10 The past (I)

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I walked in the past, like I had never been there. I saw some of the old shops that had to close down during the recessions, and vehicles that used to be owned by the cool kids... they just sit on the curbs now. I remebered that this was the night my dad was shot... in our house. I ran down the side walks, only getting glanced at by prostitutes, and was getting ever closer to the house. When I got there I was out of breath... I leaned on the beat to shit '63 Ford Galaxie, that was my dad's car, and started looking around for the perpetrator of the crime. I then hear a loud bang from what seemed to be a .44 russian... there are only a few guns with that round. I leaped up the stairs to see if I could find the killer only to be based in the face with a fist. I wiped the blood off my cheek and scrambled after him. The car horns blaired as I ran across the street after him, I was getting closer until he pushed over a garbage can causing me to fall. When I got up I seen nothing... I then looked around to find that there was nowhere this guy could have went. He disappeared!
I walked back towards the house to see the sight I remebered from the other side. I didn't cry then... and I won't cry now. The man that was being drug out of that house had beaten me everyday, yelled at me for nothing, and beat my sister into a vegetable state. That drunk bastard deserved what he got from whomever he got it from. I seen my 9 year old self standing by my self in the window with almost a half grin. my sister joined me, she was barely able to walk even then. My brother was in my mom's arms and was actually crying for him.
The day my dad died my entire life changed. My sister was sent to the city's mental institution for children, and I was sent to the City Orphanage. My Mom, a hopelss druggie, kept only one kid... My brother. This poor dumb kid was still impressionable at age 4. I on the other hand was going into a new world. On the first day I was beaten up, on the second day I beat the shit out of the bastards. I was then beaten by the nuns, on the third day I burnt down the nuns quarters... after ringing the fire alarm so they could get out first. They never found out who did that... good. But that next week I found the love of my life, the one I would ask to take my hand in marriage at age 19.... Lets not go any further.
I walked away from the crime scene wondering why my machine wouldn't allow me to go any further back. It was almost as if it didn't want me to see my father's murderer... maybe it didn't want me to shake his hand.
I went back to the alley and changed the date back to June 15th [undescript time], I went into the garage and set in the Barracuda's bucket seat. I was in a state of reflection. I turned on the radio [Panama by Van Halen came on] and put my forehead on the steering wheel.
When I came out of my little daze I was in the Pig Pen playing sloppy yet good version of Eruption by Van Halen. For some reason I was wearing my bell bottoms I hadn't worn since I was in High School.

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