29 Spies at Leipzig

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[1000 AM, Day 10]

[POV of Jason]

I got us civilian clothes, we wore beat up suits. I then walked us towards the train which dropped us close to Belgium. I then gave the team their very own fake passport, along with brief cases for their uniforms. They got their pistol rigs custom to their fighting style. I then got into a debadged 1917 Mack delivery truck, the others unfolded the tarp for the back. The was a small wood stove in the back and they used it, I however lit up my pipe and smoked it.
[2100 PM]
I could see the Germans marching down the streets, their boots made clacking noises so that people wouldn't be as likely to be outside at night. The truck however was fairly loud and had a sloppy shift pattern, that all followed by German soldiers cussing me out for hitting them directly with the headlights. I then found the 'Taverne' and pulled into small garage beside it. I bought two rooms and 4 bottles of Schnapps, then I dragged the other bafoons up the stairs before they could us their atrociously bad German. Skull was the only other person who could speak some German, but he had a heavy American Accent.

[POV of Mad Jack/Jack Redmun]
[0800 AM earlier today]

I got up early, Amélie had her arm wrapped around me and her head on my shoulder. I pulled her closer to me, as I did this her leg came up and wrapped around my legs. When I got up she looked at me.

Amélie: why do we have to leave so early?
Me (Jack Redmun): we have to get to Germany, we have a mission there.
Amélie: Can I come with you?
Me (Jack Redmun): You are never leaving my side again, never where you aren't safe.

I then got dressed in some civilian clothes, and helped Amélie get her corset and stalkings on. I gave her my trench coat, and we walked to the café down stairs. Noa followed close behind us, I gave him some stale bread that he graciously ate. After a while Mike and a Girl joined us, we then sat and talked our plans.

Me (Mad Jack): so... will your friend be joining us.
Mike: Yes, she will.
Girl: Bonjour, mon nom est Eve Amiliá [hello, my name is Eve].
et oui je vais rejoindre! [And yes I will be joining!].

Eve then grabed Mike Crotch, this made Mike sigh out in pleasure. Eve was wearing a mid length dress, sweater, and fishnet stalkings. Eve and Mike then kissed. After a small breakfeast of tomato stew and Croissants, we loaded into the car. I then put wool blankets over the girls in the back seat. Mike sat in the front with a Luger in his coat pocket, he was wearing a newsboy cap. The girls huddled up againt eachother, then Noa got ontop of the blanket on their legs. We laughed and joked all the way to Germany, when we got there it was late.
[2200 PM]
The girls were sleeping on eachother, and Noa was watching the German soldiers steadily.

Me (Mad Jack): How's your German?
Mike: bad, yours?
Me (Mad Jack): Fluent, so you are goung to have to act a bit slow... mentally.
Mike: and the Girls?
Me (Mad Jack): have them avoid conversations...

The head lights danced down the streats and along the old German buildings. The cobblestone had an occasional hard bump, but all in all the roads were strait. I then saw the 'Taverne' Jason spoke of in the plan. I pulled into the Garage and slung a tarp over the vehicle. The tavern was old with oil lamps and an old dark wooden bar. Behind the bar was old casks and dusty bottles, and the side opposite was a big fireplace surrounded by small tables and chairs. I then had Mike take the Girls up stairs, then I saw Jason pass Mike on the stairs and look at me.

Jason: Stört es Sie, wenn wir uns privat unterhalten? [Do you mind if we talk in private?]
Me (Mad Jack): Überhaupt nicht, warum gehen wir nicht in die Garage? [not at all, why don't we go to the garage.]

Jason walked with gusto towards the door and held it open for me. We then got close to the truck, he was packing his pipe with back of a match. He then struck the match on his pants and lit his pipe.

Me (Mad Jack): So what did you want to talk abou...
Jason: You damn well know what I want to talk about!
Me (Mad Jack): I found her, I thought I would never see her again.
Jason: Maybe so... But I lost two good soldiers today. You men must keep track of the women, if they die...
Me (Mad Jack): They wont...
Jason: You better fuckin' hope so. Mike is not the type guy who should be heart broken, and you have had your inners exposed.

He puffed on his pipe and leaned onto the fender of the truck. I sat on the other fender and put my head in my hands.

Jason: You will take the girls and meet us in the Zepplin-Staaken R.VI, it should have enough room for all of us.
Me (Mad Jack): Allright, are we going somewhere?
Jason: To the neutral dimension, after that I am going back to our home dimension and resting.
Me (Mad Jack): Alright. You ok.
Jason: No... I am not.
Me (Mad Jack): wanna talk.
Jason: Fuck no... I'm gonna get some sleep, if I can. I suggest you do the same.

He then tapped his pipe on the edge of the fender and walked back inside. Jason was getting angrier, and it was not these battles doing it to him. He acted as if he were easily expendable and he never talked about his fiancee. There was alot of stuff he wasn't telling us, and I was going to get to the bottom of It.

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