Backstories 18

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Neutral Dimension
Inter-Dimensional Museum
February 27th
0900 AM

[POV of Jay]

I was strolling down the sections of the museum, the place seemed less impressive now that I've been here a while, it seemed as if the work put into it wasn't as monumental as RHB had originally put on. I also learned something: as soon as you buy a house outside of the Inter-Dimensional lines, you must pay to own that Item. It wasn't a deal breaker, and the item would respawn, and it was cheap even... I just wondered what luck beseeched upon me. Since being here, I've been a racing champion, a war hero, a guy with a large kill count, style is much easier to do, people all have an awesome past, and it is a place where there is unlimited potential. That, and the fact that I have had numerous sexual incounters with women I thought were way above my league. My friends joked about me, but at some point I had to start carrying prophylactics in my wallet. I was wearing a blue sports coat, tan slacks, brown wing tips, a white shirt and light blue tie with a navy colored fadora... I walked into the gun section, it seemed necessary for the call to action I was put on. Even though the military was on leave, we were all handed important missions... it seemed as if nobody was supposed to know what the other was doing. I grabbed Savage 110 tac 300-win-mag with a Forty Power Osprey scope, the information on it said it was sighted for 600 yards. The price was $50 to buy it... the gun was easily worth $1200 in Ellis, and that was from Marcus with a discount. Marcus was a prick, he was feeding off the good people of Ellis De Stella, the Bizarre always had good prices... but the Inter-Dimensional had the best damn price anywhere. I bought the gun, even though I planned on renting it, took it to the range and made sure it was sighted in propperly. I then looked back at my 1920s DeSoto and realized it wasn't the best car I could get. I realized I was fucking around, but, I had money falling out of my ass after the last couple of private hits I'd done for CI. I drove past the dealerships until a car caught my eye, it was an Aston Martin DB2. The slick little car could easily be modified to be quick little car. I went into the dealership, and what would ya know, Bad Bax owned the dealership. Turns out, Bax had made a serious deal for it and made the previous owner the CO-owner... in turn the old owner would take 20% of the profits Bax made. Anyways, I walked in, talked to Bax, did some paperwork, and bought the car for $1,500... which was a fair deal for it... pretty steep for the fifties though.

[1200 PM]

After alot more procrastination time, I decided to get going on my mission. I set my new Tiadidamoma (series B, arm length model) to the Dimension I needed to go to. The Model B Tiadidamoma wasn't exactly like Jasons, but it was the same as the Regulator's devices... it only cost $20,000.

Dimension: BOR-628-3949172
Tokyo, Japan
D-Time: 21:45 PM

My target, via an unknown source and assigned to me by CI, was some guy that worked part time for Radian. The guy was some fat fuck with a pudgy face... he happened to be Asian (probably Korean by some facial features that weren't incased by blubber). The mission was fairly easy, and I found that no one really questions a black guy with a chello case. I entered a hotel and asked for room 324.

Me (Jay): I work for Universal Exports, I reserved room 324.
Japanese Clerk: Name Please?
Me (Jay): Charles Jefferson...
Japanese Clerk: Ok... alright sir, here are your keys... would you like someone to carry your case?
Me (Jay): No thanks, I can manage.

I went to the elevator and pused the button for the third floor. Once on that floor I didn't break course from my room, I figured I would be good once inside.
I set up shop and noted the balcony for the room. I went onto the balcony and set up a digital wind direction reader, this would allow me to know how hard the wind was blowing and which direction it was coming from... this would allow me to adjust and hit the target with an effective shot. I used ballistic tipped varmint ammunition with big game calibered guns, the bullet opens on impact and ripped open the inside of the "animal" you are shooting. I seen that the the wind was coming from behind where I was going to be shooting, and it was at half value... seems I wouldn't have to adjust my aim much. I twisted the suppressor on my rifle and opened the door to my balcony, now that is done, I then layed on the floor inside the room and aimed towards the third story window that was five over from the left, and ranged it at 580 yards directly infront of me. Now I wait.

[2 hours later]

The fat fuck entered his apartment, he was wearing some sort of propper-like asian robes or some shit. I watched the guy set a brief case down on the bar counter, he then opened it and revealed bags of drugs. This guy must be how Radian is getting his drugs, not for long though. The guy opened his fridge, I aimed a little above his head and shot. I felt myself flich... fuck... I watched through the scope. The bullet bust through the glass and hit the guy in the neck, blood spashed everywhere... the guy fell and rolled around. Blood spray from his neck covered the entire appartment as the guy kept moving, but soon he stopped and the blood stopped spewing all over the place. I packed up my stuff, took a restroom break, and took the drinks from the mini-fridge. I waited another twenty minutes until the clerk changed and took the elevator downstairs. I turned in my keys, tipped well, and left both the hotel, grabbed some pocci sticks, then exited the Dimension. I then drove to Buddy, Skull, and I's place and found a packet full of money in my mailbox.

Note From CI:
"Good Job killer, that fat ass was giving Radian all the Cocain and Heroin he could get. Now that Radian can't get a steady supply of drugs, his people are going to riot about it.

Pay as usual plus some extra."

Yeah some extra, this is a Million friggin' dollars, I can now buy my own place... heard there were some big houses south of the cities.

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