17 Borderlands Pt:3 finalem

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June 19th 1200
20 Miles from Three Horns Divide

The vehicles were stopped and lined up on the side of the road. They were Runner types not Psycho Tacticals, and they were marked with the symbol of the Crimson Raiders.

Nako: Interesting, according to the map we aren't that far away from sanctuary, and those appear to me like friendly vehicles.
Skull: Look on that Ridge!

There were four figures ontop of a ridge overlooking the other side.

Me (Jason): Ok... dismount with arms ready.

We emerged from the vehicle slowly and took different cover positions, we all signaled back and forth for the go ahead.

Nako: Hello up there...

The figures turned around with weapons in hand.

military like voice: Who goes there?
Nako: Friends of the Raiders...
Woman's voice: From where?
Skull: Not here...
Tough guys voice: Do what?
Skinnier guys voice: He said not from here...
Tough guys voice: Oh...
Me (Jason): We are allies, can we reveal ourselves.
Military like voice: Yes...

We all emerged from cover. Mad Jack and I stayed behind the pack incase things went south, Brax and Nako were in lead.

Military looking guy: Who are you guys?
Nako: I am Nako, this here is Brax and the rest of these guys are led by the man in the tiger stripe camo Jacket.
(that would be me)
Military looking guy: I am Roland, the pretty lady here is Lilith...
Lilith: I love this guy so much...
Roland: The bigger guy here is Brick and the smaller guy is Mordecai.

Nako and Skull had a hard time grasping that are looking at living, breathing, real people.... and not just game characters.

Me (Jason): We are here for another 10 hours until we can leave.
Mad Jack: That should give us ample time for looting...
Me (Jason): there is nothing here of value to us... other than the fact we're in a freaking videogame.
Jay: Nako and Skull are busy chatting up the others. What do you need us to do.
Me (Jason): We have to speed this whole process up and get the raiders into sanctuary.


Lilith was much hotter in person, the body on her was soooo tight, and her eyes are nice too. [Bump]
Jason came up to me and bumped into me, and gave me a quick glare... almost as if he knew what I was thinking about.

Jason: So... did you just come from New Haven?
Roland: Yes, is the town salvageable?
Nako: Lets say it is a ruined graveyard.
Jason: There is a place of potential.
Lilith: where on pandora would that be?
Nako: [had caught on] There is and old Dahl City, but we need to clear out a few bloodshots.
Brick: Sounds fun...
Mordecai: How do we know your not tricking us?
Me (Skull): Why would we?
Lilith: he has a point...

[50 minutes later]

Jason split us into two groups... the Raiders, Brax, Nako, Mike, and him were in the first. Jay, Mad Jack, Buddy, and I were in group two. Group one was going to go in loud and quick, in group two, we were supposed to take out any exterior threats and overlooking gaurds.
I took the high ground and saw a Psycho and snuck up behind him, I then drew my S&W auto tac-knife and flicked it open. I grabbed the front of his face and shoved the knife into the back of his skull, then when taking him down I snapped his neck for insurance. I then got an amazing amount of joy, he had a BUZZ AXE (a deadly axe like object with blade). I then moved towards an entrance and saw 2 psychos, I then got behind some crates and saw Buddy coming towards me. When Buddy and I locked eyes I held up two fingers, then pointed towards the hostiles, and rubbed my index finger across my neck. Buddy nodded in agreement and we moved towards the psychos slowly, we then got into position. I grabbed the mouth of the psycho and turned him around, I swing the Buzz axe and took of his head, then blood splashed all over my mask. Buddy turned his target around and bashed a K-Bar into his eye, he then pushed the psycho to his knees, pulled the knife out and bashed it into the top of his skull. We seen Jay on the oposite side and got his attention, he then set himself in a sniper position. We saw Mad Jack then come out of a door with a stunned Psycho, then stab the psycho through the chest, disembowel him, and cut his neck open with a 1917 Welsh blade. Mad Jack saw the signal and Buddy and I joined him in the battle. The gunfire from the front gate was intense, so we got out weapons ready. We ran towards the gunfire until a Nomad stopped and opened fire on us. We returned fire, but his shield was just deflecting the bullets.

Buddy: Screw it, plan B.

Buddy pulled a magazine out of his rear pouch, it had green tipped bullets with a tungsten rod in the middle. He slammed it into his AUG A3 and blew holes in the Nomad's shield. Buddy then got up and walked towards the Nomad and firing from the hip. The Nomad then dropped his shield to reveal big enough holes in his chest, that you could see the sun shining through them.
We then, with the help of Jay's sniping, got to the rendezvous point. We then had to fight a few dozen more bloodshots, but after another 2 hours of fighting they went into full retreat.

[Marine Raiders theme - Call of Duty World at War, plays in the back ground]

After the fighting we all had whiskey and wine, and partied like we were devine warriors.

[Switch POV to JASON]

Roland: your men showed some talent out there, where did you guys learn to fight like that?
Me (Jason): When your raised tough, you'll do things 'til they get done, no-more... no-less.
Roland: We could use men like you...
Me (Jason): That is a no can do, But me might show up again.
Roland: Help is always appreciated.

We had more time to talk, Skull relentlessly hit on Lilith, Mad Jack started hitting on Moxxie when she arrived, Brax and Nako got drunk with Brick and Mordecai, Buddy and Jay shootin' the shit with Dr. Zed, and I talked to Roland.
This took up the renainder of our time, except Mad Jack had a hard time getting back to the M3 with his pants around his knees.
We drove into the sunset as heroes, atleast to this demension we did. But it was time to leave.
I set up the machine to take us back home. And with a burst of light we were no longer in the wastes of borderlands... but somewhere I couldn't explain quite yet.

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