Backstories 11

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"The necessity of learning the past is so that it's evils cannot be repeated... however, if properly taught, one could use others failure as building blocks to their success"

"The Story of the Young man"
As told by Retired Mother Hassel

The young boy, Jason, was 9 years old when he entered our place of healing. His mother was a... drug abuser, and his father suffered a fatal gunshot wound from an unknown intruder. The boy was frightened and couldn't fight very well, the first few months he was a shy little boy. But... then something happened. Men in Black coats and fadoras came in to our orphanage, they were odd characters. They asked about the child, I was wondering if they had found someone to adopt him, but once they left... they never came back. In the following days Jason went from a shy little boy to an untamed monster. He put kids in our hospital when they tried to fight him, and knew stuff that no 9 year old boy should know... so much so, that it gave him constant Migraines. A month later little Anna showed at our doorstep, we were given... well we were given considerable funding to leave her and Jason alone... and to make it impossible for their adoption.
[News Chanel]
Reporter: former Orphange Mother, Gretel Hassel was found in her house dead this evening. She was found hung in her living room, Police suspect it was suicide. In other News...

[POV of CI]

RHB, that motherfucker did it. He created the men in black, not that alien movie type, but the scary fuckers that don't blink or breath. I saw them the other day, their suits looked cartoonish as their walking was odd. I mean, my Spooks in the grey are really scary, but that shit puts me in fear.
*Ring* *RA-RA-RING*
RHB: hey, C, I fucked up...
CI: what?
RHB: the men in black, I didn't realize what I did...
CI: do I have to deal with them?
RHB: problem is I put the power of the Tiadidamoma in their veins, they cannot be killed, or tamed.
CI: Jesus... what do we do about it?
RHB: just give them stuff to do... EB has the creeps walking in and out of the place... They are also getting onto NK and MD, they are collecting information, numbers and Technological information. And soon, they are coming for you... I am soo sorry.
CI: well fuck, I will let them hang out in the basement... where they belong.
RHB: oh, and don't look into their eyes or attack them. They may are may not be able to hypnotize people with their eyes and turn people to dust with their hands...
CI: is there anything else...
RHB: they have super speed, super strength, have an IQ of 700, can use 100% of their brain, their eyes can glow so they can see it the dark, they cannot die, they understand every language, and they can go invisible.
CI: well goddamn, can you put a bell on their neck or something.
RHB: I gotta Go.

Well this couldn't get any worse!

Man in Black: Hell CI.
Man in Black: are you done?
CI: go to the basement, you heard the conversation!
Man in Black: alright, come on boys.

A hole bunch of scrawny coated men in fadoras then appeared in my office and left through my door.


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