96 War in Triosonic PT.1

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Neutral Dimension
Soldiers Feild - Arcadia
June 5th
13:45 PM

[POV of Skull]
[Russian Winter by Krokus plays on radio in distance]

After Jason was thrown from the window in May, we have returned to Arcadia and trained hard. They had set up the Hyperion New-U stations in Arcadia and mandated that if a man used the machine that they would have to stay out of combat for a day before going back. Our new uniform set was bad ass, we got adapted Vietnam Era SOG uniforms... they consisted of, a tac vest with armour plate holders, medic pouches, three times as many magazine pouches, two canteens, a twenty pound ration pack, Green Reebok military boots, digital tiger stripe BDUs, leg knife sheathe, grappling hook, a Tiadidamoma model D (like a model C but militarized), and tiger camo Berets. Our weapons were rearmoured by the armourer and fitted with every conceivable attachment. Anyways, that is what you got as SOG team guys. Mad Jack was the only one who didn't want to be in SOG, the non-SOG guys were just given standard gear and prepped for battle.

[Paint it Black by the Rolling Stones plays on Huey] 

A Huey landed outside our tents, it was Mike... he was joining us, he was here to assist with the tech hacking we would beed. He had to travel with kolten, the only guy to wear all the gear except for the jacket which he had replaced with an Slayer T-shirt an military paint on his arms, they would set up a signal so that more reinforcements troops could assist in the assult.

Huey Pilot: You guys need to get ready for T-Day... we lift off in 10 minutes.

0900 AM
[Touch Too Much by AC/DC plays on Boeing CMM-362 Sikorsky helicopter]

Sikorsky pilot: this is Semper Malus, we have an incoming message from NM. Tell those hot headed Chinhook boys that they need to slow down. Here it is boys.
NM over radio: This is it men, our great crusade which has consumed our full attention for the last few months. Your task, as you know, will not be an easy one... Your enemy is shotily trained but battle hardened, they will not give an inch. The people of our great Dimension, one you call home, are rooting for you. May the blessing of Almighty God be with you in this great and noble undertaking.  You know the rest, fight hard... Beers are on me when you get home.

The clouds seperated to expose the gleeming city of steel, stone, and glass... a place that should have stayed peaceful. But we aren't here for a peace negotiation... quite simply we are here to kill, and kill I will. My blood stained mechanix reflected just how much pain I have inflicted on my enemies, but if God had any pity on these people... he wouldn't have put them withing shooting distance of me. I flipped my Spas-12 over and shoved the shells in two at a time.
I then checked my gear, everything was in order... I was ready.


Sikorsky Pilot: Semper Malus signing in, you Chinhook guys are way too far ahead of formation... we don't have the PBY's or Fighters ready yet!
Chinhook pilot: Shit... Incoming!

A large red laser zipped through the lead Chinhook, the laser was soo fast that it took about a half second before the helicopter exploded.

Semper Malus: Break formation, get these boys on the field and get home!
Other Chinhook Pilot: Yes Sir!

Our Sikorsky drifted sideways in the air and landed ontop of a flat building.

Semper Malus: get off you guys, we need to go!
Me (Skull): Yes sir!

I jumped from the helicopter and layed flat on the roof while the others off leaded. Once everyone off loaded we went through the building. The building looked like your typical office building... except for the fact the place was filled with smoke, the crazy bastards burnt all the papers in trashcans... because we are here for fuckin' corporate espionage. We got to the streets where the real fighting was going on, it would appear that we were on the top level of the corporate part of Triosonic... this linear mapping (multi-level) is bullshit. I got behind a Rip-off 1970s Lincoln and opened fire on the enemies on the street opposite. The street to street, door to door shit got tiresome. It seemed to take hours just to take this first Goddamn level, we then progressed to the second down... this is where the fun begins. As soon as I got off the stairs I received heavy fire, it would seem that R-forces set up peel-boxes (Machine Gun Nest type) and were on some sort of drugs. I crawled along the narrow railing that surrounded the entrence to the floor. I then rolled over the rail and got behind an AMC Gremlin, the MG fire was keeping the advance from taking place... this wouldn't last long on my watch. I opened the door to the Gremlin and put the car into neutral, as the car rolled I walked with it whilst shoving dragonsbreath and .000 Buck shells into the magazine tube of my shotgun. The car then rolled close to shrubs that would allow me to get close to the nests. I quickly leaped behind the shrubs as they noted the moving car and blasted it to shreds. I then crawled along the shrub line until I was under the nose of the nest, I then readied myself. I wrapped a towel around my left hand and pulled the machinegun out of the window, shoved the barrel of my shotgun into the window and blasted the inside peel-box until the screaming stopped. I then lopped a granade into the window and blew up the MG Nest. I tossed the shotgun on my back, via gun sling, picked up the Machine gun and layed down heavy fire on the other Peel-box. A soldier dressed like a WW2 German aimed a Panzershreck at the MG nest and blew it up with a single shot. The kid then saluted me and ran forward... odd, I guess everyone has a common cause here... getting help from an ex-Nazi... ok.... We then set down heavy fire on the third floor down, it was filled with randomly placed troops who were more scared of fighting us than dying, I swear a guy shit himself before I shot him. The fourth floor was giving us fits, the place had uneven grounds and awkwardly placed monuments that gave alot of cover. So far, we had lost a few men... I forgot we had the New-U stations set up at Arcadia, the bodies just disappeared before our eyes... that didn't go for the baddies though... they were very much dead. Just when I though we were at a stalemate a British Spitfire entered this level from the side opposing us and layed down fire on the enemy, this killed dozens of them and would force them to fall back due to their rapidly lost number. But, as most sayings go, no good deed goes unpunished. An enemy soldier got a pop-shot on the engine which killed it. The planed came at us with a dramatic looking fire. The plane crashed about thirty paces away from me, the others advanced... but I wasn't gonna let that crazy bastard die today. I ran to the plane, the fire was raging hot, the pilot was bashing on the window. I grabbed my Buzzaxe and spashed the top window and pulled him out. He had fourth degree burns on his legs with second and third degree burns on his lower abdominal.

British Pilot: I mate, thanks for savin' me... I need ya chech sometin' for me...
Me (Skull): what would that be buddy?
British Pilot: is everything all right down there...

I knew immediately what he was talking about, as a strictly man-to-man thing... when a severely wounded guy asks you to check if his penis is still intact... as part of the Bro Code, somewhere, you check for the guy. I ripped a hole in his croth and felt around...

Me (Skull): well, one testicle is a goner... but the other is good as it the other thing.
British Pilot: thanks me lad, ya go any morphine?
Me (Skull): I always carry extra.

I jabbed a morphine into his leg, by now the fire fight had stopped. I carried the British pilot out of the corporate area and down to where the other guys were. I layed the guy down on a stretcher, the medics then picked him up.

British Pilot: thanks mate...
Me (Skull): anytime.

The other groups that helped take the other sections ended up with us in the massive central courtyard that resided inbetween the... six of them. A General walked up to me, I got up and saluted.

General: that was some damn fine work out there soldier, damn fine... You'll have medals on your chest by the time you get home for this one... keep up the good work.

I wiped my bloody hand on my pants and shook his hand.

Me (Skull): doing my job, Sir...
General: hell kid, if this your job, I wonder what ya do for fun.

The General walked away... well, that was weird. Mad Jack looked at him then back at me, he looked star struck... and covered in blood. His WW2 Marine Raider uniform would need cleaned.

Mad Jack: Holy shit dude, you just got complimented by George S. Patton Junior!

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