32 Conforming (I)

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Ellis De Stella
June 19th 0900 AM

We arrived back at the Pig Pen, we all had a round off coffee then went about our day as if we were here the whole time. I walked down the wet cobblestone streets, the sky was gray and seemed saddened by my arrival. As I got to my room Mr. Higgin was locking my door, he then turned and looked at me.

Mr. Higgin: Why are you home so early?
Me (Jason): I had a pretty interesting day already and need a nap.
Mr. Higgin: I see, well then... don't let me keep you.

He then wandered back down the hall. I entered my room to see brewed coffee in the kitchen and Mail on the Table. I sorted through the mail and found a large yellow envelope, it had only my mailing address on it. I opened it and found three folded papers, they were definitely government. The first letter read:
"Dear Mr. Garand
It is with much hesitation that I inform you that you dishonorable discharge has been lifted, in its place is a bad conduct discharge. Your accuser was found dead, via suicide, with a letter confessing his guilt. In other terms, your accuser was lying. You will not be allowed to rejoin the military or its services, but you may find solice in this document.
In good health, John Smith."
I read this with relief and yet anger, I was still guilty about something I did not do. I then saw the certificate of discharge and seen part of my awards were given back to me, but not all. I shoved the papers back into envelope and put it in the filing cabnet beside my desk. Walking down the spiral staircase made the memories flow, I avoided the sadness and went to bed.

[2200 PM]

I got up to use the restroom, after I was done using it, I then went up the spiral stairs to my desk. I sat in the chair and looked out the bomber window, only a few people were walking in the streets. It looked like it had rained, the streets were slick looking and the cars looked wet. I put on my black trench coat and exited my appartment, Higgin's shop was closed and dark. The antiques in the shop looked eerie in the dark. I got out to the garage and opened the wooden door, my hands were wet from the metal handles so I wiped them on my coat. I then got into my '64 Barracuda and drove into the alley and closed the wooden garage doors behind me. I then drove the winding country roads through the woods, the fog then made me slowdown as my high beams were doing the best they could to split through it. I then got to the peir on the other edge of the Island. I parked the car and locked it, then I found an old row boat and pushed off into the water. I rowed towards the small island, I saw the dead trees surrounded by grave stones and area of uncut brush. On the edges of the island were mosleums and above ground graves due to the rise and fall of the waves, yet there was still old graves being washed away, the only thing left was the worn stones peaking out of the ocean. I tied the boat off on the decrepit docks, there was a single run down wooden house that was owned by the groundskeeper. The groundskeeper died long ago and his house was now returning to the earth. It had been 10 years since I was here last, it was still as dark and gloomy as that time. I walked through the grave yard and its shallow pits, graves were like growth rings in a tree except backwards... the older graves were on the outer sides of the island. There were graves ranging from as old as the 1780s and as modern as 1980s. Yet there was only one grave here that was only 10 years old, and that was the one I was headed towards. There were intricately made stones with busts of the former, elk heads, logs, and fully carved figures. I got to the center where I found Anna's Grave, there was a life sized carving of her. Her statue depicted her standing up with her arms extended. I fell before her grave and layed my head on her feet.

Me (Jason): Why are you in this dark, cold, place. Did I fail you? What could I have done differently? I want you back, but I don't know how I could forgive you. I shouldn't have worked for Baskilov, you told me not to. I really meant it when I asked for your hand in marriage, and you will be the only one I ever ask for. I will be with no other woman for I am devoted to only you.

I looked up into her eyes, those wonderful eyes. I then got her wedding ring out of my breast pocket and put it on the statue's finger.

Me (Jason): I know you and I would be the happiest couple ever, I only wish I had died with you.

I then turned and made myself walk away, it was super hard to do. I slowly walked past the weary grave stones towards the wooden boat, then from the boat to my car, the back to town. I then called my brother, he didn't seem to know what the hell I was talking about until I told him about the night dad died. We talked for about twenty minutes, he then told me that we should meet at the burger joint that evening. After agreeing we said our goodbyes to eachother and hung up.
[Beds are burning by Midnight Oil comes on]
I was casually driving when I saw the tree in the middle of the field, it was where Anna and I had first went after leaving that horrible orphanage. I then looked into the woods to an old car wreck, I went onto the side of the road. I got out of my car, locked it, and walked towards the accident. The car wreck was atleast 80 years old. The car was a 1932 Ford Coupe, the front of it was wrapped around a tree. I then found a skeleton with a deteriorating suit on, in his right hand was a brief case. I opened right door and picked up the brief case. It had papers and other stuff, and an invitation to a mansion. It said it was here on Ellis, Odd that we didn't find this before. I then opened the glove compartment and found a .38spcl Colt Police positive and a couple of moon clips of ammo. I then dumped the ammo out of the gun into my hand, it had a little bit of corrosion, The rounds on the moon clips looked fine though. I pointed the gun in the air and pulled the trigger six times and checked the barrel. The gun seemed fine, I then put the gun in my pant pocket. I then drove back to my place and got some rest before meeting with my brother.

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