14 And so it begins

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June 19th 0800
Ellis De Stella Island, U.S.A.
[XDA 000 000 000 000 000 ...]
[All lit up again by buckcherry starts on the automatically set radio]

I got up after sleeping through the day, everyone had done their missions. I had 30 missed calls and 20 messages according to the
TiaDiDaMoMa which now acted as my phone, again the machine gave me a message... it was pretty messed up. It said "wake up Jason, you must descend from the light into sorrow to then ascend from it."

[0900 Pig Pen]

Everyone exept Mad Jack and Buddy were there, and had coffee infuse with whiskey. The light had gone away today and left everything damp and sad. They talked about what they had done and bickered amongst eachother on who did whos part the best, Mike started slinging the F-bomb and proceeded to light up a laced cigarette.
Mad Jack slamed open the door and was followed by Buddy, both had an ear-to-ear smile, and had places on their faces where they tried to get the oil and grease off.

Mad Jack: I don't know how she'll do in the field, but she looks freakin' great!
Buddy: hell yeah, and it has all the goodies on it!
Me (Jason): Before we start asking questions let me anwser a few.
Skull: that would be great... because I've been putting up with that kangaroo fucker for far too long.
Nako: let the man speak his fuckin' point!
Brax: Agreed.
Me (Jason): Ok...

I explained to them how I stole this device and its power, this confused and interested them. Brax grabbed his AK-74U with acog sights and pumped it into the air.

Brax: Enough confusing shit, lets do some dirty work, who's in?

Everyone hoisted a weapon in the air and cheered then slammed down a shot of whiskey.
We went outside [Kryptonite by three doors down was on the radio] and seen the mechanical masterpiece.
A 1942 US M3 scout car with an armoured top... it had scaled plate steel and Kevlar linked down the sides, a CUMMINS ISX15 engine, It had been turned a four wheel to a six wheel drive with Airless battlefield tires, exaust snorkles, and a GE mini-gun mounted on the turret.
Everyone admired this artwork, some of them could hardly believe it was real. Everyone then got in, they seemed to be happy with the room inside, then Mad Jack got into the passenger seat.

Mad Jack: How'd we do?
Me (Jason): More... than... perfect... You got exactly what we needed.
Jay: What now?
Me (Jason): We find another demension!
Skull: How about borderlands for a bit of practice?
Nako: Right on...
[Skull and Nako fist bumped]
Me (Jason): Jury has decided, Ready?
All: FUCK YEAH!!!!

I then turned got the book out of my inventory and found borderlands (about a hundred interies) and set my dial for [BLO 001 238 797 529 337 ...] and felt shaking and rumbling as blue light flashed through the few sight holes in this beast.

Here comes a new time!

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