97 War in Triosonic PT.2

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JUNE 6th (ND-Date)
21:45 PM (Trio-time)

[POV of Jay]
[Unholy by Kiss plays on AH-6i Boeing helicopter's radio]

Pilot: I don't know who this Kolten guy is, but he has some bad ass tracks playing! Speaking of which, since your second wave you will be assisting the attack on the radio station... sounds like some heavy shit has been going down in that part of the city!
Me (Jay): I will need a vantage point...
Pilot: yeah, those guys in that AH-1 Cobra are pissing me off...
Me (Jay): Who's flying that thing?
Pilot: I've been here a while... didn't know we even had one off those... I'll see what's up.
Other Pilots system: *really loud Anthrax music plays in the background*
Pilot: this is LRH1 who are you guys!
Other Pilot: hey fuckers, we've come to join the fight!
Me (Jay): That's Brax and Nako! I hope they have a pilot!
Pilot: Oh boy, have you guys got a pilot for that bird?
Nako: Fuck No, I read a flying manual just before we got into this thing...
Pilot: Do you know whay you're doing?
Brax: No fuckin' clue, we just did two lines of Coke and got in...
Me (Jay): they're gonna die...
Pilot: Good luck you guys... don't do too much in that thing... it's pretty fast for a first timer.
Nako: what does this do?
*Mini-guns on sides of AH-1 helicopter fires*
Pilot: Ok... I'll set you down here, from the maps you should have a solid vantage point from the building. And with that Barrett .50 you can do alot of damage.
Me (Jay): alright!

I got out of the helicopter and set up my position at the corner of the tall building. I put on my head set and listened in.

Pilot: Blue Jay is Nested, move in!
Mike: alright! Thanks LHR!

[POV of Mike]
22:01 PM

With the assistance of Mad Jack and Kolten we were gonna take the "techno" radio station and the tower with it. We set Jay up where he is so that he could pick off any snipers, heavy opposition, or any people who attempted to blow up the tower. We had to move quickly, the tower was said to have been rigged with explosives as soon as we hit the ground earlier today... I was an early part of the second wave and was already seeing some serious combat. First wave boys are holding back and setting up a temporary HQ. We crossed the large storm drain and navigated through the shanty towns around it, we used chloroform on anybody who was unlucky enough to be outside. We could not afford to be compromised this early. Once through the shanty town we walked through the bottom level of the two in this section. The pointman got infront of me, this guy had intense eyes and an old timey UDT (Early Navy SEALs AKA Underwater Demolitions Team) uniform. The guy pulled out this badass fixed blade knife and kept it in his left hand, and in his right was a silenced Smith & Wesson 39. He raised his hand and made a fist, the stop signal (this guy had an amazing grip on his knife with just his thumb). He then stuck the knife into the front of the gaurds neck, swung him into the brick wall and shot shot him in the head. The body slowly slid down the wall and fell. The guy then checked the corner, I got close. He motioned for us to go forward, he then moved around the corner. I readied my MP40 and took the corner, we walked while crouched until we were behind some crates. The UDT guy then pointed at the guy on the stairs who was facing us, there was another guy on the other side of the boxes faced away from us. He made the held up three fingers, I aimed at the guy on the stairs, the UDT guy the held up two fingers, then one. I sent two successions of bursts into the badguy as the UDT guy stabed the guard (that was infront of the boxes) and pulled him behind the boxes and shot him again in the head. He the checked around the corner and moved towards the stairs and shot that guy in the head. He then checked the top of the stairs and motioned for us to come his way. A man came around me and gaurded the corner as we went up the stairs. Kolten seemed stealthy enough... I mean... he hasn't started cussing or shooting people yet. We then got up the stairs and through the passages. The point guy killed more guards in his signature badass brutal yet stealthy manner. Soon we were in an alley. The point guys stopped and rose slowly.

