Backstories 3

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RHB and the Regulators Circle
[POV of Mysterious Man]

RHB came to the Neutral demension when he was search for a lifestyle alternative. He saw what had happened to the old world part of the demension and felt their was a need to leave it be, but preserve it at the same time. He built the massive and expansive structure on the opposing side of the canyon and left a single narrow bridge for crossing. He then stocked the Museum with artifacts he came across and started collecting people to work there, yet he felt that the power he had needed to be dispersed. He then brought his friends and formed what is called "the Regulators circle", and they basically fixed other worldly problems and demensional tears and made it look like it never happened. RHB then installed the Interdemensional disruption device (IDDD) and made it to where every demensional traveler had to pass through the neutral demension to cut the risks of demensional tears. That, and the fact that he could then track the movements of the travelers so that they could not change the enitial outcome of a demension to catastrophic measures. RHB set ground breaking standards and rules that had to be followed, they were known as "the 12 golden commandments." It benefited all whom passed by, by giving them information and standards. After 20 years RHB came to the realization that nothing aged in the Neutral demension's grounds, this includes people, thus meaning that he got to explore a lot of places and stay young. After 100 years of operating the hotel he had to order the execution of the first criminal of the neutral demension. The executions are done via 12 man gunning, this insures that the criminal is dead. Criminals are then put in alcahol and be preserved as a reminder to follow the rules. The friends he had were very different from one another and held firm but differing view points, yet one common thing between them and that is that they all wear tan trench coats and black fedoras, that way they would not be recognized.

Jay Pharoe
[POV of Jay]
Highschool years
[Moon Baby by Godsmack plays in back ground]

I was sitting in my heavily rusted 1970 Chevy Malibu and listening to the radio, I had done this everyday before school. I then got out and crushed my cigarette against the wheel, and pulled my collar up on my neck. I then went about my school day as usual, until the bully started messing with me.

Bully: Sup, pencil neck...
Jay: Not much...
*tried to walk by*
Bully's friend: that's not how you greet someone dirtbag.
Jay: look... Just leave me alone.
Wilson [friend]: What's going on?
Bully: Fuck off freak...
Bully's friend: yeah, fuck off...
Jay: Leave... Me... Alone... Motherfucker!
Bully: oooooh we gonna have some fun.

The bully swung at me and bashed my lip knocking me down, I then got back up and saw hom swinging again. I held up my elbow and felt the bones in the bully's hand breaking around my elbow, he then shrieked in pain. He quickly swung again, but I pushed his slower fist away from me, turned him away, and slammed his head against the brick wall. He then got back up and readied a figthing stance... but I then kicked the inside of his left leg's knee causing a dislocation And him to fall, then I slapped his ears with both hands causing him to cover his ears, then with all my force I slammed my fist into his throat. Then the Bully's friend flicked open a pocket knife and grinned at me, but Wilson got behing him with and angered look. Wilson kickied the fucker behind the knee knocking him down, then grabbed the bully's friend hand with knife in it into the wall causing him to drop the Knife. The Wilson slammed the Bully's friend's head against the wall two or three times and slammed his head against the gound. Wilson picked up the knife and put it in his pocket and helped me get away from the scene.

Wilson: You doing ok?
Jay: Yeah... how do you fight like that?
Wilson: kids on the street know me as SKULL.

Mad Jack
[POV of Mad Jack]
Siberia, 5 years ago
[Bochka, Bass, Kolbaser by XS project played on radio]

I drove closer to the old soviet prison camp, the 1960 Ford Anglia's upgraded 4.7L Cobra engine would sound mean if it didn't have to be so heavily muffled. I stopped the car about 600 feet away beside a snowy hill and threw the large white blanket I had over the car. The fur inside my jacket kept me semi-warm in the hellatioisly cold snow outside. I twisted the suppressor on my snow camo MP40, my old soviet snow camo matched the snow well enough to let me pretty close to the compound. I was working as a sub-mercenary for Redwater, it was a rip off version of other such companies but offered some other pros and cons, one of it's major cons had to have been that the assignments we were given could only be carried out sloppily.
[Skip 30 minutes]
I was inside the gates of the prison and was staying low and out of gaurd's sight, the snow made it easy to mask bodies but would show blood, so I used my knife alot. I then snuck up to the gate that led to a section of the prison camp that would lead me to my target. The guards were half asleep standing at the gate so I used my grapling hook and scaled the wall, once I was over I climed down easily. I then climbed on the back of the buildings until I seen the target.
[30 minutes later]
I got on a snow mobile and ripped ass out of there, the 7.62x39mm bullets were slapping the ground all around me. I then saw a crate and grapped what was inside with out looking, it was an RPG. I then saw the gate and with one hand fired the RPG blowing open the gate, after that I sped through and out of the camp, and back to the Anglia. I then floored the Anglia and got the hell out of there.

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