50 The Devil's Party

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Neutral Dimension
Inter-dimensional museum, hotel, and bar.
The Night before Christmas
22:47 PM

[POV of Jason]

I lay in bed, after seeing what happened to Mad Jack I realized that what I wad getting into was bigger than me. I heard knocking on my door, it was late, but I had to see what was up. I opened the door to see a little boy in a newsboy cap and 40's garb standing in the doorway.

Letter boy: Telegram for you Mr. Garand.
Me (Jason): thanks, here is a silver dollar.
Letter boy: gee thanks mister.

He then ran down the hall, why would someone let a kid deliver mail at this hour. I then saw a small neatly written letter. 'Come if you dare to a glorious fair, and if you will you'll surely get a thrill' signed Lucifer. On the back were directions, it was a couple miles outside the city of cîh, it was south east of that and hard to miss. I walked outside to feel the snow pelting me on the face. I pulled down my beaten Stetson on my head, I then put it's strap around my jaw. I was wearing an old duster and motorcycle boots. The cobblestone was slick and as I walked the snow crunched under my feet. I saw a 1923 Indian Big Chief leaning against the garages, it had saddlebags with tassles and a leather holster with a 1899 Savage in it. I pulled the deep red motorcycle away from the building and got on it. I kicked the starter down and started it, I then turned on the head lamp, pushed my foot down on the clutch, and pushed the Jockey shifter into first. The rear tire spun and the bike lurched forward, I then twisted the accelerator, pushed the clutch down and jockeyed into second. I rode through the towns, everyone looked at me like a lunatic for going so fast in the pitch black. I saw the gleeming lights in the distance, yet they got ever closer. I pulled into the drive, there were cars of all ages and people making out on top of them, I parked the Indian beside a column. I walked up the thick marble steps and saw pits of flames, there were some dark figures lingering around the place. Inside there were references to satanic symbols yet you had to look for them, there were people in latex dancing in cages and loud music (KILL4ME by Marilyn Manson). The walls were deep red and bookshelves were filled with evil looking knick-knacks and antique books. I walked up a narrow spiral staircase to the landing on top, there in a chair was the devil himself. There were tattooed girls dancing around him, they wore high hills and scampy coverings. I strode towards him and stopped close infront of him, he looked up in a half cocked grin.

Lucifer: Look who decided to show.

The music stopped and everyone looked at me, I hated the feeling of being looked at.

Me (Jason): what did you want?
Lucifer: I need you to do a couple of jobs for me, you'll find them most useful on your quest.
Me (Jason): I don't work for you...
Lucifer: hmm hmm hmm, and Einstein didn't help create a doomsday device.
Me (Jason): what do you want me to do?
Lucifer: I would love to have alot of things from you, including the sexual things, but it is what I need you to do is the question.
Me (Jason): *sighs in anger* what the fuck do you NEED me to do?
Lucifer: Better, I need you to go with this man.

Man in old suit and fadora walks up to me, he had a half lit cigarette.

Man: Hey kid, I'm John Dillinger.
Lucifer: Mr. Dillinger will take you where you need to go.
Me (Jason): Great, lets get going.
Lucifer: Bye Bye, Mr. Garand!

I walked with Dillinger towards his car, it was a Ford Model A coupe with some obvious upgrades. I got in the car and noticed a pump shotgun and a Thompson 1921, Dillinger then got into the car and started it. The engine sounded like a Willies Jeep's 4 cylinder fireball. We then darted out of the place.

Dillinger: so I see ya met the devil.
Me (Jason): yeah, me and my bad luck.
Dillinger: it ain't so bad being here, so being around him is slightly inconvenient.
Me (Jason): you have to be around him?
Dillinger: Mr. B made it a rule, all of use 'not so do-gooders' have to get our assignments from the red man himself. And it serves us well.
Me (Jason): what type of well?
Dillinger: I get part of the cut, whatever I steal, I get part of the cut. And in the process, I get a little action on the side.
Me (Jason): Interesting, how were the 30's?
Dillinger: Fun, I miss some of the guys sometimes, except for baby face.
Me (Jason): what happened to the others?
Dillinger: Pretty Boy Floyd got into the stock exchange, and the rest are in the slums with dead weight jobs.
Me (Jason): And you still get to...
Dillinger: Yeah, Mr. B has a soft spot for old Gangsters, he gave us 'appropriate jobs' and told us no killing... and we have done a fair Job of it.
Me (Jason): hmm, very Interesting... and by Mr. B you mean...
Dillinger: RHB, the guy with the big fuckin' statue.
Me (Jason): ohh... so... what are we doing.
Dillinger: A little bank job, at the big bank. If we do it right... we wont even be noticed.

This means that something is up with the bank.

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