26 Cambrai: hell on tracks

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November 30th 1917
[Time machine used]

[POV of Mad Jack]
It was a crisp and cool morning, there were hardly sounds of anything exept birds chirping. The dark gray clouds parted and revealed the sun, it then showed us a road. I could see Mills in the distance, and there were tanks and armoured vehicles scattered in the fields and small towns. Jason then started a Mercedes 16/45 staff car, we then hopped in and on the car, I crawled onto the front fender and put my feet on the bumper. We drove down the road at about 45mph and were making good time, Then machine gun fire came from the left. The whole car then leaned to the right and the left side tires came off the ground, we were all shooting in that direction except for Jason.

Jason: oooohhhh shit.

I then looked forward to see a crater hole. The right side (the one I was on) went in first, I landed hard on my back, and the car twisted and flipped head over heal ontop the crater. I heard more scrapes and crashes down the road. I looked into the sky and let out a grunt, my back was in severe pain and my legs were numb. With my arms I turned myself over and clumb out of the crater. There was a fire coming from the wreck, I seen hazes but they were tan and dragging my friends over to the ditch. I closed my eyes and squinted them open, there was noone there. I crawled towards the car and heard clacking behind me and the swing of a rifle.

German: halt, du bist unter amerikanischer verhaftung! [Halt, you are under arrest American]

I then heard a swoosh and the German fell dead beside me. I stumbled to my feet and limped towards the ditch to see my friends coming to. They had no idea what I was talking about when I told them what I saw, all of them except for Jason whom was acting like the rest. We then walked the 3 miles to Cambrai.
When we got to a treeline we saw the Germans around a building. I then heard Jason whistle, he had his C96 pistol in his right hand. His left hand pointed at Nako, Brax, Buddy, Skull and I and waved his hand in the direction of a group of tanks. He then got Mike and Jay to follow him. We crawled through the mud towards the tanks, the fog kept us covered as long as we were low. I then used the back of the broken Mk.V as cover. I carefully put the front of the gun onto the track and took aim with the Martini Henry. The scope showed swarms of Germans, I then got into the Renault FT-17 and used its 37mm to my advantage. I opened the front hatch and used the rifle scope to see the movements below, I seen Jason afar with a crooked grin. He was on a Harley-Davidson Model J and had an MP18 with a sling. I saw Jay poke his rifle through the mangled turret and Mike was setting up a Maximum gun. Brax and Nako were crawling towards a rock that was 200 yards away from the Germans, they were setting themselves up for easy pickins. Buddy was working on a Rolls-Royce Armoured car's engine, and Skull was reloading the Vickers Drum mag. I saw a rapid movement and heavy fire coming from Jason's direction. I started the Renault Tank's engine and Pushed the stick all the way forward, the tracks rattled and the engine let out a roar. I then saw Jason's, shot to shit, Harley crash into the front of the tank. I opened the door and Jason climbed around me into the gun position, his blood squirted onto my jacket sleeve. I then heard him wince as he put the hot MP18's barrel into his shoulder wound and searing it.

Me (Mad Jack): You good?
Jason: Hell yeah.

He then shoved a 37mm round into the cannon and aimed the gun. I then fired the gun, we then fought the rest of the battle like this.

[POV of Buddy]

I then got into the Rolls-Royce and grabbed the gas valve and started pumping gas into the engine. I then pinched the ignition switch and turned it to the right.
[Grrruuurrrrruurrrrruurrrrurrrrrrurrrrrrr chtt rumm rummm rummmmmmmmmm]

Me (Buddy): Yeeeaaaahhh!
Skull: Lets do this!

I then put the Rolls into first and slam on the accelerator, The Rolls returns the favor with a mighty jolt. Before I knew it, I had the Rolls in fourth gear at 45 Miles Per Hour. Skull fired at the Germans with the Lewis gun that was mounted in the turret above, the sound and hot brass rolling down my back was cringable though. I then pulled out a cigarette and lit the lucky lighter I had in my breast pocket. I then seen that Mad Jack drove into the building, so I joined him. Skull screamed at me not to, but we went in through the hole in the wall. The vehicle started bouncing and Skull was going hard on the trigger... then I crashed into the back of the tank. The truck then fell silent, and the tank fired a 37mm shell which shook the Rolls-Royce and made us feel like we were inside a bell.

Skull: Fuck, they are everywhere! Get this damn thing running!

I then pumped gas and turned the ignition switch, it didn't start. I then tried again, and again... but still nothing. I opened the door and got out quicky, I jumped over the hood and onto the other side of the truck and seen the problem. When I crashed, I jammed a Goddamn pole through the engine. I then pulled Skull out, he was pissed that he had to leave the Lewis Gun behind. Just then a shell flew through the Rolls-Royce truck (where we would have been), hit the back of the Renult tank, and it ricochet off the tank and through the ceiling of the compound before exploding. Then the Renult tank, which was driven by Mad Jack, went through the other wall of the compound. We looked over to see this massive steel Rhombus shaped thing coming through the wall in which we had entered.

Skull: Fuck this...
Me (Buddy): RUN!!!!

Skull and I ran out of the compound with a few bullets chasing after us, but it had nothing compared to whatever the hell that... thing... was. We hid behind a busted down German prototype tank and saw this lunking thing come out of the building. It looked like a large gray mass and had a gun on the front, back, and sides. Jay and mike then joined us.

Mike: damn... that ugly fucker is known as a Strumpanzerwagen or the A7V. 
Jay: How the fuck do you know that?
Mike: I play world of tanks...

Mike then crawled towards the tank.

[POV of Mike]

Do da do... gonna fuck shit up... do da do... gonna blow that weird shit up. I snuck through the wet fuckin' grass and cold Goddamn mud towards the big gray steel asshole. I then seen the the a running Mk.IV and opened the door, and saw a German.

German: "Oh Scheiße, Amerikaner! [oh shit, American!]"
Me (Mike): Yippe-Ki-Yay motherfuckers.

I then pulled out my MP18 and blasted him, and then killed the other two. The other guys finally joined me and entered the tank. We then slowly drove towards the A7V, it was like cow tipping, almost fun it is. I then had Buddy and skull fire the guns and punch two holes in the Enormous German tank, they then sent another round into it for good measure. Sure there was only twenty of those things... but it is fun nother the less.

Me (Mike): finally glory holes big enough to fit my massive fucking balls.

I said this as we passed the wrecked tank, it seemed sadistic after I said it though. We took on thirteen tanks and only took 7 hits, only 1 pierced the armour and scared the shit out of us. Mad Jack and Jason were killing so many tanks that they had to jump from tank to tank so that they would have one that wasn't wrecked. Nako had grabbed a 1918 T-Gewehr and was savagely going from tank to tank. Brax was tossing granades into dead German tanks and making sure the tanks were no longer usable. Our job required us to use the alcahol we found in overtaken tanks, we were drunk off our fuckin' asses!

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