Backstories Part 1

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Jack 'Mad Jack' Redmun
[POV of Mad Jack]
[10 years ago]

I was born in outer suburbs next to the marshes here in Ellis. My parents were good to me, and so was life.... until that night.... I couldn't go back. The night I met Jason, I then and there had met someone who would change everything. That night... *sigh*... I killed someone. I was walking alone after a bad FUBAR of a situation with some of my friends, it was as if fate was on my shoulders. I was 17... but Marcus said with me being a history geek and all he would give me something, and that would be a U.S. made Liberator pistol. With only 2 or 3 rounds of .45 acp in the grip, and it being a hard to reload single shot, it was merely a get-me-by self protection item. But I saw this man getting beat up by a man in a suit, the guy getting beat us had a camo HBT cap and WW1 trench coat. I ran over to help him, drawing my pistol, and yelled at the suited man. The big bastard then charged at me, I took aim a 'bapop'. I walked over the man, noticing I had shot him in the left eye, and went to aide the guy laying on the ground. I then helped him out of there, and we had a talk later at the pier. Jason grabbed my liberator and tossed it into the ocean, then gave me his coat and hat, he said to keep everything in the coat. We stayed in contact since.... I will not forget that night.

Real name: unknown
[POV of Skull]

My childhood was filled with much dismay, my family life was fair, it was the streets that made me so... disheartened. People dying and getting beat up because of the gangs. They call me a vigilante, but really I am a necessary evil. I beat up gang members and busted them up to the point they wanted to leave the island... then I beat them up some more. What really killed gang violence was the day they targeted my brother, he did not deserve to get shot 20 times... for christ's sake he was only 12. With this I murdered the gang leader Spade... I did ask "bowels in or bowels out", he didn't anwser in time.
[13 years ago]
News reporter: drug lord and gang leader Jaks 'Spade' Jolt has been found hung from a light pole, and has been disemboweled.
Yeah, nothing says 'bye bye waste of space" like a good ol' fashion disembowelement.

[POV of Buddy]

I had killed about 12 people being a, live action, combat mechanic. I go into the field and fix the vehicles my brothers broke in the field. But I had a partner and was a 2nd lieutenant, this meant that we could maneuver with less paper work. I was working on a heavy truck when I hear a gunshot from 60 yards away, I yelled for my partner to join me but head nothing. I was crawling out from under the truck when I felt a warm liquid mixed with sand, it was blood... and brain arterial spray.... My partner was shot in the head and he wasn't wearing his helmet. I got out from under the truck and saw the assailant, he started running, and I chased him. I them drew my M9 and shot out his knees from behind. I could hear "kama 'ana allah hu shihadati [translation: as God is my witness]." I looked down at him and said "there is no God for the evil filth" and dumped the remaining 13 rounds into his back. The Army demoted me to PFC for that, and I didn't care. I met skull a year after that and helped him with the gang problem, and since then my kill count has risen.

Jay Pharoe
[POV of Jay]

I got lucky, my parents were loaded and everything was going fine, until I got to the college of militady cadets in Ellis (a type of Rotc/military academy). They told me I could not join the military because I could not follow orders propperly. So... I went and joined the French Foreign Legion, there I learned everything a military like person could learn and some. I started serving the FFL when I was 19 which was about 9 years ago, my first job was in Cairo. I saw a group of men robbing tombs, sounded fun, but that wasn't my job. At that point I had a FN SCAR 20S with and extended barrel, suppressor, and 40 power tracking point scope (about a $10,000 set up). I set up and saw Rajahah Mudajali, a terrorist with a 2000 person kill count. I took aim, I could see the Nile river behind him, and took the 700 yard shot. It wasn't clean and I hit him in the neck causing blood to come gurshing out of his neck on the left side and spray all over the table he was sitting at. I negated to notice an enemy sniper with a Scoped AK-101, he broke my scope mount and destroyed the gas piston on my gun. I then dropped my gun and rolled behind cover, and proceeded to make my escape.

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