Point Guy: Shores?
Marine Raider: Tripoli!
Point Guy: good, atleast you window lickers can remember that one. I'll join the rest of the pack now.
Me (Mike): who are you?
UDT Point Guy: call me Greenskin Richardson!
Me (Mike): Nice work!
UDT Point Guy: yeah, good work yourself.

I have never takin such a unmeant remark to heart until today.

Mad Jack: Let's get this raid over with... we need some rest over here.
Guy on my team: Marines don't take breaks, they're too busy eating crayons!
Polonsky: Who the Fuck said that!
Lt. Neil: calm down kid.
Mad Jack: Ok, can we cut the whole slander shit and get focused. I'm two days late for a honeymoon and would prefer to get this war over quickly.
Me (Mike): as much as I like to hear bickering amongst you hardcore bastards, he's right.
Kolten: ok fuckers, the fuckin' Adderall is waring off.
Me (Mike): alright, lets take that building... any stealth now wouldn't be worth it, the time we take to ve stealthy would give them more time to set charges and...

Kolten jammed an adrenaline syringe into his arm and then stuck another syringe with what was probably heroin into his other arm, He then slung the M16-A1 (with granade launcher) into a readied position and walked into the streets and opened fire.
Mad Jack: Fuck it, We'll do it live!
Me (Mike): beat me to it.

ACT II: Fire Fighting!
[Shoot to Kill by Wolf plays in background]

[POV of Mad Jack]

I slung my Grau .556 off my shoulder and ran to cover behind the the broken futuristic car. I opened fire on the heavy machine gun placement. Heavy troopers with riot shields approached us, our bullets bounced off of them. I slung my Grau to my hip, unsheathed my Welsh Blade, and charged them. The first I kicked his shield causing him to stumble, I then pushed his shield out of the way, and with a violent thrust... decapitated the foe. I grabbed his shield and slammed it against another soldier's sheild. He dropped his shield pushed my shield out of my hand, I took a knee and sliced deep into his abdomen, his organs fell onto my leg, only to slice his neck open with a second thrust. Another man pointed his shotgun in my face, his head exploded... thank God for Jay's sniping abilities. I then rolled to cover as a granade blew up next to me... I was daised. I looked at the MG position to see Kolten using a dead enemy as a meatshield while approaching the doors of the building, Mike using his MP40 to sweep an enemy position and take out a group of them, my fellow Raiders tossing Granades and shooting at the building. I got up to find my Grau's busted in half, I pulles the the Martini Henry off my back to find the scope was broken... I ripped it off with my bare hand. I then fixed my bayonet on my Martini Henry and charged the Door. I stabbed a punk chick on the sidewalk by the door with my bayonet to then kick her off of it, I then dome shot a man on the other side of the stairs. since the immediate area was clear, I slung my rifle to my side and drew my pair of Webley Revolvers and kicked open the doors. Some punks rushed me, they soon found out what Ann and Mary (my Webleys) could do. I broke the actions and reloaded them before the the other enemies could arm themselves. I then hastily shot the now armed enemies, no sense and shooting an enemy who can't shoot back. The other men the covered the second and third floor, The Marines and I were supposed to check the roof. We cleared the roof after finding some punks who either shit themselves and surrendered of jumped off the roof to a quick death. We had now cleared this section. And not without some injury... turns out some of the blood that covered me was mine.

Oh, it's night time... IT'LL STILL BE BETTER SHIT THAN WHAT USED TO BE ON HERE... i'll just keep it light right now.

[Carnival of Rust by Poets of the Fall plays on Radio]

Mike: Good job today!
Me (Mad Jack): thanks...
Sgt. Paggs: Hey kid, unless you like being adorned in gore... go get yourself cleaned up. You new uniform's here.
Me (Mad Jack): there aren't...
Mike: checked the floor plan, there is a shower in the studio's dressing rooms... go get cleaned up man...
Me (Mad Jack): Ok...

And so that is the story of how I took a shower while in a war campaign.

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