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Jay was unfimiliar with the likes of Mike. Jay was laid back and liked to remind himself of how cool he was, although I with him being so quite I had to keep looking into the bed of the truck to see if he was still there. Jay had an Mid-complection, like an Italian or Mexican. I found myself amused with Nako's speaking points, he always did have a nac for weird topics.


I kept talking to Jason, he seems timidly amused, yet he always carried burdens like they were his back-pack... saddly, he never complained about the weight. Jay was kind of to-cool-for-school type of guy... I don't usually get along with his type. We are about to See Jason and Mike shoot the shit and talk fuckery for about 2 hours. I turned the radio to some heavier rock... Alestorm wasn't keeping the pase I needed [Stoke the fire by Seether started playing]. I seen Jason pull out the picture of his fiance and start getting all depressed, luckily Mike's, middle of nowhere, store was comming up quick. I throttled up and swerved into his parking lot and starting revving the truck. All I see is a controller for a X-box One fly through a window and break on the asphalt surface of the parking lot. I mean I broke a desk because CSGO and Rainbow, but he is probably playing Mario or some shit. As soon as I turned off the truck I could Hear Down with a Sickness by Disturbed as If I stuck my head into a fucking amp... Jeeessuuussss it was loud. Then out of the door flew a fuckin' speaker and whatever junky things were connected to it. Trying to contain my laughter, I entered the place following Jason and a very cautious Jay.

Mike: whoever just entered that door fuck off, fuck your day, and fuck your faggot friends, FFFFUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK!
Jason: Even if it's me?
Mike: who the fuck are you, you limp brained dickless fucking Neanderthal fuck.
Jason: It be Jason and Nako.
Mike: Oh..... Sorry..... come on in.

We walked through the isles packed with technology and other cheap gizmos. In the back was a gun shop run by Marcus hints the name "Marcus guns & Mike Tech". This place raked in above ground money and was supplied by the under ground. Most of this stuff you could see in the front was standard stuff you could find anywhere else (but this was also the only place you could but tech and guns legally on the island) but in the back is where the less legal stuff was sold.

Marcus: sooo.... you're back so soon. And you brought friends.
Jason: It seems so... How are... things?
Marcus: Not half bad, I sold Nako and Jay Firearms within the last two weeks as a matter of fact.
Jason: While I'm in the back I want you to find Jay here the most propper sniper rifle you can get your hands on. No budget limit.
Jay: Really, than....
Jason: Nothing... fucking... cheap...
Marcus: You got it, I will get him something worth while.

Jay quickly hopped to and followed Marcus to the weapon storage room.

Me (Nako): You talk to Marcus as if he serves you, why...?
Jason: I saved his as when I was in the Serbs (Serbia) and he said he owed me.
Me (Nako): Do we need to talk while Brax is hammered?
Jason: You know I keep my personal stuff.... personal.... If I need to talk.... You'll be the first to know.
Me (Nako): So why do we need Mike?
Jason: .... He is a pissed off Nerd.....
Me (Nako): Fuck... well here goes nothing.

As we entered the back you could hear a remote getting abused by fingers. Mike was Fuckin' angry anti-socialite whom hated furries, gays, Nazis, capitalists, communists, socialists, leftwingers, rightwingers.... every-fucking-body that ever existed. His anger was only matched by his intelligent nature around games and technology... If he didn't control it through computer he owned it. This guy hacks NASA 'cause he's bored. His physique was that of an anorexic, his hair looked like a coconut, and his slightly potched face was permanently fixed in a grimace. He word a raggy snow camo jacket that he got from one of Marcus's Soviet arms deals. God AK's are cheap as shit here, to the point you could trade a beat up Epiphone for one. Now the general public avoids this place like the plauge, but Marcus makes sure he keeps the clean people legal which is a good thing, but bad people like us go strait for the Illegal stuff... and not those legal semi-auto AK's... The Full-Auto shit. Anyways Mike was a man of few words but cussing, and in the time it took me to think about AK's Mike threw about a hundred Fucks at Jason.... And so Jason did back.

Mike: Fucking, fucketty, fuck, fuck, fuck..... Fine, I'll join.
Jason: See how easy that was...
Mike: Screw the fuck off.... I'll see ya tomarrow.
Me (Nako): We good?
Jason: Yep...

As we walked out of the building we called Jay and he came running out like a puppy with a new toy. He got a VPR .338 lapua, it was one of the best Ukranian guns you can buy, and it seemed to satisfy Jason.


Mike could be a hardass sometimes, but he always come around... at some point. That new guy, Jay, seemed happy too. Until Nako smaked him in the balls with the shifter.

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