41 Germantown

5 0 0

Neutral Demension
[0400 AM]

[POV of Mad Jack]

I woke up in fear, fear that I would loose Amélie. She slept beside me, her hair coming out of the bob and gaining length. I pulled myself closer to her, wrapped my arms around her, and set my chin upon her head. She then moved closer, and I held her. Later when she woke up we staired at eachother and kissed, her eyes calmed me down and took all my fears away. I got dressed and walked down the stairs, someone then knocked at the door. He wore a black fadora and tan trenchcoat, by his stance I knew it wasn't RHB. I opened the door to see him holding a letter, He had his scarf rolled around his mouth. Under his trenchcoat was white flannel shirt and corduroy vest. He then handed me the letter and tried to walk away, in the road was a Ford Model A buisness coupe.

Me (Mad Jack): who are you?
Regulator: *obvious fake British accent* a regulator...
Me (Mad Jack): and your name?
Regulator: *obvious fake British accent* NM...

He walked away and quickly got into his Coupe and drove away rather fastly. The lettler was written in neat hand writing and sort of looked like mine, it told me not to go on the mission I was about to get offered. I then heard knocking on the door, I opened it to reveal Jason.

Jason: Hey, you want to go on another mission?
Me (Mad Jack): yeah, let me say bye to Amélie.

I then went up stairs and kissed Amélie on the cheek and told her I had to go, she kissed me and put on a house robe. She then walked down the stairs with me, Noa was rubbing up against her. I then got into Jason's 1920 Packard twin six runnabout, we darted through the streets towards the saloon. When we got there we drank a round of shots and put on the Militia Uniforms that Jason had collected for us, Clint Eastwood then called me over to the phone. Merle Haggard was laying on top of the bar and the sun was starting to rise. Clint handed me the phone.

RHB: look kid, this is your last warning, I fear you'll get hurt.

I hung up the phone to see John Wayne looking me over kid.

John Wayne: Kid, ya oughtn't hang up on him like that.
Me (Mad Jack): It's alright, I think he has a few screws loose.
Clint Eastwood: I've seen plenty who ain't gotta brain in their skull, he ain't one of 'em. Question is... are you the one without the brain?

I walked away, I can't believe Clint Eastwood just called me crazy. I then got with the group, they seemed ready. We then got assembled and the blue lights started flashing.

American Revolution (alternative dimension #576)
Germantown, Pennsylvania
October, 4th, 1777
[0900 AM]

We then blinked behind a group of Militia men, their blue uniforms were beaten. Their uniforms were slightly off though, some had flintlocks hanging off their chests, there were also bandoleers, daggers, and clubs were hanging off of them. Their hats varied from three pointers, long brimmed felt hats, and short top hats. Their guns were all black powder, some were blunder busts, some were Kentucky rifles, and the rest were brown bess rifles. We then saw a man ride up on a muddy white horse, his uniform was blue and the golden pieces gleemed in the sun. It was General George Washington, he looked proud yet concerned.

General Washington: Men, on this day we are going to take the fight to them. We may lose some of you today, but our fight will be remembered. We shall take Germantown and we shall keep it, so help me God. May the blessing of Almighty God be upon you, let us take this town.

The men pushed their weapons into the air and let out a roar. We heard the sound of tearing, our uniforms were now beaten and rifles appeared in our hands. We followed the troops in the Guerrilla side of the battle, we walked behind the group. Their was a Virginian farmer in lead, all he had was a British rifle and a tomahawk. He took out British soldiers with the Tomahawk. I then saw a Red coat (British soldier) walk through the woods, I drew my hatchet. I then shoved in into the front of his neck and pulled him into the pathway, as I did this a Patriot shoved a knife into his temple and nodded at me. We the got into a house that oversaw the street below. I saw coal tar on the stove and put in a few bottles and left it close to the chimney, I then poured Gin in other bottles and ripped pieces of cloth off the table and wetted it down with gin before stuffing it in the bottle neck. I then went next door and had soldiers spread out through four houses and taught them how to make molotov cocktails, I then apprehended gunpowder, and with the gunpowder I made a few kettle bombs. The bullets then started flying, and groups of red coats came walking towards us.

Me (Mad Jack): alright men, don't fire a shot until they are close enough to throw these right ontop of them. These Lobster backs wont know what hit them.

We then waited, the red coats then go close to out house. I then lit the cloth and threw the molotov out of the window and a slew of gunfire came out of the windows, those who didn't die from gunfire were being burnt to death. They then opened fire on the houses, I grabbed the stuff and had ths Militia men keep moving. We fire bombed and shot the hell out of 500 troops, then I used the three kettle bombs which killed and additional 50. Washington then led the charge into the town, we on the other hand were beating up the rear side of the offensive. Jason, Nako, Brax, and Jay were with Washington. We then went from street to street, some of the British had went to fighting us in a guerrilla style, but the red coats were getting demolished because of their shotty training.

[Thirty minutes of hard fighting later]

We had met up with Jason and the others, he had anger in his eye. We then took the town, we fought on the inside of a court house. When we got to the top Jason had beaten us there by 10 minutes.

Jason: Ok Howe, where is the medallion?
William Howe: I don't know...
*Jason puts gun to his head*
Jason: tell me or I'll blow bits of your head all over this goddamn room!
*Howe reaches in coat and gives Jason Medallion*

Jason then examined it, and walked away, he then turned and shot Howe in the head. This action was completely uncalled for, and Jason acted as if nothing was wrong with his actions. When we walked out of the door Washington was moving his men, I turned to talk to Jason. I then heard a loud boom, A cannon ball flew by me, then the shrapnel from the bricks sliced into my back and right leg. I then fell to the ground and all went black.

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