5 Bistro (I)

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The Bistro
Ellis De Stella

After taking a 45 minute nap in the car, I woke up to house of pain by faster pussycat. I went home and changed into a twead jacket, brogued brown oxfords, and a bow tie. I always liked to go for that professor like feel, it infact was one of my job opportunities... lets not talk about that now. I parked on the opposite side of the street and looked at the luxury dinning palace, It consisted of 4 armed gaurds and a sniper on the opposite side of the street in a small room. It also had a red carpet rolled out onto the walk with a valet standing by the door. I got out and walked towards the door, the guards realized who I was and tried to keep their eyes off me. Baskilov said I could have owned this place if I wanted it, should have taken him up on the offer. As I entered I was Immediately greeted with the smell of caviar mixed with a particular high grade Italian food you don't get the pleasure of often. Hookah pipes were along the walls on small round tables for two. The walls were deep red and had a velvet like texture to them. Also on the walls were Italian art and miniatures of ancient Statues (probably roman or greek) on pedastules. There was a mediocre sized cocktail bar. The place was packed and I had a short amount of time to scan the room, the goal for me is to act like I know what I'm doing enough to not attract the waiters attention and yet act like I don't know what I'm doing enough to not attract the attention of the many people dining.
I went into the back and was Immediately met with guards with Ak-47u's (no stock, short barrel) and FN 57s in their hips, with about 4 mags per weapon.

Guard [heavy slavic accent]: His is armed!
Gaurd [Italian NY accent]: Why are you armed, kid!
Baskilov: The fuck is this, what is the commotion!
Guard [heavy slavic Accent]: этот человек вооружен! (this man is armed!)
Baskilov: who is it?
Guard [Italian NY accent]: Who is yas?
Me(Jason): Jason Marrow Garand...
Baskilov: what the fuck you fools doin', let him in... and give his gun back.

Baskilov had a rough and round face with some light scars on his right cheeck, this brought out his smile that had a few gold caps that shined in the light. He wore a white suit with a deep red shirt, this matched his thin gold necklace and 4 gold rings which looked a bit small for his semi chubby fingers. He was about 276 pounds, in the front of his pants he always carried a nickle .357 magnum Korth super sport with gold trigger and mahogany grips.

Baskilov: So are you here about your friends?
Me(Jason): Yes sir.
Baskilov: So you know what they did... how am I ever going to get that money back? And what about my daughter, her virginity was taken.
Me(Jason): I will pay you back in something of value, how about that Pierce Arrow I had shipped to the docks?
Baskilov: That pays about 100,000 of it, but it isn't about the money... It is what it represents. And about my fucking daughter.
Me(Jason): You do know she had sex with every member of the football team.... right.
Baskilov: WHAT!
[Baskilov spits out food and spills wine]
Baskilov: that is nothing to joke about, my daughter is not a whore!
Me (Jason): Never said she was, but you might find out what Joqhes at the dock is talking about.... he still goes on about that night as if it were an hour ago.
Baskilov: Fuck, it is a good thing you are like a son to me... anyways I think that guy and I will have a talk.
Me(Jason): about the money, how am I supposed to pay you back?
Baskilov: you know what... forget about it, they are your friends... and as so, so they are mine.
[His eyes stared at the table as he let out a sigh, he then focuses back on me]
Baskilov: I do however have a job for you.
Me (Jason): hmm, lets hear it...

[Blurr scratch scratch]
Operator: fix this damn thing!

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