94 The Big Day (I)

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Wolf's Ledge Manor
Neutral Dimension
May 20th
09:10 AM

[POV of Mad Jack]
[French music plays on Edison Phonograph player]

I looked into the mirror, I violently brushed my hair into the signature slicked back look. I could not believe I met Amélie again, or that I would marry her. I remembered how I lost her the first time... the clash... the blood... her lifeless eyes staring into mine... NEVER AGAIN! I adjusted my white bow tie, my attire for this great day was an all white penguin tailed tuxedo with heavily broaged shoes. I paced the room and thought about looking into her eyes, finding a place I belong. I walked out of my room and into the main hall, there in the mead hall were my friends. Buddy and Jay were wearing tuxedos, Brax and Nako were wearing leather jackets and ties, Skull and Bax were wearing casual suits, and Jason was wearing his signature tweed jacket. We talked to eachother for a long time, it was the first time we had really conversed with eachother since finding the Neutral Dimension. Before this... I had only killed a few people, and not in the most legal way. I had been this tank mechanic for the local military base, and in return they gave their old junk tanks and equipment. I had lost everything and had to move into the caves below Ellis, my life was shitty to say the least. But now I'm here and about to get married to my true love, I'd been given everything I've ever wanted. I didn't fully trust RHB yet, but I appreciated everything he has done for me... Jason, on the other hand, had brought us here. Though he can claim it was an accident, it has given us all opportunities to move up from where we were, I mean... everyone has housing, solid pay, interesting work, and random occurrences. I then wondered where Mike was, he was late sometimes... but my wedding?

1 Hour Later (15 minutes before the wedding)

[POV of Mike]
Neutral Dimension
Inter-Dimensional tech center
[In the Still of the Night by the Five Satins plays on the radio]

I drank some coffee from my lucky cup... It tasted awful... ah, I forgot the cream. *sigh* I'm bushed, wonder what time... Oh christ... isn't today... Oh Fuck. I forgot about the wedding! I hurried and grabbed my papers only to look up and see the screens flashing red... that ain't good. I then seen that the envision was about to happen, I had to warn people. I thought quickly... The BLUESMOBILE. I ran into the Museum and got into the 1974 Dodge Monaco (former police car) and drove it through the museum, I slammed into the gun section, grabbed an armload of fully automatic rifles and shoved them in the trunk, and drove through the entrance of the building and landed at the bottom of the stairs... the computer said I had 50 minutes! And I was gonna By-God use every second. I raced through the streets like Paul Revere, I repeated "The Invasion is coming, the Invasion is coming!" And like the siren I was, people ran towards the shelters and the soldiers got into positions and radioed Arcadia... Once I was alll through the towns and the Mansion on the hill I paused for a second... FUCK... I FORGOT ABOUT THE WEDDING AGAIN. I looked at my watch. FUCK... I'VE ONLY GOT 7 MINUTES... FUCK!

10 minutes until the Invasion

[POV of Mad Jack]

I looked into her eyes, it was happening... my new life.

JW: You may kiss the bride
Me (Mad Jack): Amen

I kissed her with the best kiss I have ever given, her fingers into my back as I pulled her ever closer. The moment after the kiss when we staired at eachother as if we could read eachothers souls, we then kissed again... I felt the steamy sensation as my hands went clammy. We heard JW go into his schpeel... then it was time to walk down the stairs and past my friends. Once past them we held eachother with a regret of only letting go. A 1970's Dodge Police car busted through the door, steam boiled off the hood as hot rubber fell off the tires. The door fell off and rolled around on the ground, then out came Mike.


The guys, with RHB's direction, helped the women into the basement then ran over and grabbed a Rifle. I helped my wife to the steps, she then turned to me and kissed me. She stepped back with tears in her eyes.

Amélie: "kill cet enculé, puis reviens à moi (kill that fucker, then come back to me)"
Me (Mad Jack): "Oui Madame ... je reviens (Yes Ma'am ... I'll be back)"

I ran to the car and grabbed the Galil from the trunk of the Bluesmobile.
[Komet by Megaherz plays on radio of Bluesmobile]

Oddly Familiar Voice: HERE THEY COME!

A large group of Aircraft came over us, then the troops with some sort of wing suit surrounded us.

Jay: We're surrounded!
Buddy: Perfect... That means we can fire from all sides!
Skull: if you ask me... there ain't enough of 'em.
Brax: I don't know how many of 'em it's gonna take to kick my ass, But I know how many they're gonna bring!
Nako: all of 'em.
Kolten: Rock 'n Roll motherfuckers!
Bad Bax: Kill 'em all... let God Sort 'em out!
Mike: We have the high ground... their advances aren't advised!
Jason: ehh, here we go again...
Me (Mad Jack): HEY! HEY! Shut the fuckin' cliche qoutes right the fuck up! I gotta Honey Moon in couple of hours... these sorry pricks are gonna regret living on this day!
Jason: can't argue with that.

We then shot at any soldiers that came onto this ground, the bullets flied and the enemy died... but this felt like only the beginning of an even larger situation. We walked over the bodies to see the sky turned blood red, and the air around the exploding planes were exploding flak shells. Tracer rounds flew at enemy planes as our allied airforce shot them down. We then looked around to notice that all of the Regulators were gone... and we had involuntarily volunteered for active duty... looks like I was gonna miss the Honeymoon.

<cuts away from Mad Jack and exposes the Mysterious Man in the woodlands outside the cities>

[POV of Mysterious Man]
[Komet by Megaherz plays in background]

Combat fills the firey streets of the Rocksville, and its sister cities... gunfire and and smoke fill the skies with hues of dirty colors and the sounds of concussive blasts and toppling buildings surround the area... troops at the enemies neck with any weapon they can get their hands. And it was all up to our friends to finish Radian's armies of evil once in for all.

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