21 Gallipoli

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February 17th 1915
HMS Majestic, Royal Navy
"Bombard and take Gallipoli, and our next objective will be Constantinople."

the rocking and creeking of the old ship became very occurant due the the harsh waves, and the clouds looked like rain. Everything was calm, exept for the immense amount of bullets spashing the water. We all looked at eachother in a concerned manner, as we looked forward there was an angry British officer marching towards us.

British officer: Enjoying the bloody view are we?
Jason: No sir.
British officer: Where did you yanks and toads come from?
Jason: We were a mixed unit sir?
British officer: blimey, where did you come from? We didn't see you below decks...
Jason: We were sent here by Clemenceau and President Wilson, via small raft, from western france to aide on the assult on that beach front.
British Officer: Have your papers?
Jason: It is secret mission, off the books.
British Officer: ahh, well get on these ruddy rafts so we can get this over with.
Jason: sir, yes sir.

We walked towards the edge of the ship and scaled down rope ladders towards the wooden landing crafts. As we set out the harsh waves bashed against the boat, and the bullets were getting closer.

Jason: Jack or Jay, take out that damned machine gun fire.
Jay: I'll get him!
*machine gun firing doesn't stop*
Jay: damn!

I aim my rifle at the beach and with my scope see the Turkish turbine in my sights, then the MG09. I lifted the Martini Henry's scope's crosshairs 4 scope links above his head, and squeezed the trigger whilst letting out a breath. [Pshoooooouuuwwwwwkahkahkah]
I looked back through the scope and looked at the Turk.

Jay: ha, you missed him.
Me (Mad Jack): 4... 3.... 2..... 1....

*machine gun fire stops*

I looked from my scope to Jay and smiled, he then started cussing to himself.
The British Brodies were vigerously rowing the boat's oars against the brutal waves, and as this happened it started to drizzle rain on us. We were about 50 feet from the beach, then hell began.
The MG09 was back to firing, it was causing havok on the boats. Then the bullets pattern came towards us.

Mike: Get off the boat.

A few had made it off the boat before the soldiers in front started getting maimed by the slew of bullets. The soldiers were convulsing to the bullets and screaming. I then went to dive over the side but as I did a bullet graised the back of my leg, I then fell into the water in pain. We had lost our breath and went back above water to flip the boat, as we did the bodies of the dead sank in water due to their heavy gear. Some others had drowned while trying to get their gear off. We then swam to the interior of the boat to get air, then bullets started spraying through the wood and hitting a Brodie in the head. We went from boat to boat for cover, and what should have taken 20 minutes took 45. We then finally made it to the coastline, a Turk ran up to the water with his Gewer 98 and started firing into the water at us. I came out of the water with water running off my Doughboy helmet and drawn Webley Mk.II, I then fired and tore open his shooting hand. I pulled out my Welsh blade and ran at him, he then thrusted his Bayonette at me. With my Welsh blade I pushed his Bayonette out of the way, and swung the blade at his neck. His neck started pouring blood, I then pushed the Webley in the back of his turbine and pushed his brain through his nose. Ths others got onto the rocky, and hilly, entrenched beach and made our advance. We got to a trench entrence and were then met by some Diggers (Australians).

Astralian soldier: Oi blokes, where be our fuckin' rallay point?
Me (Mad Jack): on top of this hill.
Australian soldier: damn, thanks mate.

We followed them in their advance, Buddy with his BAR was in lead. Buddy was tearing the Turks apart with the 30-06's, he would stay low and blast his way through the trenches. Brax got angered by the slow movement and got his Winchester '73 readied, it had the big loop and had a front handle. Brax then pushed Buddy out of the way, and went into a trench line.
[Pshoom chk-chk, pshoom chk-chk...]
He dumped fifteen rounds into the trench and was telling us to move up. We walked along that trench and saw 12 dead Ottomans.
We were having to kill the Turks to Stay alive, and the Turks weren't giving an inch. We were stopped by heavy machinegun fire, and the desert heat was now starting to beat down on us.

Jason: Ok, Mad Jack, pair on me.
Australian soldier: moind if I join.
Jason: come on then, quick and clean. Knives only.

Jason pulled out a trenchknife and the Australian started chuckilng.

Australian soldier: oi, ya call that a knife, this... is a knooooiffe!

He pulled out a gargantuan Bowie knife with knuckleduster handle, it gleemed in the sun. Jason shook his head and slowly crawled out of the trench and behind a large bluff, we then followed. We then climbed the small bluff up to the Machine gun nest. A Turk then looked over and I grabbed his rifle, then I pulled him out of the nest, when he hit the ground everyone shot him. We then jumped into the Nest and bashed its eggs. I Grabbed a Turks turbine, stuck my Welsh blade into the side of his neck and pushed it out of the front, pushed him to his knees, and stuck the Welsh blade into the top of his skull. I then looked over and seen the Ottoman I shot earlier with a Bullet crater in his forehead.
Later we rallied on the exterior of the town. We had talks and rested for only a short while, we then fought the Ottomans out of a small section of Gallipoli and secured it.

British officer: I do have to say, you guys went a smidge above me expectations.
Australian soldier: oi, that is the understatement I be waiten for. Ye English Royals can't fight wars.
Mike: but the emu...
Nako: shhh [whispers] that hasn't happened yet.
Jason: Saddly we are going to have to part with you guys.
Australian soldier: sad to hear.
Jason: we may join you later.

They talked for a while longer, I looked down the bluff to see the 26 plus thousand Austalians, New Zealanders, and Brits dead or dying. The medics were running from body to body, and the sea looked red. To see it all first hand was.... exhilarating, and yet depressing.

[1230 pm]

Jason: Come on Jack, It's time to go.

We ran through the streets, and shot targets on the way out. We then found an out-of-place Daimler/15 Armoured car and took it over, so that the Ottomans couldn't have it and so we could have transport.
We then got out of Gallipoli.... at 25 miles per hour.

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