93 Closing in (I)

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Part 1

Neutral Dimension
Inter-dimensional hotel
May 1st
0900 AM

[POV of Jason]

For the first week after "The Incident" I had, I lay in bed and watched TV. Re-runs of Mister Ed, the Twilight Zone, Hee-haw, Tom and Jerry, Hogan's Heroes, Gilligan's Island, Scooby Doo, and other such off the air stuff played on TV... The good people of the Neutral Dimension had no idea that some of these shows were shot in the 60s and 70s... but put it in black & white and it seems older. After the second week my ankle stopped hurting when I walked around, I probably just sprang it. I then hung out with the friends and chatted around with the local townspeople like I belonged. It was week three that kicked the shit out of me. On March 20th RHB picked me up in his '58 Fury, he was upset with me because I broke into his manor... he wasn't too mad though, I mean... I did find a security weakness. He confirmed that what the documents said were true, and that there would be a large fluctuation of people in the fast approaching future. On April 2nd Jack Redmun and Amélie announced that they were going to get married, it was expected to some... but a shocker to the others... Brax and Nako. In mid April Brax and Nako did another large mission. In late April Buddy had his missing hand problem fixed (they somehow got him a cybernetic hand, they used the skin from the severed hand to cover it... make it look normal), Buddy was pretty excited about that.
Ah hell, I gotta do something before the day is shot.

[1100 AM]

I drove into town to find something to do, I was bored and the NM military wasn't carrying out any missions. I went to my friends houses and found they were busy doing something or another, so... I went to RHB's shop. His shop didn't change a bit, he had all sorts of things he was working on.

RHB: did you come to rob me?
Me (Jason): har har, do you have something for me to do?
RHB: that... I do. There is some chatter going on, it has something to do with the attack. Radian himself has set something up... it is something big, and it refers to your name directly.
Me (Jason): interesting, should I... go find out what it is?
RHB: I would say yes, but our welcome to Triosonic has been strained by both the war and the attacks. *sigh* there is however a way to find some clues.
Me (Jason): well, it's a start...
RHB: right, Radian has a sort of Information collection Dimension... he uses it so that Triosonic can branch out a little... all of Radian's dirty little secrets lay there.
Me (Jason): I'm on it
RHB: oh, and you might want that Tiger camo BDU there... it has a tac vest, leg holster, and SOG knife to go with.
Me (Jason): thanks...
RHB: anytime, now get it done soldier.

I dressed in the uniform and got some black REEBOK military boots to go with, I then put on some face paint... grabbed my suppressed Ruger 57 and HK G36 (with mods) and took a large drink of whiskey. It was time to learn and kill.

Dimension: RIC 084 72829400
U.S.S.R. - somewhere
Roughly about 2200 PM

I landed in a wrecked tech center, this place looked horrible. There were broken rockets laying around and rusted out old vehicles. In the distance was a shining city with alot futuristic skyscrapers and flying cars... the typical Jetson like future shit. My eyes then focused back on the target, a small town built for scientists... yet it was abandoned. I got into the water and swam towards a small isle between labs. There was a crashed MI-24 Hind, I searched it and found a ripped black cloth inside. I took the ripped cloth and fashioned myself a head wrap with it... because why not go all Rambo on these guys. I then grabbed a Ruskie Mil-spec back pack and put it on, I was going to need some way to transport what I found. I twisted the suppressor on onto my G36 and flipped my magnifier onto my ACOG and swam towards the Island readied.

Part 2 - Silent Entry
23:00 PM
[Cities in the Dust by Siouxsie and the Banshees plays on broadcast]

I snuck past gaurds and used my SOG knife to take down the less fortunate ones. I got to a lower level door, this was time to put my lockpick gun to use, with a few clicks and a turn I was in. I then went from cover to cover as the inconvenient Lighting cast large shadows. The inside of the so-called "lab" was a complete shithole, water could easily run through the busted ceiling, half the walls were gone, ruble lay everywhere, broken glass lay along the edges (that was also very inconvenient for me... you know... crunchy glass when your trying to be stealthy), and the random gaurd placements. I then went down a set of stairs to find the basement level was where things got interesting. RHB was right, all of Radian's weapon manufacturing was here... it looked like something off an Alien movie. I didn't hesitate set the few C4 charges I had on ammunition caches and tooling areas. This seemed like a rather minuscule accomplishment, I then noted the large antiquated pillars holding this place up were in a state of decay... maybe I could help speed up the process. I found containers of what looked to be karoseen... it appears that Radian hadn't really set up a steady power source to this place. I searched through the pockets, on the tactical vest I was wearing, and found I had a stemex granade and an extra C4 charge pin. I ripped off a bit of C4 from a previously set charge and went to the pillar closest to the door. I squashed the C4 puddy around the stemex granade and pushed the pin into it. Then with haste, and noting there was no one down here, I poured trails of Karoseen all over the room. I then went for an exit... this however was interrupted. Helicopters closed in, and the gaurds surrounded the building... to bad these guys were amatuers. I saw this building had a antenna tower ontop of it... this was the first convenient thing of the night. I climbed the stairs and soon was on the roof. There was a sniper on the roof, his aloofness would be his demise. I snuck behind him and went for a kill, but the guy noticed me at the last moment. He went to point the gun at me, this however would not happen, with my left hand I pushed the gun barrel to his left. I stuck my knife into the trigger gaurd with the knife in my right hand, this action took the sniper's right index finger off, the gaurd then went to scream. I slugged him in the neck with my left hand and jab his temple with the knife in my right. I then picked up the dead Sniper's rifle and used it to zipline from the antenna's cables that connect to the ground below. Once I got to the bottom I quickly retrieved the detonator and detonated the C4, the building crushed the basement and crumbled all around the local area. I crawled trough the drainage ditch towards the water... by now the place was crawling with gaurds. I got to open water, this was my que to get the hell out of here. I set my Tiadidamoma to the Neutral Dimension and hit go.

Neutral Dimension
Comstock-DeWitt Manor
May 1st
17:00 PM

I appeared infront of the Manor... it was odd, as I didn't set the destination for here. And I was soaked and in no way presentable. I heard a woman yell at me, I turned to see an Elizabeth with a double-barreled shotgun aimed at me. I didn't hesitate to get my arms in the air.

Elizabeth: what are you doing here?
Me (Jason): My machine fucke... messed up. I did not mean to disturb you miss... I'll be on my way.
Elizabeth: You're soaked... why don't you get some fresh clothes?
Me (Jason): I think I'll manage... thanks though.
Elizabeth: alright...
Me (Jason): bye...?

I then walked away from the mansion, I looked down at my Tiadidamoma... it said "Your time is closing in Mr. Garand, you better get the pieces of your puzzle together... for there isn't much time left... For You!" On the screen. This machine was really starting to piss me off.

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