46 Mansion Memoriam

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-- Spoilers for bioshock, specifically for burial at sea DLC.

Neutral Dimension
495 years ago
0623 AM

[POV of RHB]
[Joker and the thief plays on the radio]

I drove down the road, I had been broken for the last five years. In that time Rocksville and its connecting cities was close to completion, and lots of the people I wanted there were safely being transported by the other Regulators. I lost the things that made me want to stay alive, my family was helping me the best they could. I built the memorials of my wife and child ontop of a hill directly south of the cities. I was having a small Eiffel Tower built for Annabelle, she loved Paris. It was when I saw a tear in our dimension that I was reminded of Elizabeth Comstock and Annabelle DeWitt, they were almost exactly like my daughter... I then told myself I had to save them all. I walked into the tear with my revolver in hand.

Rapture, Atlantic Ocean.
[D# ARK 7000392692002485]

I walked through the underwater abyss, it was like an art-deco Atlantis. It had its charms but reaked of horrific people, they made my stomach churn and my heart go cold. I knew then that Elizabeth was here, and that she was Alive! I didn't know where she was, I searched far and wide, any splicer of Big Daddy that got in my way was toast. I then found a bordello of some sort, I walked in. A Big Daddy then slammed his drill on my stomach and caused me to fly across the room and hit a wall. I aimed my revolver and shot at the glowing lights shining off of his head. He then started his drill and charged me, I dodged him as he busted through a wall. I pulled the baseball granade out of my trenchcoat and with my pistol busted one of the windows of his helmet. I tossed the granade into his helmet and rolled off of him, four seconds later a concussive blast emerged from his helmet and sent blood out of the windows of his helmet. I got up and dusted myself off, I then saw the corset and blue dress. I touched it and knew that she had been here. My Tiadidamoma came unhinged and a map showed on my display, It then said for me to go to Fontaine's Department Store. I ran through Rapture, every enemy that stood in my way was gunned down, I didn't care how seriously I hurt them. I then walked ran until I saw Fontaine's place. I seen there were men gaurding a bar looking area, I killed them with my knife. I looked out the window to see this place had been airlifted from the ocean floor, it seemed someone intellegent had done it. I then seen a toy factory and walked in, there was a dead doctor with a drill bit partruding out of his back, I then walked through a hole in the wall. I seen a group of three men and a little girl standing in a circle. one of the men were talking in a demanding voice and lifted up a pipe wrench. I ran towards him and grabbed the pipe wrench. I kicked the back side of his knee and knocked him down, I then threw the pipewrench at the man holding the girl. I drew my gun and shot the other man and finished off the man holding the little girl. Two men then tried to tackle me from behind, I pushed the barrel of my revolver into my leather jacket and shot the one off of me. I then picked up the pipe wrench and bashed the other in the head 4 or 5 times. Then I seen Elizabeth on the ground with a blood running down her head, quickly I knelt beside her and started wiping the blood off of her head. She looked in a daze and I noticed someone tried to lobotomize her, the poor thing was worn out and on the verge of death. I told the little girl to run and get to the big daddy, I then handed her the doll head on the ground and sent her on her way.

Man on the ground: Boy-o... do you have any Idear of what you're doin'?
Me (RHB): Saving a girl in need...
Man on the ground: she ain't no woman...
Me (RHB): You're damn well right, And you deserve to die..
Man on the ground: she is my Ace in the hole... I need that damned letter...!
*I take the letter out of her hand*
Me (RHB): this is goddamn child's play... it's a damn Vigenère cipher. You murdered people for a goddamn cipher?
Man on ground: *gets up* what is the Ace in the hole?
Me (RHB): *Looks at paper for three minutes* It is... Would... you... Kindly...
Man: that is all I needed to hear...

The man then ran away with a limp. I shot the last round which graised his shoulder and then treated Elizabeth and picked her up. An intercom then came on.

Voice on intercom: You think you can barge into my city, destroy things, and leave in a flash of light?
Me (RHB): Mr. Ryan, a thing you should know is that I do plan on leaving. Another is that you will die down here... you must evacuate the good in this city.
Andrew Ryan: Never mind that, Give us the girl!
Me (RHB): A MAN CHOOSES! A SLAVE OBEYS! This utopia you built around yourself will be your watery grave.
Andrew Ryan: They know about him dont they?
Me (RHB): yeah... and they know the code too.
Andrew Ryan: save her then... and escape while you have a chance.

I ran through the facility with her in my arms, I ran to a open place and stopped. I layed her down and wrapped her in my coat, she then pointed at the rubble. There was another dead Elizabeth, I cut her down and carried the dead Elizabeth over to the Alive one. I knelt down and set the Tiadidamoma to the Neutral Dimension.

Neutral dimension

I got them into Duesenberg and raced towards the doctors office, I was going 95 mph through Rocksville and almost got into a collision a couple of times. When I got there I unloaded them into the hospital cots. For the dead Elizabeth, I injected her with the 'Life Elixir' and she jumped back to life. The doctors then treated them, and I had a new mission.

5 years later

I built the Comstock-DeWitt manor where it could overlook the small version of Paris I had set up, it was 20 miles away... but you could still see the Eiffel Tower, and the place was loaded with all types of Elizabeth and Anna type hobbie. Over time I started helping more Comstocks and DeWitt girls get here, the girls had seen alot and I gave them whatever they wanted or needed. The first Elizabeth I found had lost her powers but wanted to help. She told me about her nightmare and how she saw thay the ocean was full of dead Elizabeths, I the assured her that no matter the Dimension or the Elizabeth, that we would save them all. I said we would do this saving in percentiles so that it would be easier to keep up with.

5 years later

I gave the First Elizabeth a Tiadidamoma II, and let her do whatever she needed to help other girls. I set up a group of Mercenaries that had specific duties to transport the girls safely, I called them the 'caged songbirds'.

20 years later

I built onto the manor, it was huge now and was able to hold up to the tearing that was happening there. The Elizabeth's and Anna's were happy, and I gave them small jobs to keep the place going steady. By this time we had saved 40% of the Comstock-DeWitt girls.

50 years later

The girls are pretty resilient and I taught them defense and how to use weapons, they are pretty good with them too. But the girls are really light hearted and I would always do the dirty work and help them whenever help was needed. We had now saved 80% of the girls and were keeping up with the ongoing 20%. The night of this discovery we had a massive dinner, with me, and my 3,000 daughters.

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