clay construction fell from the sky.

Mad Jack: Never do that again...
Nako: Hey man, what the hell is that.

We walked over to see the bodies of children everywhere...

Nako: OOF...
Mad Jack: I killed them, I killed them all...
Me (Brax): To be honest, they were being total dicks, they deserved it...
Nako: and I handed you the launcher...
Mad Jack: how the fuck is that supposed to make me feel better...
Nako: It isn't, but we were all part of this... so... LETS DO COCAINE!

And we did Cocaine...

[POV of NM]

This mission was a disaster, we destroyed Pompeii before Vesuvius had a chance... and I can attest that there was drug use and lots of unnecessary death... infact, the people in the Coliseum weren't enemies. But, under this circumstance... we are going to brush this under the mat. Even BK was ok with scraping this from the archives of the ADVENTURES OF BRAX AND NAKO, which is good.

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