8 B&E

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Tonight was the night, I had everything I would need. I went into my closet, the closet had mahogany panneling and an antique mirror, and found my old black trench coat. I put it on and only thought it fitting to grab my old fadora. I pulled the old .38 special revolver out of my coat pocket and opened the cylinder, the cartridges looked fine but old. The powder in the cartridge might be extra hot (with age powders can become more [hot] or less [duds] powerful) and hurt the gun though, so I took out the cartridges and replaced them. I walked down the steps in my robbery gear and out the back so that Mr. Higgin wouldn't see me. I then walked to my car and took the supplies out of the car, then proceeded towards the Blacked out '41 Packard super 8, 2 door. This old machine was my robbery vehicle, and I saved this rare piece from the crusher. I turned on the radio [rainbow in the dark by Dio Came on], put gas in it and attched a new battery to it. I then drove out of the garage with a rum patcter patcter patcter. I then slowly with the low beams on, the dull black made this car basically invisible in the dark and this car was almost silent other than my radio playing on low. I then got onto Dorris drive that led to the hospital district which was seperated from everything via a strip of the island being marshy swamp. I then parked behind the parking lot, that set south-east of the reasearch centers, and stared at the building I was going for... It was a 4 story building that was some laboratory. I had already turned off the headlights about 100 feet before the parking lot so that I wouldn't be seen, there were only about four cars in the parking lot. I got out of the car and opened the trunk, grabbing my Swiss pack and putting it on, and tossed an old military gilly camo tarp over the car.
This allowed me more time without being spotted as well as letting me be more precise on what to loot. I then stayed low and snuck toward the building moving in random patterns and staying close to cover like an animal, this worked successfully without alarming anyone. I got the grapling hook and taped around the parts that would cause a racket, I then  swung it hard and almost got it to the top, then the second and third try failed as well. I then swung the grapel as hard as I possibly could and got a secure hit on the roof and started climbing. When I got to the top I looked at the watch [10PM] and realized I had about an hour before I would get spotted or noticed. I pulled the lock pick gun out of my pocket and walked towards the door slowly. I put the tip into the doors lock and started cranking on the trigger, then turned it and ta-da... it was open. I slowly searched each room thoroughly but with haste, I had already put on my mask luckily as I seen a Camera... I then moved down stairs and went into the empty and took out the tape recorders VHS and took the date sticker off and put it on a previous nights VHS tape, I then put the one with me on it into my bag. This allowed we to walk freely without worry, hell the only sounds were the pecking of computer keys from the few sorry sobs who don't have a life. I searched the building and used the rubber gloves and pumpkin cutter to open locks and glance through certain medical files... nothing worth money other the Social Security Numbers of lab rats and cadavers. I got to the main lobby and was disappointed until I seen that doctor's device. That one doctor who had been missing forever, His
TiaDiDiMoMa thing. It said it was a Time and Dimension Displacement Movement Machine.... whatever that means. I hastily opened the cabinet, and put the wonky machine in my bag. I then walked towards the roof and happened to look into my room... It looked like.... it can't be.... It was my long lost brother. But I had to go, maybe I will talk to him later! But maybe not until I get out of here first.

I scaled down the rope and dismounted the grapple and let it hit the ground, then snuck back to my car, and pulled the tarp off. I put the tarp and bag in the back seat, started up the car and pulled out of there. When I got out of there I didn't stop 'til I was in my garage.

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