64 last time across the bridge

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Neutral Dimension
hortus voluptatis - North America
0820 AM
The Cloathing factory

[POV of Jason]

[In a gadda da vida, long version, By Iron Butterfly plays in the back ground]

The kid led me to the Mysterious Man who had washed up and trimmed his beard.

Mysterious Man: I see you met Michael...
Me (Jason): I thought you didn't use names...
Mysterious Man: only amongst us unknowns, that guy on the other hand his the mortal version of St. Michael. This guy lost his halo and his tounge along with it.
Me (Jason): so this guy is a descendant or something?
Mysterious Man: yeah... this guy killed Kuhmotuk, the weird Egyptian worshiper guy that had a large following of the creatures.
Michael: with my sword... not man's weapons.
Mysterious Man: you can talk?
Michael: yeah...
Mysterious Man: you know how helpful that would have been?
Michael: you deserve a little suffering...
Mysterious Man: More than I already have...?
Michael: I'm not the judge...
Me (Jason): look it's nice to meet an angel and all... but I really want to go back.
Mysterious Man: oh... about that...
Michael: we are surrounded aren't we...
Mysterious Man: in shit creek without a paddle I'm afraid.
Me (Jason): surrounded you say... wonderful, that means we can fire from all sides!
Mysterious Man: I knew I was going to like this guy! Hey, what about the Rusky?
Me (Jason): *tosses dog tags* he's dead.
Mysterious Man: crazy bastard... lets get this show on the road!


[POV of thrid person]

Older agent: which goddamn source is giving you these shitty records.
Young Agent: I don't know, these records were in the archives, we don't even have an accurate account of any of the so-called regulators.
Old Agent: so here is what we got now: Jason is a soldier with a trashed background, he lost his wife, and there are holes in his story that we mysteriously cannot fill.
Young Agent: there were reports that every time he was in Ellis... he looked like hammered hell, yet had on stylish clothes that no one had seen him buy before... and at times he would be gone for weeks without ever buying food.
Old Agent: you cannot forget about the massive underground activities there. Or the fact that the entire town is in ruin... what the hell happened and why did the residents disappear for days and reappear in fuckin' Arkansas! None of this shit adds up...
Young Agent: maybe this Neutral Dimension is real...
Old Agent: anything too good to be true, has to be just that.
Young agent: shit, this recording section skips right over the fight...
Old Agent: convenient that all applicable information has disappeared...
Young Agent: what is odd is that you knew about a city that vanished about four decades ago, and how you magically knew this Jason character...
Old Agent: just roll the damn tape.

Neutral Dimension
hortus voluptatis - North America
0902 AM
Cloathing factory ruins

[POV of Jason]

I awoke in the smoldering rubble, rain had started to fall and left streams of black water that washed the ash away. Bodies lay all around the crater, I tried to think of what happened in the battle, but it was a bit hazy (lie). I walked towards the man hole but was met by the Mysterious Man, he too was a bit dumbfounded by what had happened.

Mysterious Man: I think we both underestimated that kid, well, lets go.

We chrunched along the busted clay and shell casings towards the manhole and walked through the sewers, the water in the sewer had turned red and was starting to rise, by the time we got to the other side the water was waist deep. We then went back to the Mysterious Man's house and drank coffee and whiskey. We tried to think about how many dead creatures (people) there were around the ruined factory and stopped counting after three hundred. I didn't sleep well that night, I tried to digest what all had happened. This morning I woke up and began sifting through the papers I took, I only found interesting information that I could do nothing with. The Mysterious Man and I left the other side, but when I stepped foot back on the soil of this side I noticed a change in the air. I looked back, the Mysterious Man was gone, I looked on the ground to see a satchel. The Mysterious Man had went back to his relm... as I would now stay in mine. As the metal beam got further away the sweater the air smelled, it was the smell of motor oil and apple pie that filled my senses. I realized now that one could have everything in the world... and have nothing, yet one can spend their entire life trying to find that... thing... only to realize it never existed. It is an illusion that pulls you forward and not just want to plant your worthless body in the ground, the... thing... that one can never truely obtain is absolute motivation. And those who have it, have done the impossible, they have earned motivation and its gifts. I now must earn this... thing.

[POV of third person]

Young agent: what does he mean by this banter?
Old Agent: he means that shit is about to get interesting...

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