38 Special (I)

7 0 0

Neutral Demension
1300 PM
Fall time

[POV of Mad Jack]

I sat at the dinner table with my arm around Amélie, she layed her head on my shoulder. I then seen Jason walking towards us, there was a fire inside of him that he was using enormous amount of might to keep in. Brax and Nako followed him, they were in hysterics after a joke one had mentioned. The three sat at out table, Brax and Nako instantly got into the conversation cycle and was making everyone laugh... exept Jason. Amélie told me to take Jason to RHB, she truly was my better half. I got up and walked over to Jason.

Me (Mad Jack): Ya want to go on a ride.
*Jason looked up*
Jason: Sure...

He then got up and we walked outside, we walked down the stairs and carried a light conversation. The Valet then walked up the steps and handed us a key.

Valet: Your Duesenberg keys sir.

The valet then continued up the stairs towards the old man. At the bottom of the steps was a 1928 Duesenberg Model J at the bottom of the steps, it had green fenders and hood and the center was an off-silver. We then got into the car, its tan leather interior felt amazing. I then started the car and drove towards Rocksville, I assumed since the car was from the twenties that RHB meant for us to go there. We drove down the winding roads towards the town, on the way we saw a hitchhiker in a black suit. We stopped and Jason opened the trunk and pushed open the rumble seat. The man then got into the car, he layed his briefcase beside him on the seat.

Me (Mad Jack): where to?
Hitchhiker: just to town...
Jason: where you from?
Hitchhiker: around...

Sensing the man didn't want to talk we drove into town and stopped beside the post office, the man then got out and closed the rumble seat. He then handed Jason a pocket watch and thanked us. Jason popped open the watch and stared at it, he seemed fixated on it. I then saw there was a picture of Anna and the watch hands weren't moving, I looked for the hitchhiker but he was nowhere to be seen. Jason then looked at me confusion.

Jason: why would that man have this?
Me (Mad Jack): where is it?
Jason: what the fuck?

Jason searched the floorboards, his pockets, and the ground around the car. Seeing that it wasn't anywhere to be found, we drove on towards RHB's shop. We got out of the Duesenberg and walked into RHB's shop, he was working on a Colt Single-action Navy.

RHB: Hmm, hey guys, how's it going?
Me (Jason): Well...
*RHB looks up*
RHB: If you ever want to tell me the truth, I'm all ears...
Me (Mad Jack): do you want me to leave?
Jason: Maybe so...

I sat in the car and waited, Ronald Reagan then drove his Model A truck up beside my car.

Reagan: Looks like somebody's movin' up in the world...
Me (Mad Jack): The car is a rental...
Reagan: Alright... If ya ever wanna talk, I'm at cattle farm a mile southeast of the city.
Me (Mad Jack): will do...
Reagan: alright, Nancy is probably waiting on me, good day!
Me (Mad Jack): You too, sir.

Ronald Reagan then drove down the streets at a slow pace, A man then got in the car. He tilted the whiskey bottle back and took a big swig, he put his guitar between us. It was Merle Haggard, he actually just stumbled into my car.

Merle Haggard: Mind Drivin' me home boy?
Me (Mad Jack): Not at all.

I started up the car and drove, he pointed out the directions. Some of roads that weren't brick were a slushy mud, I drove fast so I wouldn't get stuck. I then got him home and helped him into the house, Johnny Cash and Gene Autry walked up to the portch.

Johnny Cash: that damn fool let himself go again!
Gene Autry: boy, you liquored him up.
Johnny Cash: *Sigh* here kid, take this for your troubles.

Johnny Cash then handed me four silver eagles.

Gene Autry: Looky here kid, you seem like the type who does stuff in his freetime. If you ever get worn of the usual... we sure could use a cab boy.
Johnny Cash: with my drunken fool ass you'd make some money.
Me (Mad Jack): I might just do that.

I then said my good byes and drove back to RHB's shop, there Jason and RHB exited the building laughing and carrying a conversation. Jason opened up the ruble seat and got in the back. RHB got in beside me, he was smiling and pulling a cigar out of his pocket.

RHB: Jackie, why don't you drive us around.

I did as he asked and drove around town, then I drove on the back roads until I seen a massive French looking Chateau. I stopped the car and looked at it, then looked to RHB whom seemed to avoid wanting to talk about the building.

Me (Mad Jack): What's that place.
*RHB cringed*
RHB: why don't we leave that topic off the table...

We then Drove on, then back to his house where we dropped him off, and then back to the Inter-Demensional. We met up with the others and had an elegant dinner.

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