87 Trust no more (I)

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Neutral Dimension
Soldiers Field
February 25th
0800 AM

[POV of Mad Jack]
[La Vie En Rose by Edith Piaf plays over the graphaphone in the background]

"The truth is it, or is it another lie... the things that have pried at my brain. I will kill the man if it is true!" These words pounded my head as I sprinted through the hall of tin soldiers, these men are only capable of spouting the lies they are told. The soldiers had fearful looks on their faces, they tried to stop me.

Soldier: It's the fucking SONG... EVERYONE TAKE COVER!

As the man yelled the nonsensical phrase I found myself surrounded in a blue hue. I pulled up my Grau 5.56 as my look went back to my worn fatigues, everything  changing around me.

Tiadidamoma Mini- Sir, sorry to say this... but you are in a temporary Twilight transitioning zone, expect anything.

Why is my damn wrist machine talking, what is happening? The hue dissolved and left me in the middle of No-Man's-Land, it looked to be in France in 1916 or 17. The Martini Henry on my back suddenly waved as a harsh wind came up. I looked back to see German Soldiers, in Picklehaube helmets, slowly walking towards me and moaning. I blasted them with my Grau, but they only seemed to stumble back. Their eyes the color of fire as their skin was rotting and brownish, they weren't alive anymore. I started shooting them in the head and watched as they dropped. I looked around me to see I was surrounded, I let my Grau fall to my side strap as I pulled the Welsh Blade from its leg sheath and the shovel from my back pack pouch. I then wrapped my arms with bangages and barbed wire. I slashed through the hoards of undead Kaiser, only after they were dead did a blue hue surround me again. I was then back in soldiers field, I ran down the bridge. The bridge shook  as did my anger, the stones fell from the walkway and towards the ground so far below. Anther blue mist took me and sent me into some Jungle Vietnam.

[The Struggle Within by Metallica plays in the background]

Viet Cong soldier: Lợn Mỹ (American Pig)

I then dropped my shovel and gashed the Charlie's neck with my Welsh blade, I ran through the Jungle and blasted the VC with the Grau as I did. The Hue then left me again as I fell from 20 feet in the air onto the other side of the collapsed bridge. I then pulled a man out of The Willie's MB Jeep and floored it, the soldiers looked at me in Confusion and fear as yet another blue hue engulfed me. Cars raced around me in some 1920s Indy Car Race, I then went through a portal which put me in the middle of San Francisco where the Jeep launched off of a steep hill and smashed a landing. The blue hue then revealed the end of the run way, I tried to stop but it was too late. The Jeep went over the side, I then grabbed the Parachute from the back after learning that the Jeep was part of the Airborne division. I then jumped from the falling Jeep and opened the chute, a red hue then surrounded me and teleported me over the weird mansion in the Neutral Dimension. My head was filled with pain after the events that had happened, it was as if someone was trying to stop me from seeing RHB.

[Take a mental break... sorry packed it in there]

I landed my chute in a willow tree by the door of the place, I cut the paracord with my Welsh Blade and ran into the manor. The place had long halls and grand staircases that were heavily detailed and ingraved, pictures of people lined the walls. I was running fast but I didn't think I was running fast enough to disrupt my cognitive function, I swear I saw the same woman 20 times and noone else. My heart was beating too fast and was making me convulse as I ran, I then fell in a Library. I used all of my might to roll over and catch a breath, I saw the same detailed wood work that was lined up with worn books, the ceiling had Michael Angelo quality painted angels, they all had blue eyes and black hair. I then got up and saw that I was surrounded blue eyed brunettes, they were all dressed Victorian like and looked exactly the same. I gasped and saw I was leaning on a large table. I crawled ontop of it and ran down the line of tables and towards the big door. I then reached it and busted it open with my shoulder which caused me to fall and roll into the courtyard. I stumbled to my feet and saw RHB pointing a revolver at my head, he then lifted the gun's barrel into the air, twirled it, and shoved it into his holster.

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