1 Rough Start (I)

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[Undescript time]
June 9th
Military court
30 miles from Ellis De Stella Isle

The room was this asylum like white with the dark marble floors. The stands stood high and soaked up all the happiness in the room, it was as if everything felt damp and cold... but it was a miserable hot and sticky day. I could feel the sweat dripping to my uniform as tie around my neck felt like an insufferable noose. The Judge came to his seat... Here we go, to the gallows I shall come.
[Radio like screetching]
[45 minutes later]
Me: Damn were loosing this thing aren't we?
Attorney Crockett: yea... I could push for a dishonorable discharge, but there is no honorable one possible... sigh... it's that or 25 years....
Me: shiiiiit.... well I guess you know the anwser.
Enemy attorney: he was a looter, a thief, a liar, and a murderer!
Attorney Crockett: not only are your allegations unsupportable there is barely a base. And you cannot say he was a murderer... It was his Job! The job includes the possibility of killing!
Judge: let the jury come to a result, God I have a headache
[30 minutes later]
Judge: the courts decision... Sigh... Dishonorable Discharge for one Jason Marrow Garand.
My heart stopped... ten years of service gone, no more military paid exploration, no more commeradery, no more... no more.
As I walked out of the court room all the eyes set upon one man... Me.
[two hours later at the military dock]
Sgt. McGuire: sorry to hear about the discharge today Jason, your welcome to stay trained up at our small base in Ellis.
Me (Jason): Thanks Sarge, if you don't mind sparing the boat ride back to Ellis, I would like to go home.
Sgt. McGuire: for you... anything ol' friend.

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