Backstories 4

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The Regulators Circle
[POV of RHB]
[Fantasy by Aldo Nova comes on]

I was from one of those demensions that was like the one you live in, life was basic with its ups and downs. Days crawled and people pissed me off, I was a nobody, I was person who had to get a Medical discharge for taking one in the chest. I then worked on rifles and became a curator at a local museum, then my friend from the Government tracked me down. He gave me a device and told me I would know what to do with it, a week later he was Murdered in a bigger town close to me. I got in the 1973 Dodge Dart my dad gave me as a gift, I had on a tweed jacket and a Black mid-brimed fedora. In the backseat was a dozen of my old war rifles, some old military stuff, and some briefcases/backpacks. In the trunk was all of the other necessary and valuable stuff, and in the passenger seat was my Grandma... she meant the world to me, even if she was consistently confused. On that day, I found the Neutral demension and its former evils. I drove across the canyon that seperated that world from the rest, Grandma was scared of what lay on the evil side. I set a pound of cold clay explosive in the middle and detonated it, then the bridge was gone... and it seemed to be the only one. I drove onto the top of a hill where a single modern house sit, I opened the mailbox which gave me a single important letter. We stayed in the house for a few days and moved my parents in as well. About 200 paces away I was having the museum built, it was glorious. I then Had another House built that was bigger and more antique looking for the modernistic house was technically not mine. A month later we moved into the victorian house with retro yet modern appliances that were easy to use, it had A/C and TV, and it seemed... perfect. It seemed an eternity before the grand Inter-Demensional was built. What seemed to be 20 months was actually 100 years, not one person had aged. The neutral demension then had its luxuries donated by me to the museum, lounge, and hotel. I myself had a personal income of $1 quatrillion, yet I converted money to credits and found it hard to track with the first few people who came here. I then made things free of charge, and about that time I went and had a custom machine made by a man whom was named Dr. Remius Alex Foriegnton. He made me the TiaDiDaMoMa II, he kept the first for reasearch purposes... and I was perfectly ok with him being at the Inter-Demensional and pursuing his science career, he even asked me to make him disappear from his previous demension. He then gave the 'life elixir', it was a device that could recompse and revive any being. I went to my home demension and brought my Grandfather back, I then took him to live with my family. After a week he was happy with the goin's ons and then I cured Grandma's Alzheimers with the good Doctor's medicine. Life was almost perfect for me, I then got my friends moved into the Inter-Demensional until their houses were constructed to their liking. After that I moved my sister and her husband and child into my home. This all spanned over the course of another 400 years that was exaggerated to only 50 by me. I wanted people to not think we were burning time here, it seemed useful and kept people from seeing what was on the other side. I then put up the beacon that collected travelers and brought them to me, this is when I brought my old friends in so that we could make a balanced constitution or bill of rights. (We use entials for the safety of the Regulators) BWK suggested that we call it 'the commandments' and NK said their should be at least 12 rules. Then EB and NM decided it should be treated as the value of gold. We then called the rules the '12 Golden Commandments' and they are as stated:

1. There is to be no murder on the grounds of the Inter-Demensional.

2. You must be buried (by water, dirt, or cremated) in your home demension.

3. Leave your problems outside the Inter-Demensional and the neutral demension.

4. No Political or religious overtakings of any sort at the neutral demension.

5. Intercourse must be permited.

6. On the second entrence of the Neutral demension one must have a physical and general health diagnosis.

7. There is to be no plotting or cohersing murder on any person.

8. Only kill an animal on the Neutral demension's grounds if you intend on eating it.

9. Keep weapons holstered at all times, unless outside the boundaries of the Inter-Demensional.

10. You break it, it's yours.

11. Donot disturb the outlook of a demension without the permission of the Regulators.

12. If you fail to follow the previous rules you are subject to laborious tasks or death.

Then on that day we formed the Regulators circle. We closed tears and helped people on their travels, it was a fairly easy task. There have only been a few people we needed to put on display for their crimes. I knew I would have to lie or act like I didn't know things, I logged a ton of info on every person who would ever enter this place. This way I could keep track of my 'mistruths'. For the most part I did this to fuck with people, on occasion I did it to see if someone was a liar.

Baxter 'Bad Bax' Dukem
[POV of Bad Bax]
[18 years ago]
[Highway to hell by AC/DC goes off and Jumping Jack flash by the Rolling Stones comes on]

I was driving down the road in my beat up 1964 C10, the trip was a sorrowful one. I was in tears, I had to leave the little Arkansas town that bordered Mississippi, I had destroyed my entire life in two days. I was the best football tackle at my High School, yet I had to leave the team. It was because of a situation someone had started, and I was only 15. I had murdered a person that killed my fellow teammates in a bus crash... The man was drunk as a skunk and smashed into the side of the teams bus, this caused the bus to overturn several times before exploding. My friends had died and the drunk asshole didn't even get a manslaughter charge. So... I took my Great Grandfathers Colt Piecemaker and shot him... right in the goddamn face. I then threw the few belongings I had in my truck and left. When I got to virginia I stole the plates of a Junkyard C10 and put it on my truck. I then officialised my new name... Baxter Dukem, I liked the ring of it.
No longer was I Maxamillian Kineck of Arkansas. I was Baxter 'Bad Bax' Dukem of Tennessee. I did a lot of dirt track racing for three years, I gave off the persona I was 18 and got a fake diploma, drivers license and birth certificate.
[15 years Ago]
I Then moved to this Isle I heard of, it was called Ellis De Stella. Once there I got a small house in the woods and 2 door garage where my 1964 C10 would stay. I bought a souped up El Camino and took over the mechanic shop, as the old owned just gave it to me. Since then I have been fixing cars, raking in money, illegally selling stuff, and raced some. Bad Bax was a Bad ass. I then met a kid named Jason, this kid loved his girl friend, yet also had his hands in all the dirty stuff... the real dirty stuff.
[11 years ago]
Then Jason later brought me Jack Redmun, I took good care of Jack. Jack had some pretty odd parents, they seemed... outta place. It took me a good long while before the underworld truely exepted me, but when it did... BABOOOM BITCH. Not long after that I met Rockin' Roxanne, who could do some crazy sex stuff.... This woman became my wife.

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