71 Rampant ROME Race

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Neutral Dimension
January 11th
10:20 AM
Race camp

[POV of Jason]
[Photograph by Def Leppard plays in the background]
I drank coffee in the diner, I had the sense of impending doom... like my days were running together and it was causing me to loose sleep. Bad Bax was working on peoples cars, mostly sports cars because people sucked at decision making when it came to cars and racing. I took note that my car no longer has a slight pull to the left, I also found that the radio only played music from the 60s through the 90s. The rest of the group joined me, I then acted as if everything was good, the only person who noticed I was faking it was Mad Jack. We all got ready for the race by starting with a hearty breakfast, we then checked our cars over and talked until RHB did his announcements.

[POV of Mike]
[Blackhole sun by Soundgarden plays in background]

Kolten and I went down the old roads that made up Rome. The street riots were rampant for an unknown cause, the era of old and era of new clashed with fiery Molotovs. We found a ransacked radio building and used it for our set up. I could hear the punks going on about something outside.

[POV of Jason]

My Plymouth had to sit this race out... at last minute I decided to use a Kawasaki KLR 650 Mil-Spec motorcycle with added radio. RHB then roared the ready sign as a blue hue went over us that was quickly followed by a violet wave. We were in 1990's ROME Italy, the streets were filled with Riots and I was ready for anything.
[Lithium by Nirvana played on the Radio]
Elizabeth walked into the streets with Flags in hand, she then lifted them into the air before letting them fall. I launched and lifted the front into the air, when I got to third gear I set it back down. The track was set in the winding and crowded section of ROME. I grabbed the Billy club off my handle and looked back to see more motorcycles. Some biker on a Kawasaki M2 smashed Mad Jacks hood with a pipe wrench, Mad Jack then intended to knock the biker off his bike but instead crushed the biker when he pushed the bike in between his car and a semi truck. Red mist flew all over the car as a helmet rolled over his roof panel. A punk then threw a molotov, I then grabbed it and threw it at a guy on a Vincent Black Lightning.
[Hero by the FOO Fighters played on the Radio]
We Rode through the streets that lay beside the walls of Vatican city, Via Leone IV street was rough with hostile rioters. We went around Della Vittoria's circle. A couple of bikes passed me, the man on the orange Metisse Mk3 jumped ontop of his seat then with both legs kicked the guy on the other motorcycle off of it. The other guy then got ran over as the motorcycle got crushed by a semi, the Metisse guy then jumped back onto his seat and sped away. I then accelerated past the Metisse guy, I decided leaving that guy behind me was the best Idea. I then, at 100 MPH, crossed the Ponte Del Risorgimento bridge over the river tiber. I was greeted on the other side by a large group of rioters, I then turned right wilst hitting a man billy club. I ran hard down the roads until I reached the Piazza del Popolo, I ran South west-ish and was getting knocked around by other bikers. A firey bus then hit a group of the bikers and a few other racers before bashing into the Patheon and exploding. This caused me to be rerouted and head South east-ish by the time I got further off road trucks were about to crush me as we went through the ruins of foro Romano, a few trucks hit pillars and exploded as others rammed eachother into the crowds which caused a lot of arterial spray and flying corpses.
[Nothing Else Matters by Metallica plays in background]
We then went through the flaming ruins of the Colosseum, rioters in the stands threw molotovs and rocks at the racers. We then exited the Colosseum and ran hard towards the finish line at St. Clemente Basilica.
I busted the string and crossed the line first, I then ran the bike onto the side walk and got off. Steam ran off the sides of the bike as the melted rubber ran off the tires. The other racers slammed their dash panels and stared me down in hatred.
[Are you gonna go my way by Lenny Kravitz played in the background]

RHB: I would like to announce the winner of the great Roman Race! Jason Marrow Garand!

The blue-ish violet burst went over us as we were placed back into the race. Mad Jack and Nako lifted me into the air as I pumped my fists into the air and yolked my glory!
[Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode played on the Bar's speakers]
We drank liqours, did light drugs, shot guns, got into fights, and drank more for the following five days in celebration of my victory!

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