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Warning: Brax and Nako stories, as you may know, are vulgar and contain drug and alcahol abuse to go along with heavy chaos and Gore ridden violence... Viewer discretion is advised!

Brax and Nako's Adventures: Chaos at the Midpoint

Neutral Dimension, Bardshire
The Pad
20:00 PM
Month, day, Year: Fuck if I know... look at a calander!

[POV of Nako]

I was both sober and bored one day and grabbed Brax and I's files. As it turns out, they are correct to the Tee, they had information about us that we even had forgot about... or were too wasted to remember. We graduated at our high school with top remarks, we both had high IQ's and GPA's... we were in all standards, Genious level thinkers. This isn't bullshit, but as some may say, we past our line from genius to insanity looong ago. We, even at high school, were known as trouble makers... we often laughed at eachother because of a stupid joke or something we saw on Reddit. But, that seems... like we missed opportunities that were nearly giving themselves to us, it was as if we set ourselves on a path to self destruction.... I truly do thank Jason for bringing us here.
Brax had some of his girls spread across him, the girls were half naked as he stayed adorned in his punk look. I looked at my badass looking tattered clothes and wondered why they were blurry... I went to a mirror and seen the eye patch covering my right eye... I remember loosing it.  I realized that I needed to be sharper from now on, that Brax and I would have to slow up on the psychotic drugs and other such intoxicating things, we shall now focus on the opportunity we have been given... but we going to put our twist on this FUCKING CAKE! THIS IS OUR TIME TO RISE GODDAMNIT, WE ARE GOING TO EARN THE LIQUOR, THE METAL, THE PUSSY! SOME HIGHER BEING IS SPEAKING TO ME, WHETHER IT BE GOD, ZEUSS, OR VALHALLA ITSELF... WE MUST ASCEND FROM DARKNESS  AND REAP HAVOC ON OUR ENEMIES!
[Some Heads are gonna roll by Judas Priest comes on the Juke Box]
I grabbed Brax by Hand and pulled him from the sex couch, I grabbed our rifles from the rack and pushed Brax into the Blown 1970 Chevelle, I got into the beast of a ride and slamed the thing hard. I drifted to a stop infront of RHB's house. RHB came out his house with a revolver in his hand and was half dressed. He walked up to my car.

RHB: what the fuck are you guys doing...
Brax: I have no clue...
Me (Nako): we are going to kick some ass, clean some shit up for ya...
RHB: can it wait until it isn't 10 O'fucking clock outside of my house...
Me (Nako): just throw us something!
RHB: I might have something up your alley actually, but it is very risky...
Brax: Fuck it, we'll take it!
RHB: ok, Radian needs his cocaine to keep his crazy fuckin' people in Triosonic sane enough to deal with... like coke makes people sane I know... anyways, if you could make sure his candy never hits the streets again... that would cause chaos in his city.
Me (Nako): We can deal with a Bad Drug deal... thanks, R...
RHB: Fuck... Good Luck, stay safe.

He backed away from the car as we sped away, Nako and I then connected our machines to the radio and set them for Triosonic. A flash of light appeared around us, the ground below shook into nothing, the cars steering wheel turned into some sort plane like steering wheel as tires turned to rocket thrusters. The light came to a close as our car fell from the sky... The engine roared as the thrusters spat their blue flame.
[Mixtape falls into radio... Spoonman by Sound Garden plays on Chevelle's radio]
Brax yelled "oh, fuck" as we dropped, I then pulled the wheel back towards my chest and pulled out of the free fall. We saw traffic going through the free floating, multi-level, people filled streets. It looked like something off a cheesy 80's Sci-fi movie mixed with the Starwars prequels...

Brax: man... this place is cool, You have got to stop by some of these shops.
Me (Nako): One better, We'll try to find some light sabers!
Brax: if we do, I will build a fuckin' statue of you...
Me (Nako): well, this  Chevelle should stick in... looks like all those 80's cars have been retro fitted with this tech.
Brax: I already saved the tech to my device... somehow?
Me (Nako): Good man... Lets go fuck with the drug dealers...
Brax: and pick up some badass looking weapons!

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