75 Great Britain 2134 PT2

7 0 0

Longer one...
Warning- Insanity/Gore

Great Britian
Year 2134
0900 AM

[POV of Jay]
[Whiskey in the Jay by Metallica plays in background]

I caught up to Mad Jack, Radain was in his sights. Somehow Radian passed him... The Ferrari chick kept colliding into my car, her intent was my death. I then punched the boost and ripped her front bumper off as I past Mad Jack. We then got into a spider web like labyrinth of crossing track. I slammed through it, My rear tires left tread on the outer edge of the track. A Bugatti fell off the track and caused an explosion in the streets below.
[Numb/Encore (Bass Boosted) by JAY-Z, Linkin Park played on the radio]
We then passed the checkered line for lap 2 of 3. We then accelerated hard to go into the circle, I pulled the parking brake when I got to the top and descended into a nose dive. Mad Jack sped up and pulled me into a slip stream which doubled my speed allowing me to pass both him and Radian.

[POV of Mike]
[It's No Good (Boosted, Dubsteped) In Flames played on speakers]
I grabbed a SRM 1216 shotgun off of a dead Merc. I the proceeded forward, A man jumped from a corner and recieved two shells to the side of his chest which caused his lungs to pull the organs out through the gaping wound. I then popped a shot into his skull with my Desert Eagle, his brains oozed to the floor.  Buddy then grabbed an AKM with a sawed off shot gun attached to the bottom of the barrel. I continued pushing through the corridor.

[POV of Buddy]
[A little less conversation by Elvis, JXL played on speakers]
With the shotgun attachment I blew a hole in a tango and pushed the barrel of my AKM into the gaping hole and used the guy as a meat shield to kill 5 incoming enemies. I then grabbed a pen from the bar counter and shoved it into his ear canal before punching it into his brain. A granade landed beside me, so I thought fast, I dropped the corpse ontop of the Granade and jumped over the Bar.
[The Boys of Summer (boosted) by The Atris plays on speakers]
I then unleashed fire power towards a group of enemies who were seeking cover, I ended up killing 3 of them. The AKM was empty, I tossed it in anger. I squated behind the bar and saw a dead guy clutching a Remington 870 shotgun, I grabbed it and with a single jump leaped over the bar. I then power slid towards their cover, ascended and dolphin dived over their cover before blasting the final two enemies. We had cleared this floor, it was now time for us to Escape and Evade... only problem was that we didn't know who was the Enemy.

[POV of Jason]
[Careless Whisper by Seether plays on Radio]

I drove hard, the ferrari chick crashed into my Barracuda several times. A McLaren P1 crashed into my other side. I slammed my accelerator, the mere Horespower dragged the two cars. We then went into the tunnel where we rotated before exiting. The McLaren rolled over my top and fell of the side of the ascended track. I then raced forward, but the Ferrari chick was a tad faster. Her car pimped my rear quarter and spun me until I was stopped sideways on the track, I looked to my side to see the drop. The Ferrari chick then accelerated towards me with plans of pushing me into a roll off the drop. I then seen Bart Hales car collide with Ferrari, they went into a spin. Her car latched onto the back of his as her car went halfway off the Track.
[Sound of Silence by Disturbed came on the Radio]
He then started to accelerate, but all the acceleration was doing was keeping them from falling off.

Bart Hale: how ya doin' kid?
Me (Jason): Bart, get out of the car kid...
Bart Hale: I've had my victories baby, its your time to shine!
Me (Jason): don't die on my part!
Bart Hale: even kings have standards baby, see you guys on the other side... COME ON YOU RED HEADED HARLOT! YOU'RE COMIN' WITH ME BABY!

Bart then pushed the car into reverse, the car fell from the side and fell into the abyss.

[POV of Brax]
[Drag me Down (boosted) by Santa Cruz came on Spotify]
The elevator reached the bottom floor, we emerged and ran through the Lobby. The people all looked at us, we didn't stop to get shot at... we didn't have any idea who was bad or not. Nako then busted the window of some sedan, as soon as we entered we recieved heavy fire from a third story window.
[Cars by Fear Factory comes on the radio]
Buddy and I opened the rear hatch of the futuristic Sedan, we opened fire as we Nako drove us away from the mess. Mike busted the windshield and opened fire with the M24 he had picked up. I seen Buddy had picked up some spawning device with a label saying 'Hyperion', every time he dropped a magazine another one, with a burst of light, appeared in his hand. I noticed I was out of ammo for my HK-416, he then tossed me a mag... this made the fighting a hole hell of a lot easier. I focused back on the target to see 10 black SUVs turn onto our street from an opposing one.

[POV of Mad Jack]
[Land of Confusion (boosted) by Disturbed played on the Radio]
Jay and I blurred past Radian on the final drop. I looked in my mirror to see Jason and Radian rubbing fenders, they were crashing their cars together violently. Jay looked over at me and grinned before pushing his boost button. I then slammed my boost and shot forward, we then went through the curves before seeing the finish Line. We then raced hard, but we were neck-in-neck when we passed the line... the final cam showed that we passed the line at the same time.
[Take a look around by Limp Bizkit played on the Radio]
We emerged from our cars, the heat from the engines caused steam to barrel off of them, the rubber dripped off the tires as the cars settled. We looked over the edge to see fire balls and what looked like a small scale war. We looked behind us to Radian and Jason jump from their vehicles and violently try to kill eachother. Before we could get there RHB kicked Jason off of Radian.

Radain: Thanks my friend...
RHB: Fuck your gratitude, I only kicked him off of you so that I could kick your ass myself.
Radian: what?
RHB: You sent Mercenaries after my team, you set this race up in hopes of killing my racers, and you sent your broad to kill Bart Hale... I lost a hole lot of things today...
*RHB picks Radian up by collar*
... But your gonna loose alot more!
RHB: YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKER! YOU WOULD DIE BEFORE YOU COULD ASSEMBLE YOUR TROOPS! We are going to do the last race... then we use the war games as practice for our real war...
Radian: look I'm sorr...
RHB: No you're not... but you're about to be!

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