Backstories 24 (I)

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June 8th (ND date)
14:23 PM
No Mans Land... formerly the Echelons.

[POV of Buddy]

Brax and Nako had made runs, through this part of town, several times. It seemed that the enemy was stuck in the buildings, Jay was sniping a few of them... just not enough. Skull and I were assigned to take this area and hold it, everything had gone wrong. Our UH-60 Black Hawk had went down, as had the others... our SR-71 Blackbird friends could not see anything due to the electronic resistance/electromagnetic field that surrounded this area. We requested back-up but instead recieved word that we would be spread too thin if we got any... and we were low on reasources. The fourth wave had entered the battlefield, by tomorrow we would have the fifth and enough troop coverage to take this area. Our job was to clear this place so that the advance could push strait through the center of town and hit uptown by tomorrow. Fuck...

[POV of Buddy]
10 Years ago
15:45 PM
[Alone Again by Dokken plays on Hummer Radio]

I was riding with my friends, the AC inside this thing was complete shit... atleast the scorching sun was beating down on us. 2nd Lt. Rodriguez and Cpl. Benjamin were always joking around, they are the best damn NCOs to be around... these guys jokingly promoted to Lieutenant the first day I got here. Harrison was stuck up... always looked like he was constipated or something.
2nd Lt. Rodriguez: Hey Holmes, you know to put your armour plate under your ass right?
Harrison: everyone knows that's bullshit...
Cpl. Benjamin: Mann, fuckin' Barns got her clit rearranged because of an IED... you'd be scooping your balls off the roof.
Me (Buddy): shit *laughs*
2nd Lt. Rodriguez: Yeah Holmes, when we get stopped you need to put some armour under your balls.
Harrison: Fuck offfff....
Cpl. Benjamin: hah hah hah huh haaaa! That's what she said.
2nd Lt. Rodriguez: *laughs*
Me (Buddy): *laughs*

[House of the Rising Sun by The Animals plays on the Hummer's radio]

In a moment... the laughter stopped...


Dust was thick, I found it hard to believe. Harrison was screaming, as the other two grunted. Corporal Benjamin pulled Harrison out of the Hummer, a massive hole was where the dash was. I tugged on Rodriguez's shoulder... he fell towards me... his face... it was gone, I took his dog tag then kicked my door open and fell out of the vehicle. I puked on the ground, my head rang. I then crawled around to where Benjamin was. He stuck a packet of morphine into Harrison's leg, his groin and lower legs were gone... he bled out in Benjamin's arms.

Me (Buddy): we gotta get out of here.
Benjamin: Yeah, we'll come back for them later.

We ran to a nearby house, but before we got there a bunch of bullets peppered everywhere. Light weight Nissan tacticals screached to a halt, they surrounded the building. I looked over to see Benjamin had been hit hard in the chest, he was bleeding bad... he had left his armour plate in the Humvee, I ran over to him.

Benjamin: I'm toast kid, check the other rooms.

I did as he said and checked the other rooms, there was a rat hole that looked like it could be an escape. I heard a loud "boom" come from where Benjamin was... he had shot himself. The bullets shattered the room around me, I crawled towards Benjamin and grabbed his dog tag and Harrison's tag. I then picked up Benjamin's radio, checked the map and ordered an air strike on this place. I took my gear off and entered the Rathole... I heard a loud boom after I had been in the tunnel for twenty minutes. The tunnel was small and narrow, It was only big enough to crawl through and even then my shoulders tapped the top of the tunnel. I exited the tunnel after an hour of being down there... I walked for what seemed to be an eternity... the sun had baked and blistered me, I fell to my knees and rolled down the sand dune. Luckily a convoy was coming by to check on us and found me... I can still feel that heat.

[House of the Rising sun by the Animals went off and Sweet Dreams by Marylin Manson came on the Tiadidamoma]

PFC J.R. Davids: You alright buddy?
Me (Buddy): yeah, lets go.

I used my AUG-A3 to blast through enemy troops, I had no compassion for the enemy... it left me on that day... many years ago.

A man can do a lot of horrible things, but all he'll remember is the wrongs that had been dealt on him... That is why he feels there is no need for the word "mercy" to be in his vocabulary.

We took the area in a matter of hours, it seemed to be a minuscule task after it was done.

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