95 Homefront (I)

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"I have roamed my entire life... I have now found home here... And I'll be damned strait to hell if someone takes it from these good people!"

Neutral Dimension
Outside the city of Rocksville.
May 20th
14:14 PM

[POV of Buddy]

[Fall of an Empire by Nothgard plays on Tiadidamoma]

After getting out of our wedding Tuxes and into our combat gear we helped get the women to safety in the Inter-dimensional. We were adorned in our signature battle dress uniforms (my camo was Urban Night Digital), tactical vests,
Helmets/caps, and face paints. Jack Redmun looked like a paratrooper, Skull looked like Russian heavy trooper, Mike looked like CIA guy (suit with mag pouches and holsters lining his mid section), Jay looked like a Vietnam era SOG unit guy, Brax and Nako wore the battle leathers (they looked like angry metal heads), Kolten looked like Rambo, Bad Bax was wearing some sort of power armour, and Jason was wearing a SOG uniform with the edit of Bart Hale's Jacket... we all looked like war fighters... now lets mean it. Mad Jacket ran into the museum, he took fifteen minutes and rolled out the front of the museum with a M26 Pershing. A radio with Peavey speakers attached to its back rang.
[War Pigs by Black Sabbath plays from M26 tank]
We hopped onto the tank and rolled into town, the tank proved to be halpful ally when it came to enemy armour. We got off the tank only to leave kolten to assist Mad Jack with the gun operation. We ran through the once calm streets of Rocksville, they were lined with the bodies of enemies. The attack had been heavy, but with Mike giving everyone a head start... the casualties were very minimal. We took quarters in the ruined building where other soldiers were. We walked from the first floor up the rickety stairs to the not-so stable second floor.

Sargent Leary: up shit creek?
Radioman: dumb fucks claim they have a surprise... we can't wait for that!
Sargent Leary: Right! Alright, you guys know what to do... give 'em hell.

We did as the other soldiers did, and started sweeping the city. Jay and a few other marksmen got into the chruch and after a while gave us overwatch. Skull, Brax, and Nako with half the squad took the opposing street. Jason and I, along with the other half of the squad, headed towards the Rissian section as they headed towards Bardshire. The extreme east hadn't been hit that hard... and they were the ones with MGs. We took to a building facing the wall and layed down fire on the enemy who was spread down the street. They were sleeping and hit them hard, their numbers dropped as they scrambled for cover. The enemies who put up too much of a fight were picked off by the snipers. I jumped from my cover and dolphin dived behind a shot up Cadillac. I saw they were still focused on the building behind me, so I made my move. I crawled beside the wrecked cars until I could see the enemies up close and personal. A man above poked his gun out of the window, I grabbed his gun barrel and pulled him halfway through the window, stabbed him in the neck with my Ka-Bar, then dragged his body out of the window. The other Tangoes didn't notice what I did. I threaded the suppressor on my Baretta M9 and crawled into the window. I then took a knee, once inside the window, and peppered the guys to the left of me. They fell dead as the men to the right of me took attention to that. I rolled behind the wall as a slew of bullets crashed all around where I was. I then rolled again crawled behind a bar counter. I drew my AUG-A3 and shot the curious enemies as they came around the corner. The other guys then got into the building, this allowed us to continue forward. We stopped, shit... how were we gonna get through that wall.
[Enter Sandman by Metallica plays from M26 Tank]
A hole blasts a big hole in the wall, then outta nowhere Mad Jack in the M26 tank pass us and go through the fuckin' wall.

Jason: that's one way to get through...
Me (Buddy): atleast we don't have to find a door.


We went through the hole in the wall and found ourselves in a completely different combat session.

Viktor: Come my friends, we have enemies to kill.
Jason: can't refuse Tricky Vik.

Without hesitation we joined the Russian forces in the goal of liberating Hammerlock. We ran went from building to building and eliminated any enemy forces that were too scared to fight... with molotov cocktails. The streets were filled with fleeing enemies that were quickly put down by Machine Gun fire, it seemed as if were just walking around and capping any enemy that begged for mercy... it was brutal... but they asked for it. I then heard a familiar sound.

Me (Buddy): are those Hueys?
Private Nelson: Boy... I haven't seen one of those since I was in 'Nam.
[Cocaine by Eric Clapton played on Heuy's radio]
The Huey Landed close to us and the pilot opened his door.

Pilot: You SOG boys join us, we are gonna send some shit down the necks of our enemies. You Ruskies better find cover... Puff don't care who she hits.
Viktor: Will do, see you comrades later.
Me (Buddy): later man.
Jason: we'll hang later.

We got into the Huey and flew over the citys.

Pilot: hey, stop being lazy back there... Get on that M60... same goes for the other guy.

We manned the M60s and sprayed led at any enemies that ran, we made two and three runs past hard points that people had trouble keeping.

Jason: was this the suprise?
Pilot: this and the overwhelming air superiority that's comin'. This is the first time we've used Helicopters in combat... we had the shitty little medical ones for a while.
Jason: Shit... A Mi tweny four Hind...
Pilot: I don't remember any Hinds... command: this is woody... we go any Hinds?...
Fuck... take 'em down. We got four M72 LAWs back there, Put them to use!

I picked up a LAW, extended the tube, flipped up the safety button and took aim. The Hind noticed us... he fired a rocket which went through-and-through the cabin of our Huey. I took a deep breath and pushed down the fire button. The rocket bounced off the side of the Hind, in return it fired at us. Our Huey started shaking, we were going rapidly forward.

Pilot: fuck, they hit our stabilizer rod.
Jason: I'm on it... hey Bud, don't miss.

Jason crawled out of the helicopter and re-hooked the stabilizer/steering rod. We then regained the ability to Steer and quicly turned. I picked up another LAW and readied it. The Hind came hard and fast towards us, I aimed the LAW at it. I pushed the fire button, the rocket hit the missile launcher magazine on the Hind's right side and caused the helicopter to implode. We then Landed the Huey between Bardshire and Hammerlock. There we found the M26 Pershing Tank parked and where the rest of our SOG team had met up. We drank with the other soldiers and made merry as we had defeated the enemy.

Part III: The Suprise
[Change by Deftones plays on T26's speakers]

[POV of Jason]

I saw a weird looking house, it was like a blurry vision. I walked towards it, it wasn't realistic... how could. I saw the beat up '63 Ford Galaxy in the street... the cracked windows, beer cans on the patio, and the mold covered bricks. I walked up the steps of what seemed to be my old family house. I walked into the kitchen, the blood puddle on the plastic table cloth, the spatter all over the walls... this was... my house. I thought... Grrr... fuck... my head. I walked up the stairs whilst rubbing my throbbing head. I saw someone standing in the window, I drew my 1911 and aimed at the person.

Me (Jason): who are you?
Ricky: you don't know...
Me (Jason): Ricky?... What in the fuck are you doing here?
Ricky: watching you and your soldier pals ruin the invasion.
Me (Jason): You had something to do with this?
Ricky: I've been a part of Radian's force since your little escapade in the OK Corral. He brought me to his city, he gave me wealth... and a way to make my brother suffer for his actions.
Me (Jason): I'm gonna kick your ass.
Ricky: I don't think so.

I felt a hard object smash the back of my head, I only regained consciousness enough to realize I was getting thrown out the second story window of the building.

May 21st
08:00 AM

I awoke in the hospital with more questions than anwsers, If Ricky truely had a part to play in this... I was gonna have to kill him.

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