Backstories 17

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"The more the Fuckin' merrier!"
-Joe Barbaro, after the death of Henry Tomisino.

Neutral Dimension
March 1
09:45 AM

[POV of RHB]

After seeing the tech that Brax and Nako found I realized that I was going to have to employ the help of other "assets" I had found. They weren't fond on any Government people, but I wasn't a government guy myself... and I was going to make an offer they couldn't refuse. I got into the red 1958 Plymouth Belvedere Fury, I decided to give my Dart a rest and use a car that fit the era.
[Keep on knockin by Little Richard played on radio]
The rain beat down upon the the hood of the car, it was one of those cinematic like hard rains. I drove down the worn road towards the Comstock-DeWitt manor, I then stopped in the circle by the steps. I second thought myself pushed the column shifter into drive and went to drive, unfortunately, Elizabeth opened the car door and got in before I could leave. She was wearing a blue, button down, belted, sheath dress with white tipped heels and a fancy little hat. I adjusted the fadora on my head and drove away from the manor, she pulled a cigarette from her decorated metal cigarette holder.

Elizabeth: have a light, darling?
Me (RHB): *sigh* please don't call me that, and for Godsakes tell me those aren't cheap cigarettes...
Elizabeth: come on, ease up a bit... you're always so tense.
Me (RHB): sorry, I forgot I had some buisness today.
Elizabeth: what type of business?
Me (RHB): the type, in which, the less you know... the better. But being as you hopped into my car... you get to go on a take your kid to work day.
Elizabeth: do you have a lighter?
Me (RHB): yeah, just push that tab in and wait second... it's just like the Dart's lighter.
Elizabeth: So, what is with the new car?
Me (RHB): Ah, well, other than my other car sticks out like a sore thumb, I thought it would be nice to spice things up a bit.
Elizabeth: well, I like it, but...
Me (RHB): what?
Elizabeth: isn't this car possessed or something?
Me (RHB): when did you read up on Stephen King?
Elizabeth: I have alot of time.
Me (RHB): yeah... this car has some additives to it, like a 354 Hemi in it.

We talked on for a little longer, Elizabeth kept my head on a swivel... that and she was smarter than I ever would be... I just never let her know that. I pulled into my shops garage and left the door open. 1955 Chevrolet 3600 3/4 ton truck set in the garage, it was loaded with necessary trade items.

Elizabeth: you want me to get in the truck?
Me (RHB): Nah, Drive the car behind me.
Elizabeth: I've never drove before... I...
Me (RHB): you've watched me drive, we don't have time to take a test, and you learn things quick... it'll be fine... If you feel like you're gonna crash, let up on the skinny pedal and use the brake a little.
Elizabeth: I... if you think I can do it R.

I rubbed my hand through her hair and kissed her on the forehead.

Me (RHB): You've never disappointed me... and it would be hard for you to do. The accelerator on the car requires a little motivation, not too much though... the car is a fast one. And the roads are a little slick, so if you feel the car start to slide slowly turn into it and then slowly pullout of it. Try not to over correct... you shouldn't have to worry about that though... we're going slow today.
Elizabeth: Thanks dad...
Me (RHB): any time, doll.

I got into the truck a pushed it into first low and drove out of the building, Elizabeth followed me. Every once in a while I would see her get a little squirrelly with the wheel as the headlights danced across my mirrors. After a little ways she was driving like a natural, she learned fast... I know she keeps things from me, and... maybe it's for the best. She reminds me of both my wife and daughter, I have no inner quarrels with saving her, but my wife fell in love with me for the same reason Elizabeth stays close to me... and that hurts me a little. I drove into the Little Italy part of Rocksville which set inbetween Rocksville main, little Paris, and Hammerlock. It is one of those places that is left off the map for good reason. It happens to be the same area where I killed Willard, and where Erma's Backdoor Bar is. Little Italy is not only home to the Mafia groups, but any old world Criminal who wants to keep up their old talents. People Like Dillinger, Pretty boy Floyd, Jessie James, and others like them work small jobs with big pay... so naturally Little Italy is where they want to be. Al Capone, Lucky Luciano, Myers Lansky, Corleone, John Gotti, and other wise guys like that remained as dons of their families. And then there are the gun for hires like Mad Dog Coll, Machine Gun Kelly, and such... these fucks are ruthless and will kill for nothing but jingle for their pockets. Hell their are even small time gangs that will beat the shit outta someone for chump change... they don't get any buisness because of the big guys though... they want to keep us Regulators happy so that they can thrive.
I set up a meeting so that we could have a meet with all of the Mafia families, we were to meet in Scarmino's Caviar facility. The Italian's supplied the Russian's with caviar in return for cheap Makarov pistols. I drove the truck up to the door where a gaurd walked up to the truck.

